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New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:27 AM

New Bill To Allow Police Misconduct Be Hidden From Public

A new bill proposed at the legislature would allow for police to withhold misconduct reports from the public. Supporters of the bill believe that police misconduct should be kept secret from the public so to not discredit police testimony. Others say that a forthright police unit is essential to the community.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:27 AM
I think that police misconduct itself discredits police. This was a news article about a bill in Utah which would allow police to hide misconduct from the public. What the public doesn't know won't hurt them? Or maybe it will? What kind of 'misconduct' will police be wanting to hide under this bill? Kind of ironic that when the government wants info on the public, if we don't want to hand it over, the government asks what we have to hide. Maybe the public needs to ask the same thing of the government?
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 2/14/2008 by Jessicamsa]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:14 AM
What's the difference? They invariable get away with it, or in police jargon "cleared of all wrongdoing" by one of their own. Might as well leave it out in the open so the general public know how helpless they really are, and maybe make their jobs easier with a fully subdued and compliant populace of bootlicks,no?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:21 AM
if the police cant be held accountable for thier misconduct in the same way a citzen would be then there is little incentive for them to act approprietly.this will give them a smokescreen and will only increase the number of incidents of misconduct.

another case of sacraficing the good for the needs of a few.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:47 AM
I doubt anyone in this community is going to go for this one. Police should be held accountable for every action they take while we pay them to do it. To keep it secret from the public is to tell you not to worry about your investment when you know something is wrong. I hope the people of Utah realize how important accountability is. And do something about this bill. Even something harsh like storming their legislative buildings with picket signs.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:50 AM
Well this rich, more dictatorial powers now been allowed to our so call public enforcers, you know a public enforcer is a person that works for the good of the community.

So what will they do now when people uses their cell phone cameras to film police brutality?

I wonder.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:51 AM

If THAT'S not a HUGE step towards a fascist, police state, then I don't know WHAT is.

This is the biggest step in that direction since Bush took office. This is no little deal at all.

Good find.


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:56 AM
The risk of department discredit is a deterrent! We need more public airing of police misconduct! It won't be until every single cop knows if they step out of line their face will be on YouTube will justice be restored.

This has nothing to do with Bush btw...
This is Utah. I'll just leave it at that.

[edit on 14-2-2008 by apc]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:04 AM
You know what after reading more into the story looking for the proposer of this bill it comes to my attention that the senator behind this bill is not other than fundamentalist Christian Buttars , this man is a Nut case that is allowed to hold position of power in our nation.

But mental challenged is the people that voted for him.

In the past, Buttars has received much criticism for being the topic in heated controversial issues involving homosexuality, racism and the challenging of evolution in schools.

From the source, the man sure is a Christian loving man.
He should be with his fundamentalist peers in countries like Saudi Arabia.
they may not share the same religion but they sure share the same concept.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:34 AM
I believe it is about time that all of us who are qualified voting citizens of the US to begin clear communication with our representatives.

Who is my congressman?

Who is my Senator?

Time is now that everyone should be contacting their senator, since this is at Senate. We need to voice our concerns regarding these "big brother" bills. If eneough of us write, maybe they will be fearful of not getting elected next term and "maybe" they will vote the way the citizens tell them to vote.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:58 AM
There is NO WAY this will ever pass. Remember that the guy that placed the bill is a NUT job. This guy is a racial hate nut, hates gays, loves facisim, and if you think that any bill that openly portends to hide and cover up police misconduct will ever pass, think again.

The ACLU and lawyers would go wild if that passed. When you start messing with defense attorneys bread and butter believe me they will make sure this gets killed. The rest of the legislature do NOT want to align themselves with this far right wing nutter, and they certainly never want to be seen as abiding illegal conduct, so this will die.

There is only ONE reason for this and other failed bills this guy makes:

His constituents, the ones that elected him, are ignorant right wing drones who support him BECAUSE he takes on the gays and liberals and seems to be fighting for the ' old ways ' is a political ploy meant so he can go at the next elections and say " Look at what good things I tried to do; the mesn old constitution and lawyers stopped me because they want everyone to know about the police misconduct that is gripping this nation like a vice.

