posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 03:45 PM
From the moment Bill and Hillary Clinton entered the White House in 1992, they've been like sand in our national shorts. We have felt their
presence, even when we haven't seen them.
Mr. Clinton soon became "Slick Willie." We marvelled at his ability to squirm free of trouble. Always suspected, but never indicted. Hillary
scared the heck out of us with her iceberg ways and that gnarly health care scheme that she was "put in charge of" as First Lady.
Some of us cried when Hillary ran for the Senate in '98. Some of us cried Hallejuha! I myself cringed at the thought of yet another President
Clitnon. As time passed, Hillary's reputation actually grew. The mainstream media seemed to fall in love with the idea of her being the candidate
who was man enough to defeat George W. Bush.
The events of 9-11 made W un-beatable. Even so, Hillary remained locked and loaded, ready for the next opportunity to take up the Democratic battle
Mrs. Clinton's veneer of invulnerabilty fell off faster than Monica's blue dress when Barack Obama came on to the sceme, "for real."
"The Clinton Machine" has performed poorly in 2008, as if it were somehow past warranty. Bill and Hillary have NOT made any of the bold blitzy
moves that we know they could be capable of. Hillary's lackluster speaking style should be bottled and sold as a sleeping aid. The Clinton Genius
appears to be...gone.
So, here's my question. Were the Clintons ever really "that good," or have we been building them up in our collective nightmares because we're
just so darned afraid of what they represent?
Or, is there some other reason for their failure in this election? Time and time again, we see them pass up opportunities for the good zinger, or the
superior photo op. Have they fired their best speech writers? Does Hillary actually write her own stuff?
I'd like to know what YOU think.