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Pleaidians, God-like people from a mothership

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posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by NightVision
According to most who have claimed to have had contact with Pleadians, they say that Pleadians do not wish themselves to be viewed as 'God-like'.

In fact, according to them, our perception of any being as 'God-like', is a big part of what got the human race into the mess we're in now.

I agree, pleidians first opened my eyes to the real life on earth at an early age or thats what I thought, I have come to understand over the years that all E.T have an agenda and manipulate mankind, all this 'not to be treated like a god' e.t.c. IMO is another case of manipulation.

When people channel the pleidians, they receive information about love,light,harmony and inner peace, which is great, don't get me wrong the key to understanding is to think outside of the box, best done via meditation. But then they start talking about energies and how our vibrations cannot match theirs and if they were to come in direct contact with humas they could potential destroy all the hard workd that has been done by the light workers, therefore, they are unable to show themselves e.t.c

The more you learn through other peoples experiences and your own, about the pleidians and other E.T the more you see contradictions and manipulations.

I believe there are E.T'S that want to help us but I do not believe the pleidians are the saviours to mankind.

[edit on 20-1-2009 by franspeakfree]

posted on Jan, 20 2009 @ 08:46 AM
Why do people insist on calling any alien race 'Godlike'?

They are not Gods, they are mearly advanced beings with a technological system far superior than our own.

Not trying to flame the OP but most threads have the word alien and Godlike nearly in the same sentance and it infuriates me.

I suppose I'll concede a point that their technology could and probably look like 'magic' to us , even though we now realise that technology accounts for most 'events' . And that if we were to travel back in time or to a more 'backward' world ( like ours) then that technology would be classed as godlike.
People still think aliens are gods.
Any alien who say they are Gods , are not the aliens that could be friends with us Humans.
Who knows what a God actually is , or what he/she/it/them is made of?

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 01:27 AM
i will suggest that any being that has the ability to create or guide our evolution is classified as godlike. they either are creators or have the ability to create.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:49 AM

There are two major reasons to not believe that there are any life forms coming from the Pleiades Star Cluster. It is too young and it is too hot. The star cluster is only approximately 100 million years old (by comparison our planet is approximately 4.5 Billion years old). The star cluster primarily consists of young, hot blue stars. Given these conditions astronomers doubt that there are any planetary systems in the cluster, and, even if there were, the planets would be far younger than our own planet and it would therefore be impossible for an older, more advanced civilization to have come from the Pleiades. Link:


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:04 AM
reply to post by derekcbart

How do you know that? Have you been there?

Or did you get the information from some Government source like NASA, which quite frankly, doesn't want us to know about benevolent ETs.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by DataWraith
Why do people insist on calling any alien race 'Godlike'?

They are not Gods, they are mearly advanced beings with a technological system far superior than our own.

Not trying to flame the OP but most threads have the word alien and Godlike nearly in the same sentance and it infuriates me.

I suppose I'll concede a point that their technology could and probably look like 'magic' to us , even though we now realise that technology accounts for most 'events' . And that if we were to travel back in time or to a more 'backward' world ( like ours) then that technology would be classed as godlike.
People still think aliens are gods.
Any alien who say they are Gods , are not the aliens that could be friends with us Humans.
Who knows what a God actually is , or what he/she/it/them is made of?

I'm sure entities don't call themselves god or god like that is a labele we have given them due to their advanced psyche and al depends to on what your opinion of God is..The Plejarens know that God is a much higher source of power we all have to obtain to but must go throw different levels to get there..

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:46 AM

Originally posted by derekcbart

There are two major reasons to not believe that there are any life forms coming from the Pleiades Star Cluster. It is too young and it is too hot. The star cluster is only approximately 100 million years old (by comparison our planet is approximately 4.5 Billion years old). The star cluster primarily consists of young, hot blue stars. Given these conditions astronomers doubt that there are any planetary systems in the cluster, and, even if there were, the planets would be far younger than our own planet and it would therefore be impossible for an older, more advanced civilization to have come from the Pleiades. Link:

If you ever read contact notes from a Plejaren you would know that they claim to be from a constellation 80 million light years behind the Paleides look up Plejaren contact notes from Ptaah.

[edit on 26-2-2009 by gmac1000]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul
reply to post by derekcbart

How do you know that? Have you been there?

Or did you get the information from some Government source like NASA, which quite frankly, doesn't want us to know about benevolent ETs.


Okay, there is no way to create a logical response to that statement. If you are going to disregard multiple confirmed scientific observations then there is no way to have a reasonable discussion on the topic.


posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:25 PM
Google search BLOSSOM GOODCHILD, that will give you all the pleadian info you need right there. You can find the same info on this website as well.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 02:26 PM

Originally posted by gmac1000
If you ever read contact notes from a Plejaren you would know that they claim to be from a constellation 80 million light years behind the Paleides look up Plejaren contact notes from Ptaah.

Okay, you are now definitely discussing the claims of Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier. His claims have been refuted many times by many people on this board and elsewhere, including myself at

NONE of the material put forth so far by Meier, including his prophecies, has held up to scrutiny.


posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 05:52 PM
I would like to add my thoughts and comments to this discussion.

