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ATS Browser Toolbar...I made one and it works!

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:34 AM
Hey all,

First I found a cool toolbar for something that I've been looking for. So when i installed it - I wondered if would ever implement one.

So what I did, was searched for 'How to make IE Toolbar' in google, and came up with a good program that makes it for you.

The program is called Toolbar Studio - from

I downloaded the shareware which puts in a 'Unregistered' to the far right of the toolbar itself.

Here is the program used - with how the toolbar is created.

Below is the toolbar shrunk down to fit the post...

However if you click "Link to full size image of ATS toolbar" it will load it up in another window/tab.

Just so you can get a rough idea without click the link - i've divided the toolbar into two images.

The first one has a 'search' function. It actually searches ATS for the keyword in the search field. It works rather well.

Below is a radio player - I've described it in more detail at the end of post..

The "ATS - BTS - PTS" drop down menu simply takes you to the forums of either category.

I've added a 'recent posts' drop down menu as well, allows to view the recent posts on either ATS - BTS - PTS.

And I made a "u2u" drop down menu. It loads each part in a new window/tab. Little weird at the moment as a much better result would be if the forum code was re-coded to suit.

Now you'll notice that I have a radio player on it. This loads the most recent ATS MIX. You can go to any website/page and it will still play from the toolbar. This particular is hardcoded to the recent ATS MIX, also needs code on site to be re-coded for it to load like a player.

The program allows for RSS feeds, ticker boxes (for say urgent updates), administrators can send an urgent message to every user online.

And I'm currently working on a hypothetical feature that says "Friends Online" which of course, tells you your added friends - and whether they are online or not, can also see their profiles directly and send a u2u. It also has an option to be able to send an Instant Message to others on the website. It could also allow for friends putting in ATS Links which allows other 'friends' to also check the link out, and a feature that allows 'friends' to see what thread you're currently viewing, or to say 'User is Currently Posting to XXX thread' - which the member can disable/enable at will for privacy etc..

Again - lots of this requires ATS parts recoded to accomodate as to why its hypothetical, also the hypothetical features may require a lot more bandwidth, but its a nice thought

Fun Fun Fun


[edit on 18/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

That looks really cool and useful!

So, I'm lazy
and don't want to re-invent the wheel here. Do you have a copy of the toolbar that I/we could download? It's cool that it's unregistered and maybe even unfinished.

[edit on 18-2-2008 by AnnunakiX]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:50 AM
I could share it - but I would ask one of the Mods - even super moderators (even owners) to see if i'd be allowed to share it, I don't know the procedure for something like this, and I don't want to be responsible if the toolbar I have made destroys your computer in the process of installing/using it for whatever reason!

As I said before, the ATS MIX is hard coded - but you can get a rough idea how it works if I were given permission to pass it on..

And also - the chat won't work, which is quite strange... hrmm

Thanks for the reply


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Hi Marty,

You need to U2U SkepticOverlord with this if he hasn't seen it already

Looks cool.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by neformore
Hi Marty,

You need to U2U SkepticOverlord with this if he hasn't seen it already

Looks cool.

Neformore - Just wrote SkepticOverlord a u2u, hoping he replies soon

I just found a way for a setting on the toolbar for users/site to make money with, interesting.

Thx for writing

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:15 PM
I'm not sure what the bosses will say about this, but it's pretty neat nonetheless.

Some of you people really amaze me.

Edit: And yes, I'm easily amazed when it has anything to do with computers.


[edit on 18-2-2008 by Dr Love]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:17 PM
Winner! This, or something like this is something a user could make use of.... implimentation tho'... user-side tweaks might be a problem. I'm a Marty you're a party!.


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 03:20 PM
I think this is a great idea, and hope that the ats gods give it the

I would certainly try it out, that is for sure.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 04:07 PM
Yes, there are so many possibilities, I remember having a toolbar years ago, I think it was for an online marketing website, it allowed for viewers to click a link and go to other members websites, that would be a neat idea to implement.

Also i found that there is not enough room to have features on one bar, its easy to make two though - one right under each other...

On another note - I found the program that ATS uses for chat (to see if I could fix the CHAT button on toolbar). - and would you beleive it - I found that is has a webcam/audio version!

