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Stephenville ufo channeling

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posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:49 PM
Diplomat on ET Ship Seen in
Stephenville, Texas Speaks!

through Robert Shapiro

16 January 2008

Greeetings. We are getting used to the vernacular. I am on
that vehicle that was seen by your peoples.

Wonderful! Who are you? Where are you from?

I cannot describe myself as a named being; there are many
different types of beings on the vehicle. It was felt important to
briefly bring the vehicle close to Earth and to allow citizens of
Earth to see the vehicle that has been parked at a distance from
your planet for some time. It was always intended to do this.

I am thankful, as with others here, that your government
did not interfere. Although they could not have stopped us
from being near the town and other places nearby, it was nice
to not have to interact too much—though there was a brief
interaction, but it was resolved peacefully. Perhaps your government
felt that our visit was prolonged and wanted to suggest,
“Okay, that’s enough, eh?” We are from beyond this
galaxy, and my job is as a language expert but not of Earth
languages, so I am struggling a bit.

You’re doing great.

I am attempting to access your sayings as well as the linguistics,
so I will do the best I am able. We are from a galaxy
that is approximately two billion light-years from your present
location, but we are able to cover these distances in the means
of travel well diagrammed by other beings that essentially
involves traveling through time. Your abilities are still focused
on speed, meaning speed of light and so on, but we are hopeful,
if you welcome visitors from afar such as ourselves, that we can
help you skip over that step of propulsion and move directly to
the more feminine approach of attraction. Attraction allows
one access to travel that can take place almost instantaneously,
allowing for long distances. When one approaches a planet or
occupied solar system, especially if it is well and thoroughly
occupied, one slows down a bit and does not use that same
method but still travels in a fashion that is fairly quick.

You Are Moving towArd A group identitY

My reason for not providing a name is that in my group
here—there are about seventy of us on the vehicle, though
there are many, many others—we function as a group identity,
so we do not embrace duality as you must on your planet.
We understand that you must do this, since that is a portion
of the way the planet is set up, although you have many species
on the planet that do not do that—although they appear

to be individuals, they are more comfortable with a group
identity, such as the way we are. And of course, when you
are in your natural state, the group identity is much more
comfortable to you.

Individuality does tend to foster competition, but when
individuality is less of a factor, competition is also less of a factor.
If you have a planet like the one we come from, where
there is no individuality but there are, as you would perceive
it, individuals, we all tend to work toward the same general
goals. Although we might have personal likes and dislikes,
when there is no competition, the general goals are readily
achievable, no matter how difficult they may seem.

I feel that you have done as much as you can do with individuality
and its attendant competition to rescue competition
from what it became on other planets. On other planets that
have experienced competition that I am familiar with—either
from having been there or, more to the point, having studied
about them and others’ experiences there—they ultimately
wound up very similar to the current state of affairs on your
own planet, where the striving for this or that ultimately leads
to some form of battle or at least argument. So we feel that
your ultimate goal in the transformation you are undergoing
now on the physical level to help you become more in alignment
with your natural state of being will allow you to let go
of some of the more extreme expressions of individuality and
will allow you to achieve goals that may be impossible for you
to achieve at the moment.

You all know, of course, that teamwork can bring things
about—many people striving toward a singular goal. I feel
you appreciate that, so don’t think I am trying to talk you
out of something or into something that is foreign. I am
stating these things because you asked me something about
myself and I felt that rather than describe my height and
weight, I would simply tell
you something about what
my peoples believe and

I shared these things with
you because you, as a global
society, are returning to that
point of view yourselves. It

RobeRt ShapiRo


will be difficult for you, I believe, to let go of competition,
because there are so many forms of entertainments, even self-
imposed entertainments, that individuals do that have to do
with competition, and I recognize that many people believe
this brings out the best in an individual. And while I can
understand this rationalization and the attendant proof that
might be offered, it also tends to bring out the worst, and this
is a problem, isn’t it? So if you could only use it to bring out
the best as occurs in teamwork to achieve a goal, that’s fine.
But it’s the other part that is problematic, and I am sure your
history, even with a casual study, to say nothing of your current
events, would prove my point.

