posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:05 PM
A lot of people use the threat to sue as a way of scaring people. Considering the line of work the OP is in it might be worthwhile to sit down for an
hour or so with a good libel lawyer and discuss the lay of the lawsuit land.
If some guy writes to you and tells you to contact your lawyer, that in itself might only be a scare tactic. A real legal challenge to you might
require the receipt of some sort of letter of intention from his lawyer, or some sort of notification from the court. Anybody can run around saying
that they are going to "sue you", but actually doing it, I'm sure involves more concrete steps.
You should also, in dangerous cases, consider having your work vetted by a libel lawyer before publishing it. Up here in Canada a famous journalist
named Peter C. Newman, did that very thing before calling Conrad Black a crook in print (prior to Lord Black's recent conviction), but was still
sued, and found libel, so even that doesn't always work. Good luck.