You Are recovering QuAlities on eArth thAt
didn’t work elsewhere
You have volunteered to come to your planet to accomplish,
from my point of view, the recovery of qualities of other
things that have been tried and did not work elsewhere. But
these things had good qualities, good capacities, that no one
wanted to just throw away. So you volunteered to rescue and
glean the good qualities from functions, philosophies, ideas
and practices that otherwise had significant aspects to them
that were not so good.
That is an interesting way to put it. List some of the qualities we are
Discomfort comes to mind instantaneously, because no
one really likes discomfort. But you use it on a low-key scale
to accomplish things, to simply even stimulate your motivation
to do something. Something is a little uncomfortable,
and so you perform an act perhaps to return to stasis or comfort.
What does your old friend Zoosh say? “You close the
window and the draft is no longer on your neck.” That might
seem to be perfectly obvious to you, but on other planets it is
not a factor of their existence because there is no draft on the
back of anyone’s neck. This does not mean there is no wind,
but there is no discomfort and therefore no need for motivation
of that type.
There are other qualities that you have gleaned the best
out of. Competition I mentioned because it has brought forth
the application of teamwork and this is competition’s best
quality, from my perception. There are many others—you
can look around and see things that you don’t like in society,
but then if you distill them down to their original expression,
you might say, “Well, I don’t like this and this and this, but
this is good.” You may not approve of the way your food is
grown, raised and, in the case of animals, treated, but that
UFO Investigators Flock to Stephenville, TX
Investigation Opens After 30 Residents Claim They
Saw a UFO Flying Over Their Town
By MIKE VON FREMD Jan. 18, 2008
UFO investigators, flock to Stephenville, Texas!
A team of six investigators from the Mutual UFO Net-
work will be interviewing citizens of Stephenville, Texas,
who say they spotted a UFO at sunset on Jan. 8.
The Mutual UFO Network is a nongovernmental group
interested in documenting UFOs. State director Ken
Cherry says that the network has received calls from
50 citizens who say they witnessed the UFO and that
the number and credibility of the people is exceptional.
The rural Texas town has attracted worldwide attention
after the sightings.
(for more the rest of the article visit:
Stephenville eyewitnesses discussed their expriences on the
Larry King Live show, –Aired January 18, 2008 - 21:00 ET
does not mean there are not food items you do approve of
and enjoy eating.
You see? Polarity on your planet has affected everything,
but you have to have a planet that has polarity in order to
accept these things, unresolved in other places, that come with
the full package of discomfort and comfort—to glean out the
comfort aspects and say, “Let’s not throw this thing away just
because it has discomforting aspects; let’s glean these things
out and find a way to synthesize them into a societal philosophy
that can be practiced benevolently, and then we will
be able, with these structures, to set aside the discomforting
aspect of all these things.” You have actually done this; you
have accomplished it. Now you are striving toward a global
societal function to test all of what you have done and to set
aside everything associated with discomfort. It will take you
awhile, but not an infinite time. During this time, though, you
will have more and more visitors.
Is this the first time your ship has been seen?
Shapiro, Robert: Diplomat from UFO Over Stephensville, TX
March 2008
No, but it is the first time it has been seen so closely. There
are many ships, many standing off at a distance. We must do
that so that we do not interfere with your project. That is
the way we see what you are doing on Earth: it is a project, a
worthy project generally, but we could interfere if we are too
present, couldn’t we? Still, we must announce our presence
so you realize that you have allies who are prepared to assist
you once you gravitate to a more benevolent state of being
and are prepared to consider that what you call feminine science
has not only value but greater value, since it does not
involve discomfort, uses the attraction principle and has at
its core and foundation and framework benevolence as an
expression of all aspects.
It will be difficult for your science to accept that because
of the competition angle in there—the desire to succeed and
be recognized with all that goes with that recognition. Once
your society recognizes all individuals, treats them benevolently
and develops support systems for those who do not fit
in but may be the herald of something new . . . though their
socialization process, for example, may not work in your society.
It is all right to have a place of their own, isn’t it? To
be treated well and cared for and perhaps gently observed to
see if this something new or if it is strictly an anomaly that
needs to be cured.
You have much of that now. Many of the children are
expressing these things, and it will happen more and more.
I know that your medical science will be concerned that you
are having a wave of birth abnormalities, but one might reasonably
say, using science as a benevolent analogy, that many
technological inventions were considered abnormalities to
the point of being laughed at. But you take many of them
quite seriously now and use them well. And even pathological
aspects of modern inventions are considered laughable by
some, but not quite as laughable as they once were—as in the
famous steamboat, which was quite a joke at the time, but the
inventor definitely had the last laugh.
How many of you are on this ship and how long have you been on the
It varies, but at any given moment, perhaps twenty thousand.
My group has been on the ship about . . . now I am going
to use your years. They do not really relate to our sense of existence.
But from your way of measuring, about nineteen years.
And, we live . . . I am going to have to calculate this to your
time. We live about seven hundred years. Now, I am not talking
about everyone on the ship; I am talking about my group
of seventy. I will always be doing that. We have time, but it
is measured by experience, not by night and day. Your time is
measured by night and day.
You all have different jobs aboard the ship? Are you one of the diplomats,
since you are the one speaking to us?
Yes, mine is diplomatic, and when there is no diplomacy
needed, then my group simply studies the likely places we
might go or the possible ramifications of this and that associated
with whomever we are likely to be involved with. That
is why we have a considerable amount of information to study
about Earth beings, since we have been in and around your
planet for some time, using your timing.
And you have equipment that can scan the events on the planet, so you
can keep up with what is going on?
I don’t want to say too much about that, but the answer is
yes and no. I can’t really say too much more about that.
What is the original purpose of your ship? Is it to explore and discover,
or is it to travel and trade, or what?
I would say that it is to welcome. It has a tremendous
amount of diplomacy, yes, but ultimately sharing capabilities.
There are a great many peoples from all over the
nearby galaxies to your own on board this ship, which allows
us to offer, when welcomed, a great deal of support to planetary
civilizations that would welcome us. And I would not
wish to say that we need anything from you. We might from
time to time request a scoop of this or that portion of your
planet—perhaps a little sand, perhaps a little water, something
like that, that we might use in various ways. But we
would never ask for any personal sacrifice by anyone—and
by “anyone,” I mean any form of life on the planet. We
would certainly make certain that there were no creatures in
the water or in the sand.