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We Are the Beast

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:43 AM
Like many of you, I've lately found myself immersed in theories of global conspiracy ranging from the frighteningly plausible to the outright absurd. At the same time, I've been deeply exploring the subjects of consciousness and the nature of reality. It's been an interesting parallel and I don't doubt that they're related.

My biggest issue with a global conspiracy is how widely available the information is. Google – a multi-billion dollar corporation and owner of YouTube – hosts a seemingly endless archive of "truth" videos and documentaries. These are also the most watched videos online. Recently, I found Alex Jones' documentary End Game for rent at a massive franchise video store (Rogers Video, for any other Canadians reading this), which in itself is a subsidiary of another huge multi-billion dollar corporation. If the Illuminati are really as powerful as these videos claim, why have they made it so easy for us to see into their "secret" plans?

I've thought of several possibilities, the last of which being what I'm now most adhering to:

    1. They don't care. They know they'll succeed and there's nothing we can do to stop them, so why waste resources on covering it up?
    2. The Internet has grown beyond their control. These videos keep popping up and to shut them down would only confirm that they're true. Hence the expedition of their plans.
    3. The collective mind is a powerful tool. They put out the paranoia, we figure out how they could do it, and then they do it.
    4. They are actively spreading disinformation to distract us from a greater truth.
    5. They're revealing their plans so that we begin to believe it could actually happen, thereby unconsciously allowing it to (slavery of the mind before body).
    6. Mass paranoid delusion.

Why have I begun to believe the latter? Search any of your typical conspiracy keywords into Google (NWO, Illuminati, 9/11, 2012, etc.) and you'll get countless links to conspiracy theories. But try searching for anything debunking these theories and the results are practically nil. It's not that they're not out there, they're just much harder to find. If these evil plans depend on secrecy, then how could this be? Even if the Internet is outside their realm of control (which, by all the evidence presented, should be highly unlikely), surely they'd have at least started some sort of counter movement by now. And if they have, it's failing miserably, so how could they possibly hope to enslave the entire world population?

Now I'm not saying they're not, just that we're allowing it to happen. And not just allowing it, but causing it too. Let me explain:

The universe is an infinite field of information, and our lives are just us playing connect-the-dots to make sense of it all. What we believe to be happening and what's actually happening outside our realm of perception has continuously proven to be completely different. But this is all common knowledge, right? Now a trait of a paranoid schizophrenic is the amazing ability to connect a variety of seemingly unrelated information to form a complex, highly distorted view of reality (at least, from the general perspective), which is totally real to them but absurd to everyone else. Now if you look at history, you'll see that civilization follows many of the same psychological patterns as the human mind. We all affect each other's reality, so one person or group's sense of what's "real" impacts the rest until a new paradigm makes better sense of it. It's constantly changing, and so the only thing we can know for sure is that we know nothing.

It appears to me that society today has gotten itself into a state of delusion much like a paranoid schizophrenic. Who knows where it started (maybe the Illuminati?), but if we don't realize that we're all partaking in it, it will become reality.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 01:44 AM
Either we’ve been deluded by those in power into allowing it to happen, or we’ve been deluding them into doing it, or we’ll delude ourselves to the point of revolution and they’ll respond exactly as we’ve predicted. Again, I suspect the latter, and that they’re aware of what’s happening and are currently taking measures to deal with such an event. They’re losing control, so they’re stepping up control. Therefore, we’re manifesting our delusions into reality one way or another.

Now, what we need to realize is that we can stop it at any time. But it’ll take some work at this stage, as the movement’s gained so much momentum that it will continue onward to the same destiny unless we manage to divert it. That doesn’t mean stop visiting sites like this, or listening to Alex Jones or David Icke, pretending it’s not happening and going back to our daily lives. It is happening. But we’re making it happen, and simply giving it more attention will only perpetuate and expedite it. What we need to start doing is constructing a new, better model of the world and making that a reality. We all have that power, but so long as we believe we don’t, we’ll let our lives be overrun by those who can. The good news though, is that we now have a worldwide movement for a common cause. We just need to make that cause something other than the ultimate destruction of humanity.

Since I first began looking into these (often frighteningly convincing) theories, something has always struck me as somewhat suspicious. That something’s not right here, just like with the rest of the world. I’ve tried to remain as critical as possible and question everything – as one should always do – but it appears the majority do not. If they did, they would see that certain pieces simply do not fit. In this sense, the global conspiracy movement is, ironically, no different from any other form of media conditioning. It always seemed clear to me that this is just another layer of fear, another distraction from the ever-elusive “truth”. If you understand how the mind works, if you’re in tune with your intuition, it seems only obvious.

