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did they not think we saw this ??? well we did...

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posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:50 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

greeneyedleo, you bring up a valid point what you see in many instances I believe are not always rocks but lifeforms. Again I believe NASA has a program in their computers to change lifeforms into what looks like rocks. No different then a chameleon lizard changing colors for protection. There is the possibility the Sandmaries and Marrockies have the ability to change or stealth themselves.

I detected lifeforms that I call Marrockies that live together as one unit in what looks like rocks. No different then lifeforms beneath the ocean sharing habitat in live reefs and living together and depending on each other for food on Earth. These Marrockies were detected by me during the Pathfinder Sojourner mission. Sandmaries, tiny tiny humanoid hybrid lifeforms were also found by me during Viking 1 and 2 lander and Pathfinder Sojourner missions.

The Marrockies have many faces any so called rock could contain 10 or more at one time. This is absolutely bizarre they are as though they are one unit as I have mentioned.

The Microtechs are beyond comprehension they are so tiny it takes a magnifier or microscope to see them. They are highly intelligent use symbols numbers and letters. Other then Spirit and Opportunity looking for fossils in rocks I believe this is the primary functions of the grinders to seek out the Microtechs. No I have not been smoking anything, but I have spent thousands of hours scanning and viewing ground zero as well as satellite photos of Mars. Rik Riley

[edit on 13-2-2008 by rikriley]

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by rikriley
reply to post by greeneyedleo

greeneyedleo, you bring up a valid point what you see in many instances I believe are not always rocks but lifeforms. Again I believe NASA has a program in their computers to change lifeforms into what looks like rocks. No different then a chameleon lizard changing colors for protection. There is the possibility the Sandmaries and Marrockies have the ability to change or stealth themselves.

I detected lifeforms that I call Marrockies that live together as one unit in what looks like rocks. No different then lifeforms beneath the ocean sharing habitat in live reefs and living together and depending on each other for food on Earth. These Marrockies were detected by me during the Pathfinder Soujourner mission. Sandmaries, tiny tiny humanoid hybrid lifeforms were also found by me during Viking 1 and 2 lander and Pathfinder Sojourner missions.

The Marrockies have many faces any so called rock could contain 10 or more at one time. This is absolutely bizarre they are as though they are one unit as I have mentioned.

The Microtechs are beyond comprehension they are so tiny it takes a magnifier or microscope to see them. They are highly intelligent use symbols numbers and letters. Other then Spirit and Opportunity looking for fossils in rocks I believe this is the primary functions of the grinders to seek out the Microtechs. No I have not been smoking anything, but I have spent thousands of hours scanning and viewing ground zero as well as satellite photos of Mars. Rik Riley

So you are not denying there is water in the picture after thousands of hours of experience?

Forgive me for being ignorant but that is what I would like to get rid of.

Where is the best place to research these terms?


posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
reply to post by Kilgour

Sometimes it pays to read the links and know what we are looking at. The outermost part of this photo represents an area 4 meters wide and object near the lens are only a few centimeters in size at the largest.

I agree with this statement...we need to always have a scale model picture to show people that the Mars rover is not very big; that anything like the size of a house would be huge in the picture far off or not.
I mean it would stick out big time not some little rocks piled up in a formation to look like something maybe..

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 09:31 PM
Hi ruffready. I too, am a vet. (Coral Sea, Ranger, Kitty Hawk, Enterprise). I think what your looking at is a Martian JBD. But I fail to see the rest of the flight deck.
Also if you look to the center left of the picture, You might see a Hello Kitty.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by tombangelta
ok so the OP is clutching at straws , but why all the star wars BS.

If you cant contribute in a constructive fashion or at least bring something new to the table then leave the star wars BS at the door.

