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Without these secrets, all hope is lost

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posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:24 AM
There is a good reason that secret societies, and religions have to exist. Without them keeping the truth a secret, our society wouldnt function, especially today, in these times.
If the truth about what happens were known, then our society wouldnt function. If you knew for absolute certain that you had, say, 58 months to live, would you go to work tomorrow? would you plan for the future? If you knew that everyone, everyone, had the same amount of time, would you expect anyone to plan for the future? If we all knew for certain that things were ending, then society as we know it would fall apart, anarchy would reign and our last years together would be, well not much fun at all, fear, panic, starvation etc. So it's best not to know at all.
Society used to know, we used to "worship" the stars they say. Actually it was more a case of study the stars and thier movements so we knew when and where we were in the great circle of time.
Then some clever people thought about what it will be like for the people who were going to be here for the end, and needless to say they knew we would be terrified and that we would not see reason to have any type of order in our lives, not see reason to obey society's rules, not see reason to help one another etc. So they thought it best to hide this truth from us.
They must, of course, have to pass the scary truth on to each other so the importance of thier societies would always remain relevant to them, maybe even split between societies and different religions so that no one person has to know the truth. Who knows.
Knowing that humans are smart, they knew they had to change our ideology and our way of thinking so that the truth could not even be considered.
So they had to start early, our knowledge of celestial movements were transformed into stories and taught as religion, anything relating to the truth was ostracised as evil, books were burned and whole societies were wiped out, again and again to keep the secret.
They had to create in us a sense of disbelief in anything out of the ordinary. We learnt to scoff at the fanciful so that anything we hear which is not "normal" is just totally disregarded.
Be thankful that all this was done, for if it wasn't done, if we had followed our true knowledge all of these millenia, then all the world would be on the edge of our seats right now, we woud be stockpiling in anticipation, we would be each for his own and dog eat dog, our time here would be unpleasant and secret societies have spared us that inconvenience.
For we are truly living in the end times, look closely, read between lines, the countdown is almost over and it is more real than anything you discuss on this website.
See you in, say, 58 months.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 01:47 AM
Ever stop to think that these secret societies plan the future of the world?

Maybe the reason why they keep all these secrets is so that the people are

unaware of what's coming down the road and will do nothing to try and steer

society along a different path.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:30 AM
Thats what i've thought of too. If all these societies and religious things are real, then there must be one Hell of a good reason why they do the things they do. If they do them just for fun, then hell, death is only something that should be mandatory for them if we ever meet! But, if it was something like, the Higher Powers that be (in spiritual terms) are telling them to do what they must, then thats valid.

I mean, if this NWO/Illuminati/Religious secrets are all true, then the truth must be more shocking than.......than anything we've ever imangined!

I just hope that their reason is good.....

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 02:40 AM
ive spoken with these members at times. Once peice of info i got, was "there is going to be a new world soo, no more disease, poverty or anyting like that. Doesnt sound liek the end to me.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:08 PM
You make your post as if you believe that you know their secret and that its the world is going to end.. permanently.

Um.. 1. Religion is not here to comfort us they are here to keep us in fear so they have control over us.
2. They make us fear everything that would shatter the illusions they set up to keep us in line. This includes the illuminati. They spread rumors that the Illuminati are evil and after controling mankind.. which is actually the truth about the church. The Illuminati are the opposite they want to set us free.

Some things keep their secrets because they feel it makes them more powerful. but more than that.. it keeps up the illusion that they have any special knowledge to begin with. They don't.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari

Um.. 1. Religion is not here to comfort us they are here to keep us in fear so they have control over us.

Let's say, hypothetically, that I become a Buddhist or a Taoist. How would those religions keep me fearful and control me?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 12:46 PM
I think the problem lies with the definition of religion.

Organized religion, where a set group of people have "the answers" and salvation can only come from following their "rules" or "commands" or interpretations of the religious texts, where these people set themselves up as the "only way and path to know the Divine" do act as NephraTari suggests.

