posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 08:10 PM
So far, ATS points currency in circulation..
ATS Population.........
Per Capita Points.....
Now we have a store to purchace items of interest using the ATS currency of choice.
Unfortunatly, these are one time purchaces on non-expiring assets, and do nothing to promote proper circulation of the currency.
So even though the ATS community is effectively dollarized, there are no consumables in the store to promote continued spending, enabling for the
'full-circle' of dollarization to occur.
(For those of you who have happened thru a few of my other posts, you know what I am eluding to.)
Although the per capita value is rather low at 1264 per member, I would expect the actual value to be significantly higher among the posting members
and active accounts.
So I am beginning to think that something needs to be added to the store. Something to support proper circulation, and maybe give some meaning to
those with a pile of points. Something consumable that expires or is a single use one-shot item with much interest and demand.
(My concern would be the advent of the Euro, may take away the purchasing power of the ATS bill.... jk)