So I do not wish to compete, with my civilization compared
to yours, eh? Rather what I am truly saying is that your
natural state of being is, yes, teamwork, and also a joined
state of being that allows you to be many different things,
many different personalities, with the widest variety contributing
and no one excluded, and yet no inner or outer conflict.
This is your true nature, and you are easing back into
that—or should I say, easing forward into that, eh? But it is
a complete circle.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:49 PM
You Are recovering QuAlities on eArth thAt
didn’t work elsewhere

You have volunteered to come to your planet to accomplish,
from my point of view, the recovery of qualities of other
things that have been tried and did not work elsewhere. But
these things had good qualities, good capacities, that no one
wanted to just throw away. So you volunteered to rescue and
glean the good qualities from functions, philosophies, ideas
and practices that otherwise had significant aspects to them
that were not so good.

That is an interesting way to put it. List some of the qualities we are

Discomfort comes to mind instantaneously, because no
one really likes discomfort. But you use it on a low-key scale
to accomplish things, to simply even stimulate your motivation
to do something. Something is a little uncomfortable,
and so you perform an act perhaps to return to stasis or comfort.
What does your old friend Zoosh say? “You close the
window and the draft is no longer on your neck.” That might
seem to be perfectly obvious to you, but on other planets it is
not a factor of their existence because there is no draft on the
back of anyone’s neck. This does not mean there is no wind,
but there is no discomfort and therefore no need for motivation
of that type.

There are other qualities that you have gleaned the best
out of. Competition I mentioned because it has brought forth
the application of teamwork and this is competition’s best
quality, from my perception. There are many others—you
can look around and see things that you don’t like in society,
but then if you distill them down to their original expression,
you might say, “Well, I don’t like this and this and this, but
this is good.” You may not approve of the way your food is
grown, raised and, in the case of animals, treated, but that

UFO Investigators Flock to Stephenville, TX
Investigation Opens After 30 Residents Claim They
Saw a UFO Flying Over Their Town
By MIKE VON FREMD Jan. 18, 2008
UFO investigators, flock to Stephenville, Texas!
A team of six investigators from the Mutual UFO Net-
work will be interviewing citizens of Stephenville, Texas,
who say they spotted a UFO at sunset on Jan. 8.
The Mutual UFO Network is a nongovernmental group
interested in documenting UFOs. State director Ken
Cherry says that the network has received calls from
50 citizens who say they witnessed the UFO and that
the number and credibility of the people is exceptional.
The rural Texas town has attracted worldwide attention
after the sightings.
(for more the rest of the article visit:
Stephenville eyewitnesses discussed their expriences on the
Larry King Live show, –Aired January 18, 2008 - 21:00 ET
does not mean there are not food items you do approve of
and enjoy eating.

You see? Polarity on your planet has affected everything,
but you have to have a planet that has polarity in order to
accept these things, unresolved in other places, that come with
the full package of discomfort and comfort—to glean out the
comfort aspects and say, “Let’s not throw this thing away just
because it has discomforting aspects; let’s glean these things
out and find a way to synthesize them into a societal philosophy
that can be practiced benevolently, and then we will
be able, with these structures, to set aside the discomforting
aspect of all these things.” You have actually done this; you
have accomplished it. Now you are striving toward a global
societal function to test all of what you have done and to set
aside everything associated with discomfort. It will take you
awhile, but not an infinite time. During this time, though, you
will have more and more visitors.

Is this the first time your ship has been seen?

Shapiro, Robert: Diplomat from UFO Over Stephensville, TX
March 2008

No, but it is the first time it has been seen so closely. There
are many ships, many standing off at a distance. We must do
that so that we do not interfere with your project. That is
the way we see what you are doing on Earth: it is a project, a
worthy project generally, but we could interfere if we are too
present, couldn’t we? Still, we must announce our presence
so you realize that you have allies who are prepared to assist
you once you gravitate to a more benevolent state of being
and are prepared to consider that what you call feminine science
has not only value but greater value, since it does not
involve discomfort, uses the attraction principle and has at
its core and foundation and framework benevolence as an
expression of all aspects.

It will be difficult for your science to accept that because
of the competition angle in there—the desire to succeed and
be recognized with all that goes with that recognition. Once
your society recognizes all individuals, treats them benevolently
and develops support systems for those who do not fit
in but may be the herald of something new . . . though their
socialization process, for example, may not work in your society.
It is all right to have a place of their own, isn’t it? To
be treated well and cared for and perhaps gently observed to
see if this something new or if it is strictly an anomaly that
needs to be cured.

