reply to post by John Q
John Q - love your Avatar *grin*
its one of my favourites
I will answer this one as wifey is 200km away from home till tomorrow.
I was in a wasteland / desert area walking my 2 dogs (I dont have any dogs in the rw) there were bushes and a few trees around but nothing
else, I did get there by car. I was throwing a ball into the wasteland and the dogs would run out pick it up and run back, all was fine.
Usually a desert like scenario means you’re in a frame of mind, in which you won’t accept abundance. That could mean anything from not wanting
lifes’ pleasures which are easily presented to you, or feeling rather concerned about getting a lending hand in areas of life.
Now funnily enough, dogs actually back that up. Dogs represent reversing your religious/spiritual beliefs – in other words ‘Warning –you’re
going in the wrong direction, go back’. This could then mean that you are not accepting the spiritual abundance that is being presented to you.
Either way, it’s a form of not wanting what life has to offer and you must immediately reverse this way of thinking.
The car represents how you travel in life. Basically again, it means throughout life, you’re travelling in the wrong direction in relation to
spiritual concepts/beliefs, and must reverse those thoughts – so you can be more willing to accept what life is giving you.
I threw the ball again, the dogs went chasing but soon returned without the ball and whimpering, tails between their legs, they werent
physically hurt, just scared, something was out there. I tried to send them away to fetch the ball but they wouldnt go and hid behind me. Off in the
distance you could feel something was there, it felt dark, like a presence or energy is the best way to describe it.
Your ‘other’ spiritual/religious beliefs/concepts may be scaring you, as to why you’re not willing to let go at the moment of your current
beliefs/concepts on the matter.
I wanted to see what it was without walking into the wasteland, at this point I dont know if I knew I was dreaming but I wanted to see this
thing take form. In front of me appeared a face of a wolf, an angry wolf, but it didnt feel like it was meant to be a wolf, and soon as I thought
that, it disappeared.
Your conscious mind is wanting to take a peak at the alternatives, as you ‘wanted to see this thing take form’. Ie the ideas. The wolf
represents family situations, so it may have something to do with relatives and/or friends.
I drove home with the dogs and went inside my house, but I couldnt lock the doors, there was no one else in the house. The dogs still hid
behind me, and this presence still lurked outside in the distance, it never came any closer. I sat there with the dogs and this thing outside for a
while and then slowly I woke up.
You driving home, again is the path in life you take, you were returning back to your comfort zone, however the issues of your beliefs still need to
be addressed as they need to be ‘reversed’. The fear in the dogs again is indicative of you fearing the alternative. The presence is ‘close to
home’. The beliefs and ideas probably affect you on a very close knit basis, and it’s a very current aspect of your life (when you had the
dream). The ‘thing’ being outside means that the opportunity is literally at your doorstep and you need to make a decision, since you’re still
in the ‘comfort’ zone of your current situation, again the dogs with you refers to you needing to reverse the concept – go outside and see what
that ‘thing’ is. It may be the wolf again, it may be the family situations that need to be addressed.
Taking a stab at this, you’re not having difficulties with members of your family based on their religious/spiritual views against your own??? If
so… then you can read above.
Dog basically means ‘God’ in reverse, so it means you need to reverse religious/spiritual ideas.