posted on Feb, 16 2004 @ 07:49 PM
I know that some around here do not consider this source as reliable but for those of you with open minds and inquiring thoughts, from
Q: (L) The comment was made at one point that certain alien
beings abduct humans and subject them to cruel and torturous
deaths in order to create "maximum energy transfer." In this
respect, what is this maximum energy transfer that occurs
during a long, slow, torturous dying process?
A: Extreme fear and anxiety builds up fear/anxiety energy
which is of a negative nature which fuels the beings that you
speak of in that they draw from that and produce a sort of a
fueling energy which keeps them going as one of their forms of
nourishment based on their metabolic structure.
Q: (L) What is their metabolic structure?
A: That is very complex and very difficult to describe because
it is on the fourth level of density which you do not understand.
But, part of their reason for existence on the fourth level is
their ability to nourish themselves both through ethereal
methods and through physical methods. Therefore, this energy
transfer would represent the ethereal method of nourishment
and other means are achieved physically.
Q: (L) What other means?
A: Well, the drinking of blood and blood by-products would
be an example of that.
Q: (L) Do they do that?
A: Yes, but the manner of intake is different than what you
may be thinking. It is done through pores.
Q: (L) In what manner?
A: Bathing and then absorbing the necessary products and
then disposing of the remaining product.
Q: (T) They've said that before. (L) Okay, yeah, we eat
second level, they eat third. Did aliens do some of the cattle
A: Yes.
Q: What do aliens do to cattle?
A: Blood.
Q: (L) They take the blood out of them?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) They drink it? What do they use this blood for?
A: Nourishment.
Q: (L) Okay, but you just said that aliens eat humans, and
humans eat cattle. Why were the aliens being nourished by
cattle, if that's not their normal bill of fare? (J) Delicacy. (T) A
cow's blood is a lot like human blood.
A: Do you not ever consume facsimile?
Q: (T) Hamburger helper? Shake and Bake, (J) And I helped!
[Laughter] Sorry!
A: Facsimile is less controversial, obviously!
Q: (L) So in other words, they were eating cattle just to keep
from having to eat so many humans, that would have just upset
people a lot, is that it? Oh god.
A: Yes.
Q: (T) So, since they're eating cattle instead of humans, does
that mean they'll stop eating humans? (L) TR, you know better
than that! (T) Well, it's the next logical question.
A: Some of their human "food" is merely emotions, think of
flesh as being the equal of "filet mignon."