But decide for yourself. The world is definitely poised for massive change, but we must be aware that it’s entirely up to us to determine what kind. If we cower behind computer screens, believing all this limitless information on the coming New World Order and do nothing about it, then it will be so. And if it happens, then remember that we not only allowed it, but made it happen. It’ll be our fault, not theirs. For the first time in history, we’re beginning to understand just how much power we have, so let’s use it for the benefit of all before it’s too late.

(Apologies if this was posted on the wrong board; I wasn’t sure if this would be considered “disinformation”.)

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 04:31 AM
I had a dream many months ago where all played out as predicted and when things got worse then they had ever been before the whole of humanity cried out in unison and something snapped inside of them all and from the minds of billions a new god was born from the collective unconsciousness that simply sneered and wiped out every evil person on the planet with nothing more than a thought. it turned around and time seemed to stop and it looked like it was thinking of how best to undo the damage done to the planet and then i woke up

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 07:09 AM
an example of how the puppet-masters operate in the open
is the current mess with the Federal Reserve (central bankers)...

they, headed by Bernanke, are openly & willfully showing the USA
citizens and the rest of the world's central banks, that the USA's
Federal Reserve actually controls (with many layers of power & pressure)
and has deep influence in all the global ecomonies, both friend and foe.

? makes me wonder why... the Fed deliberately created the credit bubble, the housing bubble, the toxic investment paper sold all around the world, and fraudlently rated AAA grade.
And no admittance of wrongdoing or regret...only the laying of a new set of rules and a new economic path which only 'They' know where it leads.

the Federal Reserve is openly & brazenly behaving like the Pied Piper of Lore. Is this Performance a distraction or are bewildered men groping
around for a remedy to a strategy that backfired? Or is even that an Act?

but several layers back at human nature 101,
the 'Beast' are the darker drives within all men...

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:39 AM
good thread. I thought of starting a own one like yours..

1. They don't care. They know they'll succeed and there's nothing we can do to stop them, so why waste resources on covering it up?

perhaps.but every system has its fauls.nothing is perfect, even if ´they´had one ´master plan´.

2. The Internet has grown beyond their control. These videos keep popping up and to shut them down would only confirm that they're true. Hence the expedition of their plans.

perhaps.hey have a good money and power base.enought for the next 200 years.

3. The collective mind is a powerful tool. They put out the paranoia, we figure out how they could do it, and then they do it.

4. They are actively spreading disinformation to distract us from a greater truth.

what else? here on ATS massively.what do you think how many intelligent people are reading here..

5. They're revealing their plans so that we begin to believe it could actually happen, thereby unconsciously allowing it to (slavery of the mind before body).

you mean , unconciously we direct it?
no. I think they use human lameness.

6. Mass paranoid delusion.

[edit on 16-2-2008 by anti72]

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:52 AM
They don't give a damn because they know they will rule in the end. No matter what we think about them.

posted on Feb, 17 2008 @ 01:54 PM
Interesting post. I research conspiracy theories for fun- some of them I believe, some of them I don't. But to answer your original question- I am of the opinion that "they" just don't care. Because there aren't that many of us searching for answers. And those of us that are find that while many of the known conspiracy theorists start in the same place- in other words, that there is a NWO trying to achieve global government- they don't end in the same place. Alex Jones speaks of the police state, David Icke goes on to Reptilian hybrids, etc. So what I have discovered after countless hours of research is that there is no "truth." Only "they" know the whole truth, and we are left with half-truth's and speculations by people who many of us question as either disinfo agents or just someone trying to make a buck. But I find the search fun nonetheless.

I mean think about it. Of all the people you know in everyday life- friends, family, aquaintances, and coworkers, etc.- how many of them would have any idea what you were talking about if you brought up half of the subjects on this website. For me I would bet maybe 10% at most would have any idea what the NWO is, much less details. Now apply that to a global scale. Why should "they" care if a very small percentage of the population know what is going on?

posted on Feb, 21 2008 @ 10:59 PM
Excellent post... We need to change our focus from figuring out exactly what they are planning, to what were going to do to make sure they dont take control. I listened to a discussion about what this current year has to bring.. (towrds the end) one of the really relevant things he had to say was that our dreams and nightmares are going to become a reality. I interpret that as we can either dwell on all the evil going on in the world and it will begin to manifest as reality... OR we can look forward to a brighter future where we are in control living in true peace. Its a decision everyone is going to have to make. Stop thinking about all the negative stuff and use this movement that has been started for something constructive... maybe they are releasing all the conspiracy theories out there to make us inquisitive people paranoid and go down the wrong path.... but since we are all gathered here and all have a similar mindset we should use their own plan against them and unite to actually bring aboutchange, true peace and happiness.. how ever that may come about.

We are more powerful than we are lead to believe...

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