"Benjamin Franklin writes "There never was a good war or bad peace ..."
"Bob Dylan's 1st New York performance September 11 in History"
"Battle of Brandywine, Pa; Americans lose to British September 11 ..."
it's amazing what difference a day makes! Some good , some bad, some typical and normal.
I stumbled onto this site looking for John Lennon's UFO sighting. Just thought it might be interesting to somebody, or useful. So, I posted it just
in case.
I myself don't really study 9/11 to much. I think after someone showed me the "money folding thing" I shut down a bit on it, and stuck to my UFO's
and such. But, I have never seen this site before so....
Anyway here is the link to the above quotes and there are lots pages of everything and anything of any significance listed there , that happened
through-out history on 9/11.
Originally posted by RUFFREADY
I think after someone showed me the "money folding thing" I shut down a bit on it
Not that I'm an advocate of the money thing. But, just don't poo-poo it slight of hand. Look into when those designs were made and instituted.
It's not the "decades" that everyone says. ALL of them have been re-introduced POST 9/11.
Just look in Wiki and they tell when the new dollars came out.
"Sept. 11, 1922: On September 11, 1922, ignoring Arab outrage, the British government proclaimed a mandate in Palestine. The Balfour declaration
promised European zionists a national home for Jewish people.
Sept. 11, 1941: Construction of the Pentagon began on this day in 1941.
The ground breaking ceremony also took place on September 11, 1941.
Sept. 11, 1991: Freemason and occultist, George H. W. Bush gives speech to congress about establishing the "New World Order".
Sept. 11 1999: The Jewish calendar is 6,000 years old. September 11, 1999 is regarded as the 6,000th anniversary of Adam's creation.
Sept. 11, 2001: The world trade center false flag terror event that capitulates America into further war into the Middle East."
wow! thanks for that! I guess I just find it so terrible to even consider,( that it was all part of a big plan, for a long time) I'll have to look
into this I guess, to many things don't add up. We can get so busy in our day to day lives, that I guess "the powers that be can sneak things in, to
much information, I'd say.