Link to page is here 123 Flash Chat Webcam/Audio.

Not totally related, but interesting none the less.

I concur with the Mozilla browser modification, would be cool to have an ATS themed one
Maybe one day, ATS can have a WindowsBlind version (themes for Windows OS). lol, one for the addicts *grin*


posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:01 PM
Ok I edited the previous Toolbar and made an "Unofficial" text on the far left, with a Red Stop sign like icon, stands out and its obvious that its not developed by Above Network.

I also added a license agreement stating..

By installing this UNOFFICIAL ATS Internet Explorer Toolbar, you acknowledge that the member that created it, is not responsible in anyway, shape or form, for any damage as a result of installation and of use. You also acknowledge that the Above Network was in not involved in the development of this toolbar and thus not responsible for the outcome of installing or use.

Of course I will still wait till I get the go ahead from SkepticOverlord

Also I have replaced the 'radio' player with an mp3 player which reads an XML file - easier to be implemented for ATS MIX shows. The playlist is stored in the toolbar itself (hard coded) however it can point to the XML playlist on the ATS server instead. Updates to ATS MIX simply mean an editing of the XML file with the new MP3 to play.

This is part of the code that needs to be stored as "ATSMIX_miniconfig.xml" on the ATS Server for it to work.

< songs>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Stewart Swerdlow, Montauk Project" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Above Politics Show 03" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Philip Shenon – “9/11 Uncensored” – SE09" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Brent Spiner – “Data’s Dreamland” - SE07" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: 10 – Christa "The Rubber Girl" Interview" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: 30 – The Dave Rabbit Homage" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: 50 - 2007 Outtakes, Goofs, Blunders & Wishes" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: The Skeptic OverView - 63" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Above Politics Show 02" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: Roswell Investigator Tom Carey - SE08" file=""/>
< song name="ATS.MIX: 09 – MOD SQUAD INTERVIEW - Chissler & The Libra" file=""/>
< /songs>

Here is the code that is used to point to the XML file...

< object id="player1_ie" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="200" height="30" id="player" align="middle">
< param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
< param name="movie" value="mp3player_wmplayer.swf?playlist=http:// podcast.abovetopsecret. com/ATSMIX_miniconfig.xml" />
< param name="quality" value="best" />
< param name="scale" value="noscale" />
< param name="salign" value="lt" />
< param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
"mp3player_wmplayer.swf?playlist=http:// podcast.abovetopsecret. com/ATSMIX_miniconfig.xml"
pluginspage="" />
< /object>

So far so good.

Also I figured out the CHAT problem - i forgot to point it to the Chat URL


EDIT: Excellent - the [ code ] [ /code ] tags have been implemented!!

[edit on 18/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 09:10 PM
I love this idea, and it looks so easy and simple to use. "Even a Caveman can Do It!"...Thank you for the wonderful idea.
Hope it fly's.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:21 AM
First off, I haven't heard from the owners regarding this, so I won't be able to share it, hope you understand

K I made lots of changes - I removed the logo, and placed 'Unofficial' with a Stop sign icon... Altered Agreement which states ATS did not create the toolbar, also added a 'toolbar thread' which points to this thread. Like a 'help' function. Altered u2u functions as it was looking weird before, it now loads in what is called 'bubbles'. Removed Radio player - didn't work. Changed icons, look better now, re-worded some titles - to make it smaller and to also allow more on the toolbar (eventually).

Also note, I created a text and site translator toolbar based on Babelfish and also Google Translator. Will create another thread for these...

Toolbar main menu - uninstall, update and settings

Fullsize Image

Link to each forum, ATS, BTS, PTS - in the /forum/ sections

Fullsize Image

Recent Posts on ATS, BTS, PTS links..

Fullsize Image

Inbox 'Bubble'. I blurred out member names

Fullsize Image

u2u Compose 'Bubble'.

Fullsize Image

With the u2u bubbles - takes time to load if you have a slow connection, its the same as clicking on the u2u button, however long that takes to load, will load at same speed in here.

Hope you like


[edit on 20/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:28 PM
That's a really cool idea.
I hope the powers that be agree and it can be refined.

I for one would definitely download and use it.

