posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 11:03 AM
No no, my interests are particularly in farie lore, so I knew about them, and having delved DEEPLY into the occult I thought perhaps these things were
sent by someone to do me harm, so I started salting around the bed, windows etc and 'laying down' pentegrams and so forth, but I noticed that as
soon as they stepped on the salt they would sort of go like static and disappear.
So, I reasoned that the iron might also work. You need some of what was originally called either 'cold forged iron' according to the 'lore' but
iron, so long as its not coated, plated or oxidized too much regardless seems to work, they just CANNOT get near it.
What I did the one night (after they appeared in the 'flesh') was pretended to be asleep, with the iron bar under the covers, they 'knew' it was
there, they couldn't come closer but I guess they thought I was asleep and when I'd waited a good five minutes I just tried to get as close as
possible with the iron. Up until then they'd seemed very incorpreal (aside from the one that rocked on the floorboard) but the one that saw me
actually ran backwards hands up in fear, and bumped into and nearly knocked over a cat stand but then vanished completely.
Try it, even an iron nail (no galvanised, etc plain iron, or some plain old iron ore, horeshoe etc) and a spoonfull of table salt (rock or plain
sodiul chloride, no potassium chloride 'Lo-Salt'). The vinegar is also related to spirits, but I just keep them together, it doesn't seem to be as
useful as the iron and salt.
I find it odd that ONLY after I became a Christian did I see these things fully, but I was heavily into the occult for many years, so I think perhaps
I was given the ability to see them, and I've tried many times just reading to them from the bible, sometimes they go and seem a bit 'fearful'
other times they sit and listen.
I've seen at least 30 DIFFERENT cloaked beings, cowl, big monk-like robe, all different, can't say how I know, but they aren't the same one, there
have been several times the same one has come, but there are at least 30 different 'personalities' that visit me. All of these have had BLACK
cloaks, once I had a red one, who was very persistent and could actually come to the foot of the bed, but the iron at least worked around me, but I
thought then they'd broken my 'fix'. The other day as I say, asleep with my other half I woke suddenly because I felt cold to my bone and there
was the 'top hat' variety arms outstretched walking towards me with the most MANIC grin you've ever seen. A bit like something I've seen in a
movie once, maybe Bram Stoker, Dracula, but not quite, definitely had a long-tailed coat and top hat on though,