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The Hand of Man: No Seas Remain Pristine

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 07:55 AM
Link to story

Not a square kilometer of the world's oceans has been left untouched by human activities, a new study shows. The most highly affected region of the world's oceans include the eastern Caribbean, the North Sea, the eastern North American seaboard, the Mediterranean, and the waters around Japan. Ecosystems at high risk included coral reefs, continental shelves, seagrass beds and mangroves.

I just thought that I would share in article in honor of planetary awareness. I think that our planet is reaching a critical point and that it is very important for everyone to fully aware of just how critical it has become. 4% of the earths water is pristine, and mostly polar. What are those numbers going to be in 25 years
Just something to stew on.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 08:03 AM
It's disgusting!
For a while when I was growing up, we lived in northern Fla.
I would practically LIVE at the beach! We lived three blocks from it.
Beautiful. Nowadays, my children have NEVER seen the beach.
Red tide, condoms, trash, and diseased sand ALL make me leary of taking them there. Especially after that guy died a few years ago after swimming in the Gulf!
The eighth continent off of the Pacific. What???

Where is the plan?
Maybe the elite don't care about comon geography, because they have biodomes or something for themselves.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by kleverone

yeah, i just read that 4% figure yesterday at the site

there's a related read, titled; Our Endangered Oceans

...addressing the coral reef issues and fish harvesting at the Limit before total collapse.

scroll down the page @

(many interesting topics are linked)
including an idea about resupplying/infusing the Arial Sea with fresh water

[edit on 15-2-2008 by St Udio]


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