posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 04:24 PM
Not to much to say about this document. Is recorded the sightings of few unidentified flying objects over the skies of Albuquerque, New Mexico and
Tusla and Enid, Oklahoma in May 28, 1952. The witness, all flight crews of five B-29 reported seeing few unidentified objects resembling flares flying
in arc along horizontal path with the exception of one who looked to trail off toward the ground. The objects were ball shaped, greenish in color and
illuminated. They were clearly visible for over a minute.
The other sightings (three of them) were made, one again over Albuquerque and other two in Oklahoma, respectively Tusla and Enid. There are no details
about the size, shape or flight pattern of the other objects.
Is important to note that there were no flights scheduled in that time so nothing was suppose to be in the skies of Albuquerque and Oklahoma at that
precise time and date. Is also important to note that the witness are experienced observers. Being pilots they were very much familiar with meteors
and flares but in their report they stated that the objects seen were none of the above.