Religion as a spiritual impulse to know the Divine oneself, does not.

If someone says they have THE way, you can make a safe assumption that you are in spiritual danger if you choose to follow them.

Buddhism and Taoism at their best, do not teach this. They teach that "seeing" what is and "moving through the world in right relationship to What Is," is something that can be done by any individual. "Buddha" was not some ONE, not like the conception of Jesus, separate and different from other humans. Buddhahood could be had by any one, if they Awoke to What IS.

I think that in modern times, we often do associate the word "religion" with a specific set of rules, and a specific set of interpreters of those rules which must be followed in a prescribed way in order that you be saved, enlightened, redeemed, pick your term.

I have even seen some Buddhist groups that have taken Buddhism in this direction. I dont personally know of any Taoist groups who have, but it wouldnt surprise me. All spiritual traditions are open to misinterpretation by their adherents. The religions of the Middle East (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are simply extreme examples of how far one can go in that dogmatic direction. It is an unfortunate aspect of human nature and the human mind that we feel we must have such a set of rules or laws, to ensure some end. Oddly enough, the core of most of these traditions actually suggest the opposite, that Truth is an "unfolding," "experiential," something that must be perceived and acted upon in an immediate way, in the NOW, rather than as a set course of action that must be imposed upon what is unfolding in the Now. It prescribes a fluid and flexible yielding to What IS, or "Divine Will" rather than an imposition of Egoic will, or "personal" will. Even if that "Egoic" will comes in the guise of "divine command" as interpreted by some human.

To the Original poster, have you ever considered that all the references to "the end of days" in Christianity, and the "End of the Mayan calender" may refer to an end to Time, the conception of time and the illusion of duality that creates it, rather than a literal end to the physical world?

Also the assumption that if human beings DID know of a literally "End" time, they would cease to act is easily dis-proven. We all DO know we are going to die. We go through the motions of life anyway. We may do so by pretending in the short run that we may not, or not allowing ourselves to think about it, but we move through life nonetheless. If we knew there were a set date when the world was to end, we would manage. I would expect, like for someone diagnosed with a terminal illness, we would cry and be angry for a while, and then either come to acceptance and make the best of what we have left, or retreat into denial, and make the best of what we have left.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 01:29 PM
these secrets should not be kept by a selected few.

this is our lives
Our planet
Our fate

we more than deserve to know the truth, what ever it may be.

if we had known these secrets hundreds or thousands of years ago. then society would have evolved/grown in very different ways.

who knows what kind of life we might have today if we had known the secrets.

I see all around me.
mass Death
ultra-corruption from the very top.
full blown world propaganda.
never ending wars.

A brainwashed world that does not have a clue why we are here
or even who we are ,let alone knowing what reality is supposed to be.

so many seem to think that we as a whole world society
are moving towards a very bleak future.

Tell us the truth.....

If we freak out and wreck everything..well....then so be it...
its not like "THEY" haven`t wrecked it all ready for us... right?

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

Sorry more specifically Christianity and its counterparts. There are some others that follow in its footsteps but most of the eastern religions are enlightened.. still religion is just an illusion but I digress on being non specific with that statement ML.

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Maya432

I see all around me.
mass Death
ultra-corruption from the very top.
full blown world propaganda.
never ending wars.

A brainwashed world that does not have a clue why we are here
or even who we are ,let alone knowing what reality is supposed to be.

Tell us the truth.....

The truth is.. we are not limited to this physical form after death.
The truth is .. We do NOT need government
The truth is .. mankind is no more or less barbaric as a result of allowing the idea of government to control us. People still murder and steal.. just as they did before.. now however we cannot seek our own justice without ourselves being "punished"
Before we let them control us these things happened but we were able to respond on our own accord. What does it matter if you kill the man who killed your child or he is killed in a death chamber by the government?

The positive aspects of a controlled society is an illusion by those who seek power.

