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Bush team lines up behind McCain

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posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Bush team lines up behind McCain

The former US President George H.W. Bush will endorse Arizona Senator John McCain in Houston, on Monday Republican Party sources say.
The endorsement comes as the current US President George W. Bush in a Sunday interview with Fox News defended McCain against accusations of not being conservative enough and suggested that the Arizona senator would have his backing if he won the GOP nomination.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:27 PM
Alright all you NWO fanatics. Here is a huge step in that direction. The Bush 'legacy' wants to extend their NWO and globalization agenda using McCain as their next puppet.
Notice how GW uses FOX News as his outlet to show his support for Johnny boy. You can't get more spin than that. I love how they say Bush team. Further insight as to how senior has had a hand in his son pushing this family's agenda.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:33 PM
Or are we looking at the kiss of death for any realistic chance Sen. McCain had of becoming president.

Who in the current political climate would want any kind of endorsement from the Bush team as you point out, palehorse23, this would not have been done with the full knowledge of the current president.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:39 PM
Yep, I've seen the Decider and Daddy pimping out McCain like there's no tomorrow. Absolutely no suprise there-He represents everything they are looking for to further their greed and power agenda's. He is a clone of them in terms of their policies. Sickening.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Freedom ERP

Logically, you would think that know one would want their endorsement. That doesn't matter though. As I believe, the Democrats are becoming such a divided party and struggling with the issues of whether Obama or Hillary have the strength to actually be elected. I consider McCain as somewhat of a silent killer. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he sneaks in the back door and becomes an extension of the Bush administration.
The elite have their agenda and will stop at nothing to accomplish it. Don't be surprised if you see something happen to Obama if he really rallies and is a threat to the agenda. But, when you dig deep and look at the big picture, they are all a part of the big agenda. I am just afraid the Dems will not show their strength and somehow blow this whole thing.
Too many ties to elites on both sides. I for one do not think we will see the change we truly seek no matter who ends up in office next year.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 01:50 PM
Never before has it become so stunningly apparent of what a sham our entire electoral and voting process has become...Every single candidate is hand-picked, screened, and pimped out by corporate-interest, banking groups, and Military Industrial Complex big-whigs that run our country. Unless they meet the criteria of forwarding the agendas of wealth / power grabs of these rulers, then don't even stand a chance. NOT ONE of these candidates has ANYTHING to do with making our country a better place to live anymore-NOT ONE...They are all here to forward these twisted, self-serving agenda's that are destroying our country.

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