You have much of that now. Many of the children are
expressing these things, and it will happen more and more.
I know that your medical science will be concerned that you
are having a wave of birth abnormalities, but one might reasonably
say, using science as a benevolent analogy, that many
technological inventions were considered abnormalities to
the point of being laughed at. But you take many of them
quite seriously now and use them well. And even pathological
aspects of modern inventions are considered laughable by
some, but not quite as laughable as they once were—as in the
famous steamboat, which was quite a joke at the time, but the
inventor definitely had the last laugh.

How many of you are on this ship and how long have you been on the

It varies, but at any given moment, perhaps twenty thousand.
My group has been on the ship about . . . now I am going
to use your years. They do not really relate to our sense of existence.
But from your way of measuring, about nineteen years.
And, we live . . . I am going to have to calculate this to your
time. We live about seven hundred years. Now, I am not talking
about everyone on the ship; I am talking about my group
of seventy. I will always be doing that. We have time, but it
is measured by experience, not by night and day. Your time is
measured by night and day.

You all have different jobs aboard the ship? Are you one of the diplomats,
since you are the one speaking to us?

Yes, mine is diplomatic, and when there is no diplomacy
needed, then my group simply studies the likely places we
might go or the possible ramifications of this and that associated
with whomever we are likely to be involved with. That

is why we have a considerable amount of information to study
about Earth beings, since we have been in and around your
planet for some time, using your timing.

And you have equipment that can scan the events on the planet, so you
can keep up with what is going on?

I don’t want to say too much about that, but the answer is
yes and no. I can’t really say too much more about that.

What is the original purpose of your ship? Is it to explore and discover,
or is it to travel and trade, or what?

I would say that it is to welcome. It has a tremendous
amount of diplomacy, yes, but ultimately sharing capabilities.
There are a great many peoples from all over the
nearby galaxies to your own on board this ship, which allows
us to offer, when welcomed, a great deal of support to planetary
civilizations that would welcome us. And I would not
wish to say that we need anything from you. We might from
time to time request a scoop of this or that portion of your
planet—perhaps a little sand, perhaps a little water, something
like that, that we might use in various ways. But we
would never ask for any personal sacrifice by anyone—and
by “anyone,” I mean any form of life on the planet. We
would certainly make certain that there were no creatures in
the water or in the sand.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:50 PM
Do you have the ability to land, or do you have small ships that would

Generally, we would have a smaller vehicle. We made an
exception in the recent flyover because we felt and we were
advised by those who know more about Earth’s civilization
that an announcement of our presence was important. Therefore,
we chose a place that was not too big and that would be
perhaps reasonably friendly, where we thought the children, as
well as many of the young people, would be happy to see us.
Generally speaking, what makes your newspapers and what
might make a sensational story is not the bulk of the story.
The bulk of the story is that the people there who saw a ship
. . . it really reminded them of the continuity of life. Needless
to say, there is no more question about whether there is life on
other planets. These people, at least, know what they saw, and
that’s that. No one is going to talk them out of that. And also
many of their children will become excited about space travel,
which we feel is a good thing.

Do you plan to show yourselves more?

I cannot answer that question at this time.

Of course. You said there was an interaction with the government—did
they send up fighter planes?

Yes, just the kind of thing you have done before, but there
wasn’t any battle or anything. They just mostly said, “Okay,
that’s enough.” They didn’t send them immediately, and we
thought that was quite diplomatic, but when the planes came
up, it was like, “Okay, we honor your expression.”


there Are hundreds of different
groups on the ship

The report I read said your ship was a mile wide.

Well, you know, if there is no resistance, one can build things.
Think about that. Your engineers, when you build structures,
have to take all of these different mathematical formulas into
account, don’t they? How tall it is, what is the load per square
inch, and the whole business. But if you’re building something
in a place where there is no stress, one can build something in
a different way. Also, if every single molecule and atom desires
to be a portion of this ship and desires to be exactly what it
is doing, then the vehicle—this is more advanced—essentially
creates itself based upon the needs, wishes and desires of those
who may occupy it, as well as those who might invite the creation
of the vehicle and invite all of the participants, including
the atomic and subatomic particles that wish to join in the
adventure. One does not have to give up adventure, you see,
just because one is no longer competing.

