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Was John Lear right?(Lear's Aliens and Cow Blood)

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posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by zorgon
Man you could not be more right in your assertions on the speculative thuoght concerning supposed advanced beings.

This reminds me of a movie some years ago which portrayd an advanced civilization called Aracnoids that were harvesting humans as food on earth, who came every so often to abduct what they needed for their canabalistic needs.


posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

Fair enough.

I am afraid my wording was in reaction to (admittedly admitted) tongue in cheek comments that resembled the normal general public response in discussion of these types of issues.

The point I was trying to make was that the truth may be stranger than fiction, stranger even than John Lear's theories or even stranger than any theory current humankind could conceive.

In fact we should probably expect it to be, it is even logical that it would be, and therefore the most extraordinary, unbelievable theory may be closer to the truth than the simplest, easiest to understand current best fit.

To the public in general; animal mutilations + why don't aliens just farm their own x laughter in general = animal mutilation phenomenon doesn't exist = ignorance.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Well said.

Also you can't assume that any technology was necessarily developed by those that use it.

It could have been found, gifted, stolen or suddenly materialised itself from nothing. A simple microbe could conceivably kill all on board and then evolve to be able to pilot the ship.

Maybe that's what we're dealing with, hope it falls in love with the common cold.

[edit on 21-2-2008 by chunder]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:17 PM

Originally posted by GazrokBeing a bit tongue-in-cheek, but the point is that abductions shouldn't really be necessary.

Once upon a time... many moons ago...

I remember biology class... We used to dissect frogs... whether you wanted to or not...

Perhaps these mutilations are the same thing... and every year you have a new class coming for study...

And the seniors progress from cows... to US!!! Perhaps if the human specimen dies... you fail the semester

Sleep tight kiddies...

[edit on 21-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 11:15 AM
That's a disturbing thought...hehe...being an alien kid's final exam....

In fact we should probably expect it to be, it is even logical that it would be, and therefore the most extraordinary, unbelievable theory may be closer to the truth than the simplest, easiest to understand current best fit.

Perhaps, but there is always Occam's Razor, in which the simplest explanation is usually the correct one...

There's obviously SOME reason for abductions...but the Lear idea just seems too out there and has many logical holes, for me to seriously entertain it as plausible, at least without more evidence...

As for cattle mutilations, there's been excellent studies to suggest more mundane and terrestrial causes, so for me, these seem less alien-connected in the first place...

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:19 PM
All the cow business is to see if the prostate is working correctly. The blood is used as an enzymatic acid for hormones.

How well the cow eats and processes its food, is how well we nourish ourselves.

They can disect any living cell to see if its working properly..

With an increase in energy, they are making sure the cow can count to ten. A lot more is being seen with the 'central nervous system' to see how well it is holding up along with the digestive tract.

Everything is being upgraded, but it helps to have a living cell in its own enviroment to test the product. How well we treat the animal is what we bring into our bodies. Their deaths become our own. We eat the flesh which holds cell memory of the departure, interesting hugh. The meat holds memory of its death through energy. I wonder how fearfull that cow was when it was being slaughtered?

Look out a bunch of madcow humans coming your way. Foaming at the mouth. IF your pissed off at how the meat tastes just remember how it was in its last few seconds of life.
the cow I am talking about being eaten.

But I am sure if all of us went to a slaughter house and watched it, it would look like a horror movie. Now picture after its been hacked in half throwing it in between two buns with a piece of cheese, yum. Primitive indeed. And all the 'meat eating' comes from the (animalistic side of man.) But it is hard on the digestive tract, breaking down that cow is experiencing a cellular death, but the body doesn't know. Remember before any nation or civilisation was known we were canibals eating the flesh of the dead killed in battle. Old tribes did this to consume the soul energy, but what they got instead was cellular death. Think of it like this you are taking that animals death into your body.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:33 PM

Originally posted by menguard
All the cow business is to see if the prostate is working correctly.

Who's prostate? Keeping in mind cows, being female, don't have prostate glands. I know bulls have been subject to some kind of mutilations, but cows have also been victims.

Your post made me hungry.....gonna' get me a Big Mac.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Think about how much fear is programmed into those cows through birth they automaticaly know they are breeded to be used for a human resource to be properly disposed of when no longer serving a need.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 12:58 PM
Do not humans feed off that (fear energy) to empower themselves, not all but some. Is this Earth but a 'predatorial Universe' feeding off of the weak or easily disposed of.