Any entity that is being "channeled", whether it is a Pleiadian, Native American Indian, ET or some other "entity" is passing on that entity's beliefs, desires and goals for that entity's purposes. I refer to an entity beliefs, desires and goals as "its agenda".
An entity that is promoting "its agenda" has taken a kernel of Truth and has wrapped that kernel of Truth in "its agena" and has called it "food for thought". My belief is that as a free-will individual I need to seperate the kernel of Truth from what it has been wrapped in and focus my energy and thoughts on the "kernel(s) of Truth".
There is nothing "wrong", "evil" or "bad" about this. The Creator has allowed all the parties involved to exercise his/her/its own free-will. Many individuals were given the "kernels of Truth" that will enable them/us to reach a higher frequncy/level. While, at the same time it has allowed the "entities" to share their beliefs. Everyone involved has had an "experience", which hopefully has allowed each individual to learn and grow. In summary, nothing "bad", "wrong" or "evil" has been committed. We shared the "experience".
The goal of sharing an experience is to "learn". What do you "learn"? Anything that enables you to be happier and/or expand your knowledge.
Note: The Creator packs every experience with an unlimited amount of things to "learn" for everyone involved.
My opinion, the most important purpose of the "channelings" is to expose us to some of the "kernels of Truth".


It is.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:04 PM
This is the most ridiculous thing ever. People that disregard science to follow this cultist crap are brainwashed. this type of topic should just be locked on ATS.

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:32 PM
I concur

this is silly business, all of this sci fi speculation star trek nonsense

show me some facts

saying that i had a vivid dream of my room filling with light and some blonde people being in the room, however i wouldnt go and say they were aliens. I have no proof

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Maj35t1cI2

LMAO! You took the words right out of my mouth. When you address a problem with their theory they jump on you and scream that what we know is propoganda created by NASA and it's all lies. If you wanna believe so badly that you don't absorb any other thought then you're stuck on "retard".

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:42 PM
The Pleiadians are NOT BS! If you're really interested in them you should check out the documentary Ships of Light - The Carlos Diaz Experience on, as well as Bringers of Dawn by Barbara Marciniak, which you could listen to below:

I have had two experiencesin Birmingham, England that have led me to believe without a doubt that they are real. I believe it was meant to happen. They are here to guide us through the coming consciousness shift.

p.s., I can tell you from first hand experience that they very much appear God-like. By this I mean I recognized many similarities to the stories in the ancient biblical scriptures during my experience, which I've come to believe are very strongly related to the role that Pleiadians played in humanity. For example they seemed to be pure consciousness encapsulated in these spheres of angelic white light (same lights you see in many UFO videos); they induced feelings of compassion and love in me during my experience, there was no fear involved; they also drop this cotton/woollike substance that's reminiscent of the mana described in the bible as food for the Isrealites "dropped from the heavens." Personally, I believe the stories in the bibile were largely influenced by the role that The Pleiadians played. The primitives probably turned them into gods and worshipped them, and people are still doing it to this day.

[edit on 23-7-2009 by hermantinkly]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by hermantinkly

I wanna meet one of these Aryan alien guys before I believe. I can tell people on the internet and write a book about being a 60' turkey-man, but that doesn't make it so. Youtube videos and new age books are just that. Stories are just that. I myself do believe in ETs, but I do not believe that certain ppl are privy to certain info because they harness their vibrations and telepathically speak with them.
My reality is what I can see, smell taste and touch. What's real is my reality. If I can't see it or feel it then it's not reality. I don't see or feel any super Scandinavian alien race from another dimension and I'm not inclined to blindly believe it because a book says so.
I stopped watching the video at "We are here to help you". Why do we need help? Why don't they leave us alone and let us destroy ourselves? Gimme a break. We don't need alien help. We need to help our dam selves!

[edit on 23-7-2009 by spinalremain]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by spinalremain
reply to post by hermantinkly

I wanna meet one of these Aryan alien guys before I believe. I can tell people on the internet and write a book about being a 60' turkey-man, but that doesn't make it so. Youtube videos and new age books are just that. Stories are just that. I myself do believe in ETs, but I do not believe that certain ppl are privy to certain info because they harness their vibrations and telepathically speak with them.
My reality is what I can see, smell taste and touch. What's real is my reality. If I can't see it or feel it then it's not reality. I don't see or feel any super Scandinavian alien race from another dimension and I'm not inclined to blindly believe it because a book says so.
I stopped watching the video at "We are here to help you". Why do we need help? Why don't they leave us alone and let us destroy ourselves? Gimme a break. We don't need alien help. We need to help our dam selves!

[edit on 23-7-2009 by spinalremain]

You make an excellent point mate, but luckily for me I've had two close encounters recently which have undoubtedly made me a believer, so it really doesn't matter if you're a believer or not. At least I'm not trying to make you one. It's only natural to be skeptical. Seeing truly is believing.

[edit on 23-7-2009 by hermantinkly]

posted on Jul, 23 2009 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by hermantinkly

What did they tell you and do with you? Please explain everything which happened. I am interested.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 10:24 PM
Bill Meier said he met a female saucer pilot.
The female pilot is quite common as human male reproduction is affected
by internal craft high voltage sparking producing UV.
She lied to Billy where she came from which was Switzerland.

posted on Jul, 26 2009 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
Bill Meier said he met a female saucer pilot.
The female pilot is quite common as human male reproduction is affected
by internal craft high voltage sparking producing UV.
She lied to Billy where she came from which was Switzerland.

I don't really know what to think about Billy Meier, to be honest honest. I haven't really delved into his legacy much besides looking at some pictures he's produced of flying saucers hovering in the air, and they just looked really suspect and fake to me. It's possible that his stories have tidbits of truth in them combined with loads of made-up, exaggerated rubbish. Either that or he's completely fake and being influenced by a dark extraterrestrial consciousness using him to spread misinformation.

The Pleaidians are highly evolved, highly spiritual, multi-dimensional extraterrestrials and they travel in lightships and merkabahs I believe, as I witnessed first-handedly during my encounter. The pictures produced by Meiers are of typical, mechanical, nuts-and-bolts type saucers that are more closely associated with the types of craft that a lower evolved faction of ET would travel in, like the Greys for example. You know what I mean? I think I may be on to something when I say he's being influenced by dark ETs.

[edit on 26-7-2009 by hermantinkly]

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