posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 02:26 PM
I think I know what you are talking about. It sounds like simply accepting the world of faith. I was not raised with religion, but it had intrigued
me ever since i was a child as to why some people chose spirituality and some did not.
There is a lot the rational mode of thinking cannot comprehend about faith.
Im not specifically talking about any one religion.
For me, I needed some sort of proof I guess before I could believe that the things i experienced were not just mere hallucinations, I had to just have
faith that they were real in their own right for a while and see what they could produce if i just let them flow and teach me.
I dont know what kind of spiritual experience you may be talking about, but so long as its not one that is telling you to harm yourself or others, why
be afraid?
for me, coming from a seriously skeptical mind, to studying many religions and ending up meditating through insight found in vedic scriptures, I
cannot say I subscribe to any one religion at all, but through meditation, my concept of any difference between material and spiritual difference has
become completely merged.
In short, the spiritual effects of reality were not always seen as such, they were seen as an extension of what you would call science, so if you're
born into a situation where rationality reigns supreme before giving what it doesnt understand a chance to express itself, it may not really be the
rationality you thought it was.
This is just my opinion of course; as a child I could not find the rationality presented to me, rational, so i sought out the truth of rationality
through thousands of pages of psychology, philosophy, and theology until i realized they are all talking about the same thing, people's EGO's just
have a tendency to become self righteous and proclaim others ways to the same truth as ignorance or lies. politics has a lot to do with it too, but
thats a whole other story and im just ranting at this point so....