reply to post by darcon
I like your intention behind this thread. I've been reading ATS for a long time now and definitely share some of your viewpoints on life. Before I
comment, one quick thing for you, is that website you found with the HCR (which is a great way of meditating) has a lot of forceful opinions that I do
not believe to be true. For one, everyone can achieve the ascenion through many different means and that is not the only way. Two, their negative
afflictions toward the greys are way off. I have communicated with them five times now and they are peaceful, loving organisms that are selflessly
helping us gain momentum through this spiritual revolution. I was disheartened by the site to read such quality information about the mdeditation only
to find their closed minded opinions on greys were wrong imo.
Okay now to your post. I don't believe you have to imagine any new world as everything is right in front of your eyes. Since everything that falls in
the multiverse and all dimesional reality is the same (made of the same composition), you accept and reject whatever reality you want. There is an
infinity of realities happening all around you at the same time so why imagine? Why not live what your imagination says? This is not to say I don't
have a blind eye to this dimension. I am very aware of the current state of the planet being controlled, etc. but I do not have to accept it.And I
Here is the reality I accept. No matter how lost, tortured, or abused humanity is, those negativities are not real. Deep inside everyone, and I do
mean everyone, resides the beautiful soul that lives to ascend. The majority of people are not in contact with that part of themself as they have been
so supressed by those who have almost virtually elimanted that part of their soul that they just don't know. Then there are those who are enlightened
and help give the energy to those who don't know where to start. When I look at people, I can physically see their beautiful aura radiating around
them without them being able to acknowledge it. I also know that many people have muddy or dark auras but that is due to confusion and not a lack of
one being present. But you know what cures all that? Ultimate forgiveness, universal love, selflessness, compassion, purity, and faith in the divine
and that everything is in divine order all the time. Pretty much simialr things to what that HCR website said. The more I give, the more the beauty of
this planet is revealed to me. People try and bring me down everyday by the way they act, make fun of people, spread negativity, and so on but since
those realities don't exist, I don't share their feelings. It also helps knowing that you, and everyone else, can acheive a divine protection from
above to help you reject these realities.
Think about this, if there are 10 or 11 dimensions (which I believe there are ten and time is enfolded through each dimension) we are residing in one
of the lowest dimensions. You would have to imagine that some pretty awful things go on in the lower dimensions. But if you realize that you can live
spiritually in the third dimension and do it the right way (the selfless way), your ascension will also be that much stronger and those postential
negativities are just a rejected reality.
I think you said in a post once that you believe the revolution over the next few years to bring us to the fifth dimension and I would agree with
that. That would be a fitting way to break away from the entrapment of the Illuminati. The majority of my mediations are in the fifth dimension
(although I've been to the fourth, sixth, and seventh) and all of them point to his type of ascension. If it doesn't happen that way at least we
know we can be there whenever we want. Like I said in the beginning, great intention but there is no need to imagine. Just acceptance.
Light and Prosperity all