They're gearing up to get moon and planetary anomalies moved to the skunkworks section with the reptilians.

soon the entire aliens and ufos section will be in skunkworks.

then paranormal and cryptozology.

then ATS will just be non-stop arguing about politics and religion.

then religion will get moved to skunkworks.

the site will be renamed above the politicians. or atp, for short.

that's a joke of course.
or not.

I think it looks like a rock.
HOWEVER, I do see something interesting waaaaaaaay off in the distance. too bad it isn't better defined.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Illahee

Hi Illahee, there is more water on Mars then you have been told or ever dreamed. There are lakes on Mars, ponds, gysers, and moist surface areas. Contrary to popular belief I believe Mars is alot warmer then we have been told and subsurface water I believe is under pressure so it less likely to freeze. Most of the water is subsurface water and is pumped into tiny cylindrical tanks that I have seen on the surface from the Pathfinder Sojourner photos.

As far as the Sandmaries, Marrockies, Marmies, Microtechs, cyborgs and robots on Mars there really is no place to look to do research because NASA has not recognized that they exist so I named the lifeforms myself.
You will probably see more info and will be shared more links about anomalies on ATS then any other website. Rik Riley

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by undo
HOWEVER, I do see something interesting waaaaaaaay off in the distance. too bad it isn't better defined.

care to identify that area in a program for us?

I would like to try and see what you do.

Thank you much.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 10:48 PM
looking through the pics on the site, i noticed this one particular object. it is on this pic right here:

look in the top, left hand corner, there is a long, narrow object in the air above the horizon. whatever it is , it is huge in size. I opened the pic in Paint and zoomed in, it is definetly in the air. any clues? I am trying to figure out how to post a close up pic, but have yet to figure it out...

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by rikriley

Its the bottom circle
please enlarge 500 times
It dont look natural I dont know how to post it but it sorta looks like three helmets lined up like a clover leaf with identical indentations or holes in them check it out

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by johnnyrobbo

Ya know seeing how small it must be it might be a part from the rover that could have fallen off. It aint natural looking

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by rikriley

There are lakes on Mars, ponds, gysers, and moist surface areas.


Can you show us some pictures of these lakes, ponds and gysers?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by undo

HOWEVER, I do see something interesting waaaaaaaay off in the distance. too bad it isn't better defined.

Is this the area?

I blew it up....but it just gets more blury

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:09 AM
Can someone please locate a spork on mars so I can use it to gouge out my eyes?

I'm beginning to really hate that rover, its like they reinvented cloud images and replaced the clouds with rocks on mars...

omg is that Joe Pesci in the far right corner?


posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:46 AM
Wow great find! Thanks, I am glad there are people like you checking this out with a fine eye. Almost all of the nay sayers seem to be logic impaired. I especially find the argument that because the rover is tiny, every picture it takes is tiny, and all the objects in the pictures are tiny. What kind of technical incompetent makes such an observation? My camera is very tiny too, much small than the rover, and it can take pictures of mountains. As far as claims that this is a photo from a telemetry camera that only takes close ups of the ground no more than 3 meters away, obviously in this photo you can see the horizon, the rover appears to be going up a hill, and in the background you can see a definite large rock formation, and four or five other hills off in the distance behind the hill the rover is climbing. Looking at the details of the landscape it isn't all that hard to come up with a reasonable guess at the size of certain formations. How the heck do you capture the horizon ten feet away? Even lying on the ground this is not possible. The only way to restrict the photo to 3 meters is to point the camera down at the ground, and obviously this angle does not point to the ground. Either the people making these statements think we are all real dumb, or they are real dumb, or most likely, a combination of both.

On to the object of the discussion. Once you zoom in on it, I use microsoft photo editor, it looks like someone sat down their brief case or laptop and leaned it against a rock. The amazing thing is how square it is. That is not natural. Another thing is how far up beyond what appears to be a supporting structure this square object extends. It seems that a rock would not have the strength to remain extended such a distance. Then there is the handle or antenna, which looks much more like a handle than an antenna in my opinion. How the heck did that thin little arch naturally form, and amazingly on top of a square object resting at a very strange position with it being propped upon another object and extending so squarely up off of the surface.

