In case you haven't noticed, I have a thing about scams and swindles. Hey, it must be my name.
Macintosh. The new cult.
You think i am kidding? Dude, Mac lovers are like freakin' cultists. Totally devoted to the stupid machine and they are ready to die on their swords
for it. It is a relatively small cadre of crazed enthusiasts, and they tend to be hippies.
However, Macintosh, and it's parent, Apple, are not the kind, loving, reliable people everyone assumed they are. If you delve into discussion sites
like you will find some disturbing things about them. It's really quite surprising.
So... Mac's are more reliable than Windows and Linux, right? If they are, it's not their fault. Although they DID create the interactive desktop
FIRST, they haven't had an original idea since. Heck, their new OS is practically a CLONE of the Linux system. Even their reliability is in question.
Contrary to what they will tell you, NOT everything is compatable with MACs, so they can't claim any supiority over others.
"But, wait, Mac security is top of the line, right?" Wrong. Mac anti-virus and spyware software is sadly lacking. So how are they able to keep their
track record? Because, as a friend so aptly put it, "No one hacks a Mac." There's no reason too. Like i said, the vast majority are hippies,
artists, and and they don't have a large following to begin with. You want to blaze a trail? You want to make a name for yourself? Make a MAC virus.
They have no way of stopping it, and it will wreak havoc on them.
"Well, no matter. As an artist, Mac is STILL the best choice. It was DESIGNED with art in mind." Um... no. It reality, Macintosh has a LOWER pixel
resolution in all of it's monitors. In other words, Mac imaging is crappier than that of Windows. As for it being "designed for art," they have
cultivated that feeling by including fairly good software on all of their computers. This complimentary software IS really good value, and they DO
spend more time on their media programs that Windows does. However, famed media programs, such as popular Sony editing programs are difficult to
obtain at best, and don't exist at best. Another handicap for them. If it doesn't have the "Apple" label, it won't work.
"Well, it is STILL more efficient." Wrong yet again. Heard of DLLs? They are a gift, and a curse. They are filesharing folding unique to windows.
They save incredible amounts of space, and multiple programs can draw from them. Mac does not share in this. The downside is that if a virus affects a
DLL, it can affect multiple programs, but the benefits outweigh the risks.
And finally, the best argument of all.
Macintosh: Arm, a leg, and a mortgage on your house.
Windows: An arm.
Linux: FREAKIN' FREE! (i do not use linux)
seriously, Macintosh is WAY to expensive.:shk:
Chew on that.