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Bob Lazar's handwritten notes: Can anyone make sense of these images?

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:52 PM
These are some alledged images/notes of Lazar's account of an ET craft outside/inside. Anyone wanna take a stab at these?

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 05:03 PM
"Thats all I know, You'll have to make up the rest"


Thats a statement for ya. I'd think if I was Bob, I wouldn't want *anything* made up to fill in the spaces...I don't think I'd even joke about it.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 05:14 PM

Originally posted by jritzmann
"Thats all I know, You'll have to make up the rest"


Thats a statement for ya. I'd think if I was Bob, I wouldn't want *anything* made up to fill in the spaces...I don't think I'd even joke about it.

Dude! You should make a flying saucer guitar. I'll buy one.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 05:37 PM
I know what the images represent, but the alphabet remains an enigma as far as I am concerned. The one image represents a bird's eye view of the hangar where the craft was kept, the other seems to represent the flight based characteristics of the craft. In another image you have a basic anatomical diagram of a "Gray". The first birds eye view of the craft itself would seem to show the cockpit, with the picture below it showing the view from within.

Some of the symbols look awfully similar to cursive. I see a backwards upside down cursive "a" as well as a cursive "V".

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Very interesting!...Where did you get these images from.

I am busy re-searching some of these pictures!

I dont understand the " thats all i know, you`ll have to make the rest up" and " not as level as youve drawn them"

could it be a message between his co-worker or his hoax friend!

[edit on 18/01/2008 by GUNSINWAR]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 07:13 AM
I can make some of the photos out, especially the first two. Those were included in my Testors model kit booklet. The booklet was awesome and was a total trip to page through. This Bob character reminds me of some 70's acid trip. The rise and fall of '___'. And it's odd for some race that is to be more advanced and intelligent has some goofy alphabet. Chinese. Japanese pops into mind. That's about as smart as I can take it. Their language and form is the craziest most advanced thing on this planet. The other sketches don't really pertain to any insight that focuses on anything foreign or out of this world. I just think the aliens are dumbed down and their eyes are way too big. Start looking up monkeys. Their more fascinating.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:41 AM
the gray alien will not have legs cause if i remember correctly lazar saw it while he was looking through a window in a door

that's probably why he doesn't have the rest of it drawn

thanks for posting these also

[edit on 20-2-2008 by OSSkyWatcher]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:50 AM
Lazar has no credibility as far as I'm concerned due to the lack of evidence supporting his claims and the abundance of evidence weakening them, therefore I put no stock in these doodlings and neither should anyone else if they are interested in maintaining the integrity of the UFO research movement.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 08:54 AM
The image with the cross-section of the UFO shows the gravity field generators. BOB said that they bend spacetime so that the craft just rolls down into a gravity well. this is what this diagram is showing. I think in deep space all three point backwards and focus at a point.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:02 PM
First image : points to the "windows" of the craft. Lazar stated they could become transparent, and could have the HUD with the alien script lines.

Second image: looking out the "window"

Third image: describing the alien text and how it resembled (to Bob) microscopic organisms. it's actually pretty similar to a couple of alphabets used in magical/alchemist scripts, so it'd be interesting to compare with some of those letters... Also, some symbols would rotate/tilt as the craft descended.

Fourth image: Bob explained how a highlighting bar could be brought up to reference specific text, on the HUD

Fifth and Sixth image: show as boxes with X's

Seventh image: inside of S-4, Bob drew a map of the parts of the facility he allegedly visited.

Note, this is mostly all from memory (and yes, the Testor model kit has some cool lit inside, at least in regards to Lazar)....

The image with the cross-section of the UFO shows the gravity field generators. BOB said that they bend spacetime so that the craft just rolls down into a gravity well. this is what this diagram is showing. I think in deep space all three point backwards and focus at a point.

I'm assuming this is one of the images that's now an X... This was the "omicron" configuration used for space/time travel. The generators would focus on a point of space, and basically allow the craft to "attach" itself to the fabric of space/time, and then allow it to "snap back", bringing the craft along with it....(Bob's explanation, as best I remember it)...

Not saying any of this is true, as I'd have no way of knowing, but that is what is being depicted in the pics...

[edit on 20-2-2008 by Gazrok]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by chromatico

What if there were a way to confirm his sketches of the hallway and intersecting/adjacent rooms at S-4? Would that give him (Lazar) more credibility? You would need someone to go on record who has worked there to at least confirm the interior structure of the facility. Any takers?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Not really...two people saying the same thing isn't really all that impressive without other confirmation. First, it'd be better to confirm that S-4 even exists. Given that the entire area and it's surroundings are "lethal force authorized", the list of volunteers is not a long one...

Add to that, that such workers are likely pulling down some big bucks, and have to protect their SCI clearance, and you aren't going to get anything out of them, short of illegal tactics...and that's a long, wrong way to go for a chance at the truth...

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