Do you have a link to a web site that gives information or witness reports?
Sounds like the valley in i think the Nepal/China border area and the dropa people i think i spelt it right, some theories say that they crashed on
earth long ago and survived in this valley leaving behind thousands of circular stone tablets with inscriptions on them.
According to some sources they still live there, there are places like this all over the planet, do some research on the NAGA supposed reptillian race
(in some areas) who where banished underground, in India it is said they flew disk shaped flying machines of great power.
I would like to read about what you posted though thank you for posting.
I have just done some browsing looking for what the poster was refering too, and i found this, it is very sad and very disturbing, nothing to do with
underground races or copper domes,
It is a place where the world it seems forgot, a major battle took place there seems like to the last man, and thats when it stopped, everything,
everyone, was just left dead, lying there until 2001, when someone decided to go and bury the dead, and destroy all the bombs and ammunition,
Avery sad story i am going to study a lot more,
PS dont be put off by the geocities label believe me this is a lost history lots of links related to it.
Again thanks OP for the thread.
[edit on 18/2/2008 by azzllin]