It is possible, when you have such a vehicle, that the form
of the ship, the appearance, can be altered. When you have
the makeup of the ship, what it is, when it is cooperating to
be something, it can appear within a certain range—it is not
infinite, but it can alter its appearance slightly.

I think I read that it split into two pieces?

Let’s just say that it is possible.

There are so many people on the ship—so there are hundreds of different
groupings from different planets?

I think that is a good estimation—hundreds. It depends
how you count. If you are counting a single person as a representation
of a planet, then we might have to go into thousands.
But if we are talking about groups, which is more in my
comfort zone, then hundreds would be appropriate.

Before you got on this ship, had you met many of the different citizens of
the different planets?

No, it has been an adventure meeting certain groups of peoples
that I had heard about or read about or studied about, and
here they are—I am meeting them. It is exciting, yes?

How did you happen to come on this ship? Did you get a notification or
an invitation or what?

I was not personally involved, but our group was asked if we
would like to participate, because such vehicles often encounter
the need for diplomacy and those who embrace diplomacy,
which requires an interest in history and those social functions
of large groups of citizens and so on, and that is really something
that we like doing on our planet. So it was some time
ago that a request was made: “Would some of you like to volunteer
for these ships, to be on them—perhaps a few of you
on a small ship and many of you on a larger ship?” Well, we
were less enthusiastic about “a few of us on a smaller ship,”
because we prefer groups—that’s our thing, eh? And so we
were more inclined to favor a minimum of three individuals

from our group to do our work. That tended to rule out a lot of
the smaller ships. It was generally decided that the larger ships
would be the best place for us because we are much happier in
groups of, say, fifty or more.

Does everyone on your planet focus on this linguistics and diplomacy, or
just your group?

No, it was our field of endeavor—not unlike one might go
to a school, a university, and say, “We need some historians,”
and you might get a lot of historians to volunteer to do something
if they were interested in it.

Is everyone on the vehicle from various focuses, various dimensions?

Everybody is comfortable in the same focus. We are comfortable
in the same dimension.

Which one is that, or which range?

I do not . . . do you have numbers?

How would you describe it?

Oh, I do not know—my tendency would be to use atomic
weight, but I would say something akin to the weight of copper.

I see. These are just terms that we are given—that we live in the third
dimension or focus.

Ah, I am accessing that now. You’re using that . . . that’s
based upon mathematics. But you’re not in the third dimension;
that is simply a mathematical expression. No, you’ve
always been in the fourth dimension—you have to take all of
your dimensions and bump them up a number. We don’t use

the AppeArAnce of these Beings

Would I see you if I looked at you?

A simple answer is, if you were on the vehicle, yes, you
would, but you would be altered on the vehicle. You would
not have one iota of discomfort in your body. This means that
a great deal of what you could remember would not be present.
Anything associated with a memory of discomfort would not
be present. This would include thoughts in the present, worries—
no worries, because anything associated in the slightest
with discomfort would not be present.

This is fairly typical for people on ships unless the ships
are performing a biological function or something like that. I
don’t know much about that, but I have heard about it. If you
were on this ship, yes, under those circumstances . . . you could
only be on hip under those circumstances. You couldn’t b e on
the ship otherwise.

Let’s put it another way: Could you exist in our atmosphere, in our discomfort,
or do you need to stay on the ship?

We need to stay on the ship, but in time, we will be able to
exist with you and walk around with you. But this will take
awhile, because your planet will need to heal itself, and by that

Shapiro, Robert: Diplomat From UFO Over Stephensville, TX
March 2008

time, you will not be on this expression of this planet anymore but
will likely have moved on to a different expression of this planet.

How long will you be here?

We will be here as long as we are here. I am performing my
job, but I do not pilot the helm.

Who does?

Think about it: If we were picked to do what we are doing,
civilizations are picked to do such jobs as navigating, but people
are not picked because they make good bosses—we do not have
that. We would have groups of people who are good at, say,
navigation, so when I refer to “pilot the helm,” using perhaps
not well your sayings, the peoples who would do that would be
good navigators. They would be interested in such things.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:51 PM
asked to do on the ship. What are they doing?

I don’t know where to begin—just everything you can
imagine and more. I realize this is vague, but I don’t know
what to say. Not science as you know it, but more science as
I described it before. In that sense, science and art are one
thing, which they actually are to a point on your planet now.
Many practices that involve sciences also involve art. As for
the other people, you would have to ask them. I see them coming
and going, and they seem to be doing things, but I haven’t
ever stopped anyone to say, “What are you doing?” We have
social things, but we don’t tend to speak about work.

