posted on Dec, 20 2002 @ 01:53 PM
That's funny. At my old address, I used to get an awful lot of door to door evangelists. It got to the point where it was really annoying, so I
changed my approach to answering the door, and came up with a way to have some fun at it...
I'd answer, and then immediately start in on them with this just for laughs....
"Satan is our true father. Though he was cast down from heaven, he shall raise his armies, and take the throne from the old man, and his bastard
son! Be gone from my sight infidels!"
You know, they must have completely took me off some master list, because after only a couple times of doing that, I was never visited again,
Scientology...I live in the Scientology capital of the world. Nothing more than amateur psychiatry interwoven with sci-fi. Read Dianetics (though
just the first couple chapters, as the rest is pretty much just repeating the same thing), and you'll pretty much get the overview. Basic idea is
that everything bad in your life is the result of an engram (something bad that happened to you while you were in an unconscious state). By attending
Scientology "classes" you can learn how to rid yourself from these engrams, and become a "clear", and be more successful in life. What a
laughable idea....
Anyhow, I'm not of any religion. Having grown up as more of a citizen of the world, I was exposed to many religions and cultures. I do study
religion though, as it's a pretty fascinating subject.