Well done.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by Im a Marty

Very cool stuff. Do you have to be logged in to ats to use it? If not, you might want to add a log in/out button as well. If the higher ups give it the ok, I'd definatly use this!

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by AcesInTheHole

Thanks for the compliments

Aces - just finished the latest round - took 6 hours, been up since 2:30am.. lol

Yes it works only whilst logged in. I have a login/password function - however it requires SQL reading of the ATS member database, so basically it won't really work...

Added all available links, as well as modal (smaller independant windows) for ATSMIX, and also now for u2u (not so much toolbar space now). Lots of drop down menus. Also links to podcasts, wiki, store, forums, recents, and everything in memcenter.

Favourite part is - the search function. You can seartch Google, Google Images - but change it to search ATS and ATS Members list - all configurable too.

Also it brings up a members profile when you do a member search..will go to a blank page if a member doesn't exist though (it can load 6 pages at once for whats in the search box). I can add more search engines if so required.

Its got nearly everything there heh..

Oh.. I can import my translate website function from another toolbar I made, forgot i could add that in too, it will translate ATS to any language using google.. (or babelfish if I script that into it as well)...

Now really tired - I will put some screenshots of changes probably later today, some much needed rest becons me


[edit on 20/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 10:22 PM
Ok I am posting images I made earlier on today, hope it looks better - I like it, and its quite useful for me at the moment..

Has the MyATS and Chat functions working. MyATS loads in main window, the ATS Chat in its own like usual...

First image is the standard menu..

Main Menu

The 'Extra' drop down menu, loads ATSMIX, submit news, wiki, , member and premium videos, ATS Store, Blogs, official links, View Stat image (testing image in windows), and contact ATS form.

Extra Drop Down menu

The 'Forums' download menu, takes you to the forum part of Above/Below/Politics.

Forum Drop Down menu

The 'Recent' drop down list. Shows recent threads in Above/Below/Politics forums.

Recent Posts Drop Down list

The 'MemCenter' drop down menu, has all links and loads in a new full window - no modal windows, so its normal pages. Profile, Account Settings, Customisation, ATS Member upload, Change Password, Change e-mail, Manage Mobile(cell) phone, Manage subscriptions, Manage ignores, Complaints/suggestions, Drafts and ATS Handbook.

MemCenter Drop Down menu

The 'U2U' drop down menu. No longer all on toolbar. Has main original u2u page in new window. Static Modal windows used for inbox, Outbox, Saved, Compose links. Modal windows have to be closed as browser is locked from being used again.

U2U Drop Down Menu with Inbox clicked

The 'compose' modal box.

Compose U2U modal Window

One of my favourites. The 'Search' function - must press enter to activate search of text written.

Below is the ATS Google Search.

ATS Google Search

ATS Member Search.

Member Search

ATS Member profile - will load the profile, an empty page if user does not exist.

Member Profile

Deviant ART Image search - for the Avatar and Wallpaper junkies.

DeviantART search

Standard Google web Search.

Google Search

Standard Image search on Google.

Image search on Google

If you click the 'Configure' button, it loads configuration for the toolbar, however it goes to configure the search properties, ie to disable certain searches and in what order they appear in the tabs.

Below is the General configuration.

General Config tab for Search

The 'Buttons' tab in configuration - you do not have to show all buttons in the toolbar.

Buttons Config tab for Search

The 'Tabbed' configuration page, where you organise what search is done, and in what order.

Tabbed Config tab for Search

Thats it so far, as mentioned before, I'm going to add an automatic webpage translation to this toolbar (I made one but not for the ATS one). That can be used on ANY page as well.

Also trying to see if I can detect certain HTML tags in the webpage code. For example, to figure the 'friends' you have and list them in its own window - with maybe an Offline or Online status to it.

Also going to see if I can detect the 'you have a new u2u' code, so that it appears next to the u2u icon, and refreshes that part every X amount of minutes - configurable by the user.

Hope you all like - will do the website translation link now.


