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Is there any proof of Dulce?

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posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Condorcet
IMO there is no hard evidence of a base under Archuleta Mesa, but there is evidence against the notion.

People have visited the area to look for discrepancies between how it is shown in aerial photographs, as on Terra Server for example, and on maps. Anyone can go to the top of the Mesa. If there was an underground base it could be found using portable EMF meters and similar low-cost, low-tech instruments. Why would the Feds go to such outrageous efforts to put a secret base there and then let anyone walk all over the top of it doing god knows what? It doesn't make sense.

Also, at least one of the people who created the original Dulce story and told it to UFO researcher Paul Bennewitz have since admitted the story was disinformation.

"...Bill Moore later claimed in a "confession" that he was recruited,,,to lead Paul Bennewitz astray by giving him false information. He claimed that he was given his orders by an AFOSI Agent, and that for four years, he was asked to feed Bennewitz. This disinformation included "verification" of Bennewitz' beliefs about the "grays" and the underground base at Dulce."

Reputable UFO websites like have tried to educate the public about the Dulce hoax, unfortunately people seem hanker after the sensational and unsubstantiated.

[Edited on 16-2-2004 by Condorcet]

why would they want someone to tell the public about a secret base (even though it didn't exist, at that location, anyway) I would think that by telling the public about a secret base would lead them to believe there were more bases, then that would cause them to investigate and look for others

unless....Bennewitz was crazy to begin with

I dunno, there's just something about that article that just doesn't seem like it fits

[Edited on 17-2-2004 by UnknownOrigins]

posted on May, 8 2004 @ 09:16 AM

Originally posted by Cyberhuss
i found this,

Lockheed test pilot Robert Gilliland made the first flight in 936 on 13 March 1964 at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada.

its on a government website, that means they admit it exists as they say robert gilliland flew in the 936 at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada...

[Edited on 16/2/04 by Cyberhuss]

What a coincidence... "at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada." has been removed from that sentence on that page.

posted on May, 19 2004 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Chris0530

Originally posted by Cyberhuss
i found this,

Lockheed test pilot Robert Gilliland made the first flight in 936 on 13 March 1964 at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada.

its on a government website, that means they admit it exists as they say robert gilliland flew in the 936 at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada...

[Edited on 16/2/04 by Cyberhuss]

What a coincidence... "at Area 51, Groom Lake, Nevada." has been removed from that sentence on that page.

hmppfff.. that's interesting, was it just a councidence or did someone read this thread and then edited the story?

posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 02:54 PM
Well either Cyberhuss was lying (which i don't believe) or someone from NASA or another gov agency monitors these threads. The last one would make sense so they can find out how much or little we know about things they would rather we knew nothing about.

posted on Jun, 15 2004 @ 09:49 PM
On Dulce....i have attempted to go there...have some pictures...i will never try to go there again....

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 05:14 PM
reply to post by intelgurl

i have seen a lot of blogs,sites etc that explore this subject,although i tend to accept that something is going on(reverse engineering,contact etc)surely a well organized group of dedicated people could gather something tangible or beyond doubt about these sites or bases as they seem to be well known & mentioned constantly..sorry if negative,but i am really keen to learn... (ps.i do believe!!)

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by boaznj

you said you would never go there again....why? I've always thought about going one day.

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by nsaeyes

Way to revive a thread from 2004.

posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 01:27 AM
When you think about it, why would you build an underground base in this area? Something this secret....would be better off deep in a mountain. The only possible clue would be a very well hidden ventilation system. But then again, would'nt you be able to see steam or some sort or exhaust coming up from one of these during a cold night? From what we have read on what goes on down below, there must be one hell of a stink coming from that place. Just a thought.


posted on Dec, 2 2008 @ 12:12 PM
1. There would have to be a way for people (and their families) to get there. They would also get leave and go on trips and outings. Look for evidence of a lot of people coming out of nowhere.
2. As with above, a base would need a lot of supplies to keep it going, from the maintenance to the P/X and the chow/mess hall. Trucks and vehicles carrying such goods would be seen fairly frequently.
3. Power lines, water pipes and other necessities would be needed. The base may use its own power, but it would still need ventilation systems and the such. Possibly steam and other matter being released somewhere.

One would have to stay around the area for a month to find such clues, but if there is such a base, it would need support and people.

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