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New Books Expose Patented UFO Technology, Exotic Propulsion Systems

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posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 09:04 AM

New technology discovered in the patent office details amazing UFO type vehicles and exotic propulsion systems. Use of this technology will revolutionize industry, travel and more.

Sounds like someone trying to sell a book, but I thought I would share to let others dig into it.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 10:33 AM
Well it could be interesting but here is a few reservations.

Just because an idea has a patent does not mean it works.

Many patents are worded in such a way as to satisfy the patent office but to give away as little information as possible.

Several of the titles of the books suggest to me that you could pick up this information yourself on the internet compile a book and publish just as this guy is doing.

This guy isn't just selling a book but 6 volumes, nice touch to maximise profit.

And finally if this information was so important would he not make more money from building the devices rather than selling the books.

I concede that I have not read the books but certainly on initial scrutiny I am skeptical, the day I see this guy flying around in his own anti-grav ufo would be the day I would perhaps consider buying his books.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:50 AM
Probably just stuff like this....

pie-in-the-sky ideas that never made it to even a testable prototype...

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

But look at the level of detail in the diagrams and text!

This doesn't look at all like a "pie in the sky idea" to me, this looks like something somebody spent countless hours and effort working on......

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 02:48 PM
I'd agree with that....but you don't see them flying around either...
A lot of work goes into many things, but that doesn't make them any less "pie-in-the-sky" if nothing comes from them... Think of all the movies in Hollywood that were started, but never saw a screen...even after millions were occassionally put into one...

My point is that just because there is a patent, it doesn't mean it ever was built, or worked...regardless of how detailed it is...(and yep, I picked one of the more detailed just for that illustration)...

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