Clearly this object stands out and looks nothing like the other structures and rocks visible in the photo. Most of the other rocks in the area appear shale like, thin wedge shaped rocks that look somewhat like sandstone. The thicker rocks in the area all lack symmetric form except for the little square rock close by with the round holes in it. These two objects both look like they do not belong there naturally with the rest of the rocks in the area. From the fuzzy details of the photos, it is impossible to determine what these objects are, but their darkness does not seem to be simply a matter of shadow, unlike the rocks in the area, there isn't a brighter surface area showing a rounding of corners before creation of shadow as is evident in all the rocks in the area. This either means that the object has sharp corners, and or it is much darker than the other objects in the area, and the same is also true of the little square rock nearby. Of course, the photo might also have been touched up a bit.

This brings me to the supporting rock structure. It appears to support the square portion of what seems to be pieces creating a structure. Notice it is much lighter in color than the square object, which also makes it seem unlikely that the darkness of the object in question is due to shadows. I am leaning more towards photo doctoring. The supporting object is very triangular, and also seems to be of a uniform shape, another Very odd coincidence. One side appears to be a very uniform triangle, while the top surface seems to be rectangular, extremely odd. It supports the square piece from the middle, possibly in the exact middle as if it were planned, so if it is a hatch, it most likely closes away from the rover. The ground all around it also appears to be disturbed. Also, below the square portion of the structure, there seems to be another rectangular object supporting the square object, once again with a very straight edge visible that seems to indicate a sharp corner.

Rocks do not have numerous straight edges, numerous corners, and numerous symmetrical shapes that we see here, as in a square, a triangle, and two rectangles. Then there is the strange thin arch on top of the whole thing, which is small, but more unusual then anything else in the structure. There is nothing natural at all about this object. The balanced rock structure looks far more natural.

What could it be besides a hatch. My thanks to the poster who pointed out the pyramid like structure in the distance with what appears almost to be a wide path or stairway, or spill way going up to the odd top of this hill in the background. Great observation. The square structure almost appears to be aimed at this pyramid like hill, and could be a marker, or provides a reflective surface that might serve some sort of support function for the pyramid looking hill in the background.

Do these rover photos come out in a specific numbered order. I have no idea how to search the sight. It looks like the rover is heading towards the object in question, when you consider the other photo provided that appears to be an earlier photo. Could NASA have been moving the rover closer to check out this object? How are the series of photos numbered. Would someone be able to figure out from the numbering of the photos if there are other photos that are not being put out for public display? If NASA changes their photo numbering system in the not too distant future, that would be very suspicious.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by johnnyrobbo

Johnnyrobbo, this is a manufactured piece what I see is a Sandmarie child's face. This tiny Sandmarie is looking directly toward the camera you can actually see the 2 eyes. In many instances you will see the tiny Sandmaries appear from beneath the surface similar to the technique of camlouflage that the Japanese used when using gorilla warfare against our troops during WWII. In other words they can camouflage themselves using manufactured or rock looking objects. Rik Riley

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by rikriley

How do you know all of this? Or where do you get your information from? Isnt it possible that this is all just rocks that look like something else?

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
reply to post by rikriley

How do you know all of this? Or where do you get your information from? Isnt it possible that this is all just rocks that look like something else?

I have seen to many photos to think what I am seeing is a fluke. When I first started scanning or viewing photos from Mars It was with disbelief. I thought possibly I was making images up in my mind but relized I had picked up on a visual digital code that was transmitted thru light into the retnas of my eyes and stored in the memory of my brain. Some how I knew I was being programed but did not know how.

Sure there are rocks but then again there a things that are made to look like rocks on Mars. NASA as I have stated before I believe is using a computer program to cover lifeforms to look like rocks. also I believe the Sandmaries are intelligent enough to camouflage or stealth themselves.