Can you all communicate with each other? Do you have some sort of
common universal language?

Oh, yes. You would know it as feeling. Some of you would
like to call it telepathy, but you are caught up in words, so I
would call it “one knows what the other person is communicating
based upon the feelings one receives and the memories that
are jogged, even though the memories that are jogged on the
basis of that feeling may not be associated with the memories
the other person is communicating.” They would be as close as
the feeling can incorporate. So it would be that kind of communication.
If you’re asking if we sit down and drink tea and discuss
politics, no, but there may be peoples on the ship who do.

I was thinking more of a universal translator.

I think that might be on the ship, but you would probably
find such a device with those who might actually walk on the
surface of planets not their own and use such a device, if the
people on the planet are comfortable with it.

our ship tends to go where we’re needed

How many planets have you gone to since you started adventuring?

Since I have started doing this, about twenty-three planets.
Not that many.

What is an example of an experience with a planet—do you interact with
the beings?

Only in so far as that is desired. First contact is not made
by our group. First contact is made by those who are trained
in not only perception but in understanding the feeling
nature of the beings. We don’t necessarily do that. We do
some of that, but we’re more in . . . I am going to come up
with a saying here. We’re in middle management. We are
the people who actually go out and do it, but we don’t make
first contact.

What are the purposes for which you go to these planets? Do they need

Usually we’re in a follow-up. We are doing something that
others have started, and we’re just coming by to offer what’s
needed or to commune or just to visit. Most planets are quite
social with others. This is considered a plus, but there are a
few planets that are less comfortable with visits, and that is
when our ship comes along, because not only do they have us
for diplomacy, but there are others involved in diplomacy, so
we are therefore more able to provide the nuances that that
civilization might need to accept a visit which might be to
their benefit.

So, you see, our ship tends to go where we’re needed. That
is the foundational principle of our travels: we go where we’re
needed. Sometimes we are able to communicate with such
planets and civilizations when they are not exactly embracing
visitors because of the diplomat abilities of many peoples
on the ship. But in the case of your planet, where you are
involved in extraordinary attempts to do many things, it is too
soon to expect to fly down and land in some vastly open place,
to announce our presence and say, “Here we are. Now bring
us your problems.” It is not like that.

But you are in a time now when you must be aware of other
civilizations. I grant that there will be some on the planet who
will be afraid of such things, but I can assure you that we are
all benevolent beings. We believe in a Creator, and we have
reason to believe it, and we will be interested in sharing our
stories about Creator with you and hearing your stories about
Creator, and so on. So we are not that different. We may
look different, but we have personalities. I’m sure you will find
many of us pleasing.

You Are not reAdY for our help

Can you say what you look like?

I will say only that we are humanoids. There are others
on the vehicle who are not that, but you will always and
only, for the first five hundred years or so (perhaps six hundred
years) of your interaction with other beings, largely be
interacting with beings who are humanoid so that you will
get comfortable with the interaction with other civilizations.
This is not to say that it won’t be brought to your attention
that other beings look differently, but you won’t be expected
to interact with them—meaning that you will be able to say,
“This one, not that one,” essentially. But after five or six
hundred years, the youngsters, the new generation, they will
be tired of the old stuff. They’ll say, “Come on, I want to
meet these other guys.”


If you were to look around your ship and see people coming and going,
give me some examples of what they look like.

Different shapes, some lightbeings who do not have a physical
form. If you’re asking if there are creatures on your planet
that might be compared to those on this ship, I must be vague.
I will only say, yes. I can only say . . . you know, we’re not just
talking about civilizations and sitting drinking tea. We are talking
about a vehicle that flew close to your planet recently, so
there is only so much I can say. We are talking about something
that is beyond philosophical discussion. You are not ready to
hear it; you are not ready to recognize that the other forms of life
on your planet are equal to yourselves. None of your major religions
accept that yet. But until that happens, we won’t be able
to help you as much as we would like. You must accept that.