We don't need it. And we can at any time.. change our fate if we choose to do so. Not without some chaos.. but without chaos there can be no order or balance. Besides don't the "governments" wage war constantly already?

The truth is.. you cannot OWN land.

Oh.. gosh I could go on all day. I hope some of you are seeing what I am saying here.

We are free!

posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

Indeed, we are all free, subject only to those whims and rules we allow ourselves, or others, to set up for us. Free in that ultimately it is each person who says he is either free or slave to those very same whims and rules thats/he has set up or allowed others to set up for him/her. And each one of us then also has the key for stting themselves free. If only each of us would take the time to realize this truth and act on it. Only then will we all truely live in harmony with each other. Ah, yes, this is my, the philosophers. dream!!!!!

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by NephraTari

Sorry more specifically Christianity and its counterparts. There are some others that follow in its footsteps but most of the eastern religions are enlightened.. still religion is just an illusion but I digress on being non specific with that statement ML.

Thanks, and I pretty much agree. I consider myself somewhat of a Gnostic Christian, so I can't condemn Christianity as a whole. I do, however, shake my head in dismay when I see what the majority have done to the faith, though.

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by Maya432

The secrets of Freemasonry are different for every Mason, as are the mysteries of Freemasonry. What every man gets out of it depends on the man, not the craft. Nothing is taught within the lodge that you havent heard 1000 times before from Clergy, Teachers etc...Freemasonry just puts in in an allegorical context and makes you discover it on your own.

Treat every man like a brother. Be honest in your business dealings. Help the poor. Be a good citizen. Be true to your faith. Dont talk behind someones back. Dont kick a man when he is down. Live and lead by example.

There you go, the secrets of Freemasonry.


[edit on 21-2-2008 by RWPBR]

posted on Feb, 22 2008 @ 05:55 PM
So I posted the secrets over 24 hours ago and nobody replied.
It seems it is not about the secrets, it is about blind bigotry and hate.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 02:42 AM
"To Whom It May Concern" is a very sticky beginning, but it'll do. Most of the things government in the middle of rapid growth does is justify it. It's probable that $550 DOD -approved toilet seat cover was probably $475 worth of paperwork, and $65 worth of intel. The latter bothers me a little.
Whether secret or otherwise, the society (good ol' boy's club, etc) stands to gain better control over the process as control is usurped in secret. Most times, secret societies seem to scratch each other's FRONTS.
Now for what may be a great question: if the government is here to primarily justify it's existence/present or increased size, would any sane person or institution do something for the governed that was either benign or noble, and NOT take credit for it? Bargaining chits for the next electoral cycle don't do squat in your pocket, sweetie. But if the games' rigged, who cares?
Finally one last terrible motive, as a regular upstaging of Gladstone every minute by this crew: "Justice circumvented is business as usual." I'm not a genius by any stretch, but some genius can be criminal too. And for maybe 170 years, we've been played like Eric borrows a Strat. Cheers

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by Wally Conley
reply to post by NephraTari

And each one of us then also has the key for stting themselves free. If only each of us would take the time to realize this truth and act on it. Only then will we all truely live in harmony with each other. Ah, yes, this is my, the philosophers. dream!!!!!
Mine too! We are not alone, however society has done a good job in pulling the wool over peoples eyes and making them believe that freedom is something that can be given. Freedom is something you are born with and can never truly be taken away... unless you allow it to be.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:30 PM
Geometry is the supreme principal. As above so below, everything big resembles everything small and vice versa. Only a few shapes, coupled with spiraling opposing electric currents, build everything we see. We are the ultimate shifters, while God, (call it what you want, geometry, the biblical God etc) is the creator.

The highest note on the scale is right next to the lowest one.

posted on May, 19 2008 @ 07:36 AM
I see all around me.
mass Death
ultra-corruption from the very top.
full blown world propaganda.
never ending wars.

A brainwashed world that does not have a clue why we are here
or even who we are ,let alone knowing what reality is supposed to be.

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