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Aliens.. Ufo's.. Maybe something more?

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:01 PM
This is something that some kid posted on the web. Kinda makes some since? But who knows

Ok so everyone knows about de-evolution right? It's basically how humans are using technology to solve all our problems and therefore causing our bodies to become dependant on it. Over time, this causes the body to weaken, losing any genetic advantages we have in favor of technology. So instead of letting the enviroment forcing us to evolve, we are changing the enviroment around us with technology causing us to de-evolve. Crazy # right? So anyways, think about what we will look like in the future. No hair, very tall, big hands, very little skin pigment or coloring, ect. ect. Sound familiar? The aliens that people always see when being abducted have little muscle, or evolutionary features that would help them in the wild.

Very much like humans will be in a few hundred years. Now, everyone knows most "alien abductions" are made up by some cooky redneck in the middle of bum# no where, but there are many documented reports of sightings by police and all of the stories share consitency. So there's a big possibility that they might exist. So, what if aliens are really humans from the future? I mean, what kind of advanced race would just come down to study a primitive race by comparison? It seems they would either want to form an aliance, or declare war for control of earth. Yet, they do neither, but just seem to study us. Even ancient Egyptians, Maya, and who knows who else have seen these aliens, and some would say they've gotten even certain technology from them.

So why would they want to help us but not come into contact with us? Could it be they are us from the future, but they dont want to alter the past in a way that would drastically change the future? That they are extremly smart but from years of relying on techonolgy their bodies are weak as #, like how we may become? I've always believed in aliens, but after thinking of this it puts my belief into another perspective about who they might be.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:24 PM
I like the thinking behind this one. It makes as much sence as some other alien theories. (Fighting hard not to mention Anunnaki) Escpecially considering the amount of time travel threads that have been popping up lately
I remember reading nigh on 30 years ago about scientists idea of how we were evolving and it was very much as described here.
Maybe the "abductions" are the future people taking samples or DNA to get the future human race back to its "former glory" by breeding certain traits back into themselves.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT

could be i mean who knows. Why else would all of these UFO's which have been sighted never try to interphere with us? i mean they seem to try to interphere as little as possible, as to not mess up the future to much like the buttefly effect. Maybe they are coming back to this time period primarily because of all the # thats going on.. NWO and everything else.. to make a change, to prevent New World Order and complete chaos from happening.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Wasn't there a movie made years ago that had this same premis? (sp) Wasn't John Boy Walton, the star of the movie? Sorry can't remember his name or the name of the movie, then again, maybe I'm wrong and there was never a movie like this.

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