You must accept that there are beings who live in the sea,
and while your ships are tolerated moving across the waters, it
is not something welcome to have fluids and other matter discharged
into the home of the sea, just as you would not appreciate
having these matters discharged into your home. With your
civilization, the more individuals you have . . . your science and
industry and businesses are working overtime, you might say, to
figure out how to deliver everything you all need to live as well
as possible, and it is a major struggle because your vehicles are
limited by what they can do. You’re doing as much as you can
and more, and of course, there are accidents, because people feel
pressured to get there on time, to say nothing of other problems.
We would like someday to show you how various things can be
done in various ways, and you won’t have to give up your basic
economy the way it works.

Do you have discussions on the ship as to how you could communicate to
us in ways that we could learn faster, so that people who aren’t aware
of this yet . . . but that’s why you’re showing your ship, that’s one of the
steps, right?

That’s right. And other material you are putting out about
what the so-called animals and the so-called plants have to
say—these books are also a contribution. The whole point is
to remind you that you are living on this amazing planet with
these amazing beings from all over the universe. They are all
here to do one thing, and that is to help you, because what
you are attempting to do on this planet is so important. You
are literally rescuing things that did not work well in other
places and caused harm in other places, and they are causing
harm here as well on your planet. But you are gleaning from
them the good and will attempt to find a way to set aside the
other without too much difficulty. The next five to ten years
will tell the tale there.

It’s not easy to glean the good from discomfort and say,
“Okay, let’s leave the rest.” It is kind of like pollution, isn’t
it? You have to move it from place to place, and it doesn’t
get any sweeter.

there hAs Been soMe contAct with
eArth governMents


I can only say this: You understand, we’re getting into territory
I cannot discuss. But I can only say that there has been
some contact, and it has mostly been a good thing. There is
some shyness by some groups on the planet and some welcoming
by other groups, but that is all I can say at this time.

So there has been interaction—how do you choose who to talk to?

It’s very, very simple: We are able to feel at a distance, just
as you are able to feel close up, and we approach that where we
feel welcome. Have you ever gone into a room crowded with
people and approached the ones who looked at you and smiled
and nodded, and you walked over to them? We are able to do
something similar, although not with that exact technique. But
ultimately it has to do with feeling welcome. It is really so simple;
it is not complex.

So do you bring them up to the ship, or talk at a distance?

Well, you are talking again in areas that we don’t really wish
to talk about, but you are also asking me to speak for the ship,
and a lot of what you are asking I do not know. Generally speaking,
our peoples on this ship do not come to the surface of the
Earth, as far as I know. I do not claim to know everything. I am
talking a little beyond my field as it is, but I recognize that you do
not understand my field very well, so you are asking innocently.

Well, I ask a lot of questions that don’t get answered.

I am not offended, and perhaps you are not either.

No, I get used to it after a while, but I’m still curious.

I am sure there are people in your government whom you
could ask many questions of, and very often your government
person might not be able to answer. I do not claim to be in
a government, but as you say, you get used to accepting that
people cannot answer for whatever reason, and you say okay
and on you go to the next question. It is not that different,
you see?

Yes, some things you don’t know and some things you can’t say. I understand

There are times when you do not tell what you know, but I
am not saying your people are children—there are just things
you are not ready to know yet. And the reason you are not
ready to know . . . it has nothing to do with your intellect, it
has to do with timing. You are ready for something, meaning
that you have moved toward something. Then something
might be ready for you, just like on your planet. But if you are
not ready for something and you haven’t moved toward it, if
that thing moves toward you, you might get frightened and
run away.

Why do that? That would suggest impatience on our part.
We do not have an agenda to get to know you and to do
things for you. We are simply volunteers. We are available,
but we do not wish to thrust our civilization upon you. We
wish to support your civilization. We are not here to take
your civilization away and give you ours, nothing like that.
We are not competitive.

Shapiro, Robert: Diplomat From UFO Over Stephensville, TX
March 2008

helping two plAnets shAre MAteriAls

To get a better idea of what you do, can you give me an example of what
respond to the need.

I will give you one example. I did give you an example
already, but I will give you one other. There was a civilization
that was attempting to establish trade routes and reach out
to another planet that had something they needed. At that
time, the other planet had an abundance of it, but they weren’t
comfortable seeing anything of their planet being taken somewhere
else because they felt a sense of personal identification
with everything on their planet. We were able to set up an
energy that would allow something to be taken from their
planet but to remain connected to their original planet and
not ever be used up. It also would have the means of returning
to the original planet when desired, either by the civilization
on the original planet or by that which was taken.