Can you even imagine someone with a sound mind buying into this crap? No way. Discovery is a part of DUE PROCESS and there is no way this stupidioty would be allowed to become law, be instantly challenged and halted until a hearing, then taken to the upper courts, possibly to the supreme level, to find out if it is legal. No way.

This moron is no different than the idiots in the Texas legislature that banned sex toys from being sold; until the other day when a federal court invalidated the law and overturned it on constitutional grounds. That would happen every time if they let it get that far, but this one will die a quiet death, as it should. The smarmy fool who proposed it has his talking points to use to deceive the fools that vote for him once again when election time comes around.

All Fox news drones care about is abortion, gays, and supporting oppressive police state measures at home. These idiots TRUST the government blindly and want all of us to also, even if it means making laws to force compliance. If this bill passed for some unGodly reason, it wouild be struck down immediately the first time it gets to an appeals court..if it even got that far. No worries.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by bigbert81

If THAT'S not a HUGE step towards a fascist, police state, then I don't know WHAT is.

This is the biggest step in that direction since Bush took office. This is no little deal at all.

Good find.

Thanks. I'll try to find more info since I only had the one link. I didn't find it on my own, someone told me about it. That's all the info I have right now.

Eventually, I think bills like this will pass.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:25 AM
Here is a link to the actual proposal:


posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 10:30 AM
If any of you out there are serial killers, just join the police. Thats the profile those people want.

I wonder how many serial killers are in the police.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 11:07 AM
I doubt that this bill will pass right now, but the very fact that such a thing is being proposed is a clear indication of the fascist police state we are headed toward. That, and the mountain of draconian legislation passed since 911. When the next 911 occurs, and you can bet it’s in the works, and perhaps has even been delayed a couple of times already, all such planned legislation will be railroaded through with lightning speed, and implemented ASAP. Now's the time to prepare.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 02:35 PM
Here is yet another example as to why the bill should never pass.

Cop beats up woman and claims "she fell"

Utahonians should stop this bill before other States get the same crazy notion to try this.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 02:47 PM
Seems police brutality is up these days a lot more. More lesser crime and innocent people are facing cop killer felon treatment more and more. Do they teach that in the academy?
Theres a reason the early judicial called into play "To Serve and Protect"
Serve the People and Protect the Innocent.
So What happened??? Why the reversal of Create the Guilty Protect the Few.
Dont get me wrong laws are good. But too many ridiculous laws and their punishments is just a big waste period IMO.
Its too the point You cant do anything without it being against an ordinace or charged a use fee or anything these days.
Less frivolous laws and more common sense in law passing would be Nice.
Less for cops too do as well and then they dont have reason too constantly go off.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by Amaxium
Here is yet another example as to why the bill should never pass.

Cop beats up woman and claims "she fell"

Utahonians should stop this bill before other States get the same crazy notion to try this.

The police are using video effectively to provide plausible denial for their actions. If you're beat to a bloody pulp at the police station and there's no camera you've got a better case against the officer than if a camera were present.

The police edit the film as much as the news media does and then claim "See we where honest enough to film the situation". You'll never get a unedited video from a questionable count of wrongdoing and the parts edited out will be explained as 'procedural lapses."

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:16 PM
It's funny hearing people say "there's no way this will pass" in this day and age.

Just take a look back over last 6 years or so at the bills that everyone thought "would never pass".

I don't take anything for granted anymore. Call your reps now before its too late.

posted on Feb, 19 2008 @ 04:18 PM
Do ANY of the a-holes know who they work for? The Pig fascist jackboot police? The Legislators? ANY OF THEM!?!? They work for US, the PUBLIC. It is OUR tax dollars that pay for their country-club lifestyles (In the the case of the politicians) and pay for their unabated ability to get their rocks off breaking the law (In the case of the pigs!) and the MUST be held ACCOUNTABLE TO US!

I swear to God almighty that we need to send a VERY strong message to these wanna-be fascists that THIS IS THE END OF THE LINE! If this type of activity is alolowed to continue then we need to exercise uncivil disobedience to the highest order! I cannot even begin to express how sick and tired I am of being sick and tired of all of this sh*t!

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