Ask yourselves this why don't we eat stupid animals? Pigs, are pretty smart, cows are too, we eat our enviroment so we continue to breathe.

Some people eat cats and dogs, but all have been programmed to be disposed of in less suiting a human need.

So naturally you would have those that are for us, and those that see we could easily be disposed of, but know this it is the minority or few that feel this.

we contain the gene of all life in us..

And those that are our rivals could try to knock us off the map, in less we know our true potential. Which is we think our world into place.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:15 PM
We have no owners that is a world wide capture that we know of but what is out there could be empowering or disempowering to us. The real question would be, our you ready for =Humanities dirt swept underneath the carpet?

Who is at the top of the chain is it the Predator or Prey?

That is the Ultimate question is it not.

Or neither, a 'Neutral Being' that sees life for what it is an escape from the 'set truth' or frequency band to see outside of itself, a wholer vision of life.

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[edit on 22-2-2008 by elevatedone]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Think of it like this you are taking that animals death into your body.

I take it you're a vegetarian...

In any case, we are designed by nature to be omnivores. In addition, EVERY living thing lives off of death. That's simply the way it is. Even plants live off the nutrients from decayed plant and animal life... We didn't design the is what it is...and we all kill to live (be it plant or animal)....

Personally, I've hunted, skinned animals, and I'm from a long line of farmers who butchered pigs, cows, etc. I've seen it all, firsthand, and the bottom line is that we are designed to eat meat and plants... If we deny this, it leads to other health issues...whether strict vegetarian, or strict carnivore.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

hey Gaz,

No, I eat both, my point is that both the predator and prey have been here since the beginning of mankind co-existing amongst each other the same like the dinosaurs.

But I know that in our begining their was two races, the RedMan and The GreenMan one was a scavenger and earthbound, the other was in treetops changing the genetic structure of mankind not trying to be eaten by the wildlife. Both alien species amonst the stars. Yes the skin color was actually that along with the green ones. Not like humans.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:09 PM
My thoughts are that perhaps the Aliens contacted the Governments of this world and told them that they were going to abduct humans as they needed their blood. Govts then informed them that they had done experiments with cows blood and it could be used as a substitute for human blood. my 2 cents

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by enddays
My thoughts are that perhaps the Aliens contacted the Governments of this world and told them that they were going to abduct humans as they needed their blood. Govts then informed them that they had done experiments with cows blood and it could be used as a substitute for human blood. my 2 cents

Actually the treaty stated that our government gave them the right to abduct 'limited' numbers of humans and that they must provide a list of those taken... in exchange we were to get some of their technology...

Seems they didn't stick to their side of the bargain and took more than was agreed to...

See the Greada Treaty... signed by Eisenhower

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
As for cattle mutilations, there's been excellent studies to suggest more mundane and terrestrial causes, so for me, these seem less alien-connected in the first place...

Uh huh sure you keep right on believing that

Originally posted by MrPenny
Your post made me hungry.....gonna' get me a Big Mac.

Why? There is now 'cow' in those...

[edit on 22-2-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 03:53 PM
i]reply to post by enddays

Well, our genes contain viable data that would either align a certain designer to use our blood to sustain itself, just as we could do with the cows, why not.

But why are humans so deeply involved in blood rituals, in less it wasn't a key ingrediant into lifes form. Now they are done in secrecy as oppose to sacrificial ceremonies.

Light carries information, the same that blood does to the brain, endorphines, that keep the bloodline strong. The no pain factor may have something to do with this. And if mankind is so animalistic why is it he has to kill everything to feel superior for survival?

A pig's blood might be just as viable to humans then cows, we do skin graphs on burn patients, and use their skin for a match. Now one may roll around in its poop, yet we still eat it and apply it where necessary.

Animals eating animals, using the skin still to wear for burn cases.

en.dor.phin (noun)
natural painkiller[

a substance in the brain that attaches to the same cell receptors that morphine does. Endorphins are released when severe injury occurs often abolishing all sensation of pain.

(Well that pig I am sure released some endorphins along with that cow)

A well drugged up society with animal meat in there body probably has a lot of the no pain factor around, wouldn't you say?

Is this not a sure way to make mankind less emotional. You rob it of its feelings and you feel nothing.ROBOTS. A lot of endorphins in the meat will do the trick.

[edit on 22-2-2008 by menguard]

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