posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 03:47 PM
i just reread John Keels book "Why Ufos?". I find it very interesting and thought i would see if I could get a discussion going about some of his
ideas. I'm sure alot of you have read it but to those who havent i'll try to summarize it.
The basic idea behind the book is that ufos have always existed and the only change has been the observers *frame of reference" His theory is that up
until the 1850's anomalus phenomenon in the sky was recognized as religious events, but as our technology advanced the phenomenon was "obliged to
update its manifestations and establish new frames of reference. The phantom armies and angels so frequently reported in the past were replaced by
transmorgrifications which appeared to match man's own technological achievements."
some of the examples he gives are:
1896-7 mystery airships in the US (which he claims set the standard pattern fall all future ufo flaps/sightings)
1909-14 airship/airplane flap around the world
1932-1938 mystery aircraft over scandanavia
1946 ghost rockets also over scadanavia
All of these early sightings were contributed to advanced manmade aircraft just on the horizon of being developed, by the late 40s people would save
stopped noticing craft of these specifics, But in 1947 we were technologically advanced enough for most people to accept and consider the possibilty
of e.t. life, and the modern "flying saucer" frame of refrence was built up by a series of "spectacular incidents and contacts".
He writes that in 1947 there was no more or no less anomalous phenomeon as reported in 1847, we were just seeing it in a new way.
He goes on to say the E.T. hypotheisis was quickly widely accepted which effectivelly painted researchers in a corner because the only way to prove
their existence would be
1. if there was a crash and wreckage was proven to be not from earth
2. if the ufonauts landed in a public place witnessed by huge numbers and then entered into contact with heads of state.
He says there have been many reported landings as in 1897 but they always take place in secluded places with a minimum of witnesses. The purpose of
these landings seems only to be to "advance the belief if the frame of reference"
He goes on to say the the ufo phenomenon is controlled, it follows patterns. He thorizes that it is made to create confusion,diversion and to support
certain beliefs which were eroneous but that would serve as stepping stones to a higher complex truth. which he really doesnt get into other then an
"unseen world" thats behind the events manipulating mankind.
i dunno its intresting ideas, im sure im not describing as well as i could, but i think hes got some valid points and theories....
i would love to hear some of your thoughts and comments on this
[edit on 16-2-2008 by drock905]