[edit on 20/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 05:38 AM
That's absolutely amazing!! I'm almost 100% certain that the 3 Amigos are going to be all over this like the Military was at Roswell. Talk about a Revolution in web-browsing!!



posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

You're going to go absolutely spare.... check this out LOL

Click below to see full screen

u2u MsgBox

First off - this is FireFox and not IE7 like before. I'm testing a plugin in FireFox that loads Javascript *.js files automatically before I try convert it to the toolbar... I'm trying to limit the plugins in the toolbar as they can't convert back to firefox either, eventually the toolbar will work on both browsers

Please note - that 'PrivMsg' in place of the "U2U!" (yellow text on red) is AUTHENTIC!!! the actual page shows that. Local Javascripting is fun. took me 5 hours to do 10 lines of code though, I never done _javascript before heh.

Also the "Red" line around the button is an actual photoshop border -i was just showing the change from u2u to PrivMsg.

Imagine what I will be able to do now.... Whenver you add a friend - it will store it locally (member name) and will highlight their name if it ever shows anywhere. Highlighting over member names will allow a bubble to show their avatar... so many many things.

If you have a suggestion to add - let me know and I will take a few months to try implement lol


[edit on 21/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Im a Marty

Excellent work Marty, I have applauded you for the time and effort you have expended on this project of yours.

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 04:39 AM
Thanks for the applauses lately, much appreciated!!!

First things first, I spent most of last night and this morning trying to convert the FireFox _javascript into IE. FireFox uses a plugin called GreaseMonkey which was suggested by ATS member DamajikNinja, to use. Its a great program however the IE version is totally useless. I think I have _javascript disabled in IE because when I use the URL or IMG buttons in my posts - i get a warning. Need to locate that.

So anyway, I abandoned the u2u prompt for now, not to stress, I still have the source code and much more.

Ok I've made huge changes, starting to look a hell of a lot cleaner now, less space used, so can still add more features.

I already have some features in mind - such as a panic button - due to the nature of the website - it will clear anytype of Browser related data, such as cookies, temp files, and combobox searches - more fun than anything.

I will also be including extra bookmark type features that already exist such as diggs, however including a lot more websites such as put onto your Facebook profile etc..

I will also eventually add a youtube and google ID box, where you just put the ID and it watches the video - and also download the original flash file (FLA I think its called??). Basically you can store your own vids.

I could also expand the favourites feature, such as putting the thread ID in a field and store it. It will allow for quick links. That can also be implemented into friends. Will be manual for a while - hopefully when _javascript works, it will automatically do it when you click the 'Add Friend' link, It will be able to eventually detect if a friend is online.

The screenshots are only the changes I've made (most of them), still have to tweak the open new window into 'tab' instead.

Main Menu

The search feature is enhanced, it doesn't check ALL the links at once, only one at a time, when you select it. Once you select the type of search you want, it will change the icon and text of the search button, and when clicked - it will use that particular engine and script.

Searching "TheBorg" on ATS using Google

Searching "TheBorg" on ATS Members list

Goes to "TheBorg" profile if it exists

The below search function, searches on the popular Conspiracy Central Torrent Database. Gigs and Gigs worth of copywrite 'free' files.

Conspiracy Central Torrent Search

Youtube Video Search

The other three links searches standard Google, Yahoo and MSN. Again MANY more search engines can be added. If you have a good one that you use that could benefit others - don't hesitate to post about it!

Website translation - it translates the current URL you are one. This is my favourite feature - I have no need to use it just yet, but I'm sure many non-english people will slowly start to transfer over to ATS due to the Google Translation feature embedded in the toolbar. There are some bugs, so far the English to Spanish doesn't work properly, and also if you try and convert the page from a previously converted page, it will give you a Google error. Need to work in storing working URL variables, or prevent from trying to translate a Google URL

Below is the English to Arabic translation. Highlighting over the translated text will popup an original. Also when you go over the Translation link, it does a rollover of the google picture - just for some eyecandy.


Similar to before - this time I moved the "Open Main u2u page" down the bottom. Link below is the inbox MODAL window (you cannot access any page until you close this window)

U2U Inbox

The compose u2u Modal Window - was being cheeky, typed in a small Subject to SkepticOverlord - I have yet to hear anything from the three amigos.

U2U Compose

Last but not least, the ATS CHAT function

ATS Chat

Thats it for now, going to implement more features tomorrow, will just do screen shots of changes made.


[edit on 22/2/2008 by Im a Marty]

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