Now, you realize that I am being very careful here, but the
reason I am being so careful is that you, in your space travels
in your first few hundred years, are going to meet these people.
That is why I am being vague—I don’t want you to get caught
up in this and that. There was no competition, but if someone
came to your planet and said, “We want to have this and that
from your planet, and take it away,” you might be a little shy
also and say, “Wait a minute.”

That was brilliant. All of the people on the ship came up with this, or
one group?

Everybody comes up with a solution and says, “Why not try
this?” or “How about this?” And if the people on those planets
have not considered some of those things, then they say, “Oh,
well perhaps this could work.” Then it is not so much trade as
it is sharing—the materials are not actually traded, one thing
for another. Rather they are shared and are able to return to
the original planet at any time.

That is wonderful. It was really satisfying, wasn’t it?

It is a comforting thing. My group had something to do with
that because it was necessary to have a means to understand
the other planet’s general philosophy. Where one planet didn’t
feel attached to the planet itself, the other peoples on the other
planet felt the planet was just as much a portion of their bodies
as their bodies were. It would be as if you were to sit on a rock
and say that you felt about the rock the same way as you felt
about your body. You would then be less inclined to have someone
come along and say, “Hey, can we have that rock?” You’d
say no. Some people on your planet might feel that way now.

the Art plAnet of light

Do you ever go some place so that all of the people on the ship can get off
the ship for sightseeing or for recreation?

Yes, that happens. We don’t necessarily get off, but we
could, and yes, this happens. It’s not necessarily for recreation,
but to explore. Yes, I have done that on a few occasions. On
one planet was a place . . . I can only describe it as the art
planet. I can only describe it that way because the planet was

solid, but at the same time it was also light—colors of light I
had never seen, and the light responded to music and it also
responded to feelings. Therefore, it was popular to exit the
ship, go out and be in the light, and have different feelings,
and the light would do things—amazing! As a diplomatic historian
and language expert, of course I was attempting to learn
if something was being said, but it was beyond my capability.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Were there beings or people there?

We assumed the lights were beings. We were there for only
a short time—we were attempting to grasp what it was about,
and after a while we thought that we needed teachers to explain
it to us. But they have not been forthcoming yet. A moment.

You Are not Alone on Your plAnet

Have you ever done this before—talked through an Earth human body?

No, and I think we are just about at the point where we are
going to have to stop. I did not realize it was necessary for the
physical self to drink water, and I may have taxed the physical
body a bit there. But it seems to be recovering well. And
when I put the speaking instrument [telephone] down, I apologized
to the person’s body.

But if no one told you, how would you know?

But I did not grasp, you see? Here was the water nearby, and
I did not grasp the reason for it. This is not good. This is perhaps
why I am not involved in contact on planets.

Have you ever talked through another being like this?

It is the first time, but I see I need to improve my technique.
I must make a closing comment now. The channel is tired.

As a member of the diplomatic corp on a vehicle, I am asking
you to forgive us if our appearance over your planet frightened
anyone. That was not our intention. It was rather to remind
you that you are not alone on your planet. There are a great
many beings from other planets who love you from a distance, of
course (because we haven’t met you), who feel very good about
you and who you are and what you are doing, and who are looking
forward to helping you in any way we can.

Please do not encourage your children to be afraid of us.
We are here to help you, not just to do things that we think
ought to be done, but rather specifically to help you in the ways
you desire to be helped. We are not here to support your wars
against each other, but we are here to help you to have all that
you need so that wars are unnecessary and so that you can have
the comfort you deserve with other means and have livelihood
and things to do and to discover. We are hopeful that you will
understand that this is our purpose for doing these things, and
we have seen those desires in you, wishing to help others as well
as your own family and friends. Often we have noted that you
have even wished to help others unlike yourselves, as those who
would help other types of beings.

So that is my apology as well as my promise, and I shall say
for now, good night.

Thank you very much.


posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:53 PM
Who the heck is Rober Shapiro, and what kind of drugs is he on? It's actually comical reading that. It's like something a 12 year old would write.

Any link for this?

Edited to add...I see the OP was deleted. Ce la vie.

[edit on 17-2-2008 by sensfan]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 06:56 PM
no, only a pdf.

Its a magazine that focuses on spiraitual channeling and new age theroys.
And considering that this thread has been alive fro about 3 mins i dont think you have any justification in your comment.

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