reply to post by Long Lance
There’s a dark and dangerous side of meditation, especially group meditation. Ever wondered what happens when Buddhist monks disagree on various
subjects? Martial arts are only the path to much more “involved” methods.
Unfortunately when such methods are identified and weaponized by various industrialized powers, techniques like “intent flagging” are
For example just imagine if the 6th sense could be packaged into your PPC, and it would alert you if somebody is first feeling, and then begins
planning something bad against you.
It’s a proven medical fact, if a medical patient is trained in visualizing and conceptualizing of his/her illness, and every day participates in
meditation exercises focused on healing, such patients are able to beat all kinds of illnesses which are considered to be fatal.
Voodoo and evil eye is not a joke either. Intense and constant focusing of negative energy has a definite effect, and it was proven by numerous and
detailed studies done back in the 60s.
Physiological warfare has many facets, and all kinds of bizarre experiments were done by the Nazis as early as 1930s.
“Jacobs’s ladder” the movie shows the tip of the iceberg of how psychotropic drugs were used.
I for a fact know of a substance designed by Soviets which was to be used specifically in case of nuclear war.
By administering it to the soldiers, they become immune to physiological collapse, and can literally walk into the rising mushroom cloud with a single
In some tests smaller doses were actually administered to general population to gauge how panic can be controlled and stopped from spreading.
Documented cases of this substance use were recorded during the wild Russian days of the 90s mafia/gang wars, when foot soldiers would take the
substance which made them immune to fear, while creating unspoken solidarity and coordination.
Similarly, during the 90s a number of very detailed books were printed which focused on the topic of Soviet special purpose forces training and their
One of the books described that the real pros can literally sense a presence of the target and during repeated tests could located objects as well as
engage targets in a completely dark and unfamiliar room.
Just as dogs can be trained to sniff out explosives and even cancer, certain exercises can train a human to sense his target, to literally smell/sense
fear (pheromones), determine the type of fear, and focus specifically on his target.
There’s absolutely nothing magical or James Bondish about any of this, it has been happening in nature for as long as live existed on this
The hunter and the pray, is the name of the game.
I looked at the Gang stalking links, and do feel bad for the people that find them selves in such situations.
Unfortunate those people are the game, but only one side is playing.
The fact is that they can strike back, and hit really hard.
The bases for All This stuff was actively developed during the end of the 19th century by various radical groups and government counter terrorist
agencies, and actively implemented during the beginning of the 20th century, which is very clearly evident in the details of how WWI was actually
One part is called passive targeting, and its purpose is fear seeding by forcing a false and “unreasonable” state of higher awareness, which
forces irrational behavior, panic, and unavoidable mistakes.
Think of it as a creek in the darkness, with out tangible data, the brain instinctually activates self defense mechanisms which initiates a whole
chain of events. Forcing all of the sensory impute processing to increase the brain demands more oxygen, the heart starts pumping, the endorphins
flow opens up, etc.
This is the moment when false information is injected (left hand), and the targets SA picture is immediately corrupted, resulting in disorientation,
which instinctually leads to withdrawal to the last know safe position, and that’s where you hit them, unless they know what they are doing and
retreat to the fall back position where another team is on stand-by for the handoff.
How is this relevant to gang stalking? Simple. By using a team of 4 to 5 people and placing the stalked victim in a predetermined environment, by
using simple techniques it’s not that hard to flush the foot soldiers out.
How is it done? Organized counter surveillance and randomizing the events of the “flow”.
Here’s the example. This video shows a basic stalk team;
By using ORGANISED counter surveillance, instead of just video taping them, injecting a random even like a kid on a bike with a squirt gun filled with
colored water spraying one of the their guys will simply burn their opp, and force them to reorganize.
What kind of a reaction will it force? Will they become hostile, call the police, or simply withdraw? In any case, since the tape was rolling,
legally it will only be a prank.
Then just watch how they do it. Since its not a crime and just a simple prank, it’s a good way to see how serious they are. If police presence
will be immediate, then one can judge the scope of the opp and reach of their structure. I they simply retreat, then you tag how and where they go.
High ground surveillance points and secure radio com is a must.
It’s a game, treat it as such, and play it, but knowing that games get deadly real quick.
If they are serious, and decide to peruse further by stepping up the harassment with a higher aggression level stocking, which typically include
threatening phone calls, threatening letters in the mail, fire works detonated in the proximity, “tagging” the property, then a other measures
must be taken.
This is where it is absolutely vital to establish the identities of the foot soldiers. How? Tag’em.
Then it’s time to step up to a higher level of passive targeting. If the area is known, and the patterns of stalking are established, with enough
video surveillance footage one can instigate a fake confrontation so it could be filed with the local PD.
With the official stalking report on record, a counter opp can be mounted. After making the identity of one of their walkers, then video surveillance
can commence in sync with lets say a sniper position armed with a green laser high rez camera with a telephoto lens, and a kid on a bike riding by and
throwing fire cracker at the right moment.
Gathered footage is edited together with a green dot picture taken from the sniper position, the4 sound of the fire cracker with included targeting
ballistics numbers (range, lead, drift, etc), and that would be stage one of the counter phsyopp, with the desired result of turning the target.
From there it all depends on how far you want to go, because in any such organized crews there are always individuals who will push for drastic
measures, therefore the level of commitment should be predetermined prior to the initiation of the opp.
If things get series, and things could possible take a turn towards a possibility of armed confrontation, a contingency plan must be developed from
the very beginning, which should include involvement of law enforcement agencies.
Various private sector security and risk assessment companies which employ retired personnel from all kinds of agencies are very good in determining
threat levels and developing contingency plans. They also have access to various “buddy” based data-bases which could very quickly identify the
stalkers and their histories.
Good luck folks, the games shall go on.