posted on Feb, 17 2004 @ 08:33 AM
Hi BlackJackal!!
Sorry to hear about your eye problems - I wear glaases too now (for reading) but attribute this more to my sge rather than *just* computer usage
(though they don't help!!)
Some info in case it's useful is
here ?
"Of all the hazards associated with VDU work, visual problems are the most widespread. During the last twenty years in which VDUs have been in
general use there have been several hundred studies which have confirmed the link between VDU work and the visual problems reported by users.
Numerous surveys and epidemiological studies (studies of the causes of ill-health in large groups of people) have shown that at least a quarter of all
users experience visual problems as a result of their work. The percentage of workers suffering visual problems increases in proportion to the number
of hours worked at the VDU. Surveys of those working more than six hours a days at the VDU have found up to 91 per cent experience visual problems.
Visual problems are higher among those doing repetitive keyboard and screen work such as data entry, than among VDU workers doing less intensive work
where VDUs are used intermittently. Work involving the use of VDUs produces considerably more eyestrain than almost all other types of non-VDU work. A
recent study found that the occurrence of abnormal eye function was nearly 16 times higher in VDU workers than in non-VDU workers (Ishikawa 1990).
The range of problems reported include the following:
the sensation commonly described as 'eyestrain'
burning or tender eyes
reddened, watering eyes
blurred vision or difficulty in focusing
double vision
grittiness, dryness or aching of the eyes
worsening of pre-existing visual problems
the need to get prescriptions for glasses or lenses changed more often
changes in colour perception (eg. seeing coloured after-images after using the screen such as floating red or orange blobs, or seeing everything white
tinged with pink)
a feeling of heaviness in the eyes
headaches just above the eyes"
Good luck!!