Talking about water, streams and lakes here are just s few sights to start with and there are many more to view. Rik Riley

[edit on 14-2-2008 by rikriley]

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Nola213
reply to post by II HAL II

Where you running to, up that staircase in the second picture? Wow, that is pretty nice, and worth further eploring imo,

As for the 1st picture the only thing I can make out is maybe in the blow-up in the bottom right a poor little Black lab burried up to his neck in sand with his bone just out of reach. So sad. :*( But that what I see. I know thats NOT what it is,ok so don't flame me.

But the stairs in the second photo are just amazing, suprised it hasn't been posted before. Maybe it has, I really don't keep track of the rovers and thier pictures. *shrug*

Thanks, in the 1st picture I noticed a flat (bottle shape) object which I enlarged and it's towards the foreground, maybe theres a good explanation.. anyone?

In the second enlarged area of the 1st picture there seems to be a box shape with a tube shape connected, seems a strange rock to me?

The 2nd picture is kind of funny, if you zoom in even more it looks like it has lips at the front????? again, it looks like a strange natural formation to me, but I'm no expert.

The 3rd picture looks like a block has been removed from the ground, again this doesn't look natural (straight lines, sharp change in colour and raised edges??) but I could well be wrong on this so if anyone knows if this can occur naturally feel free to jump in...

Just opinions....

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by C0le
(and others who don't care for threads like these)

Lighten up a little maybe? Cynicism and sarcasm can be taken quite harshly, especially when you wish to not contribute much other than a slightly callous opinion of peoples thoughts and passions.

If you think it is just rocks, say so, or star a post that does.

I may not believe it is more than rocks, but I tried to contribute, and with a lighthearted sense of humor. No need to be crass.

Sometimes people do see things others don't, sometimes those things are real, sometimes they are pixelation and imagination. No need to discourage people from trying or being negative towards those whose spend time and energy searching for anomalies.

Most fossils would appear as rocks to a person who hasn't any experience with finding them. I mean, if it isn't a T-Rex femur laying in plain sight, but a tiny bone slightly protruding the surface.

It takes people who search long and hard through things, that are willing to believe in the possibility that not everything is a rock or explainable by current standards ... that we discover and learn new things. Those same people may be wrong in initial findings a lot, but the few times they are right changes everything.

Remember, pictures are the only thing we have to use on Mars, these pictures need to be scrutinized by many people and verified by each others. If we could go flip the rocks, dig around them, or even just walk and examine in person most of the things we are viewing through these photos, it would be a whole lot easier. Not an option at this time.

And, btw, all of those who search through these pictures adds up to something similar to distributed computing such as the likes of Folding@Home, SETI@Home, Einstein@Home, etc. The BOINC/Berkeley projects. Instead of using your PC/PS3/GPU/etc. processors, we are using our brains to search for the patterns.

It is quite a commendable effort, and the public (which pays for these photos in the first place) may just be the ones to discover something (if you believe NASA releases anything worth finding).

Lets be supportive of each other ... and respectful when we disagree. It is called civility and decency. If the people in the world showed more respect for each other and had more honor within themselves, there wouldn't be so violence.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo

Is this the area?

I blew it up....but it just gets more blury

no, it's on the land but its so far into the distance, it's hard to determine what it is. could be anything really.
what you've circled looks like an artifact on first glance, but i can't really tell. that's the problem with some of these pics. the resolution sucks. but occassionally, you get one that the anomalies just hop right out at ya. those are the ones you scratch your head over and wonder why some people can't see them.

ah well. i'd show you which one but it's just not worth it. too far away to be identifiable. but it's interesting to me just because i don't know what it is. see what i mean? it's probably a rock but not enough data to decide. but it is a dark thing, looks sorta obelisk shaped, tallish, waaaaaaay off in the distance, a little left of center i think.

anyway, nothing to write home about.

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