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Ron Paul calls for a GRAND MARCH on Washinton, DC 6/21/2008

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posted on Mar, 8 2008 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by TheoOne

Originally posted by TheoOne
reply to post by C0le

Interesting post.

When was the last time an armed protest take the place, with guns and rifles in the air in front of the government?

If that happened, that would be interesting if everybody could get arrested for that.

Do not even joke about taking weapons to a march on Washington! That is a recipe for tragedy and disaster.

Nobody should be carrying a weapon among an organized crowd, even if you have a CCW. To do so is the height of stupidity!

And even suggesting it here is irresponsible. You want to bring unwanted attention onto ATS or what?

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:39 AM
The Date Has been SET!!!

Ron say, "6/21 in DC!"



I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 11 2008 @ 08:41 AM
Could I get a moderator to update the thread title to 6/21/2008?


Sri Oracle

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by C0le

Originally posted by C0le
Lets do it...


Imagine just 10 thousand armed citizens marching on Washington, with the message, ENOUGH.

and letting them know then and there its just a small faction of us and that they can fire whatever they deem appropriate at us, but we will fire back.

[edit on 12-2-2008 by C0le]

Originally posted by C0le
An Armed march by patriots can be peaceful, Not only that but the times of peaceful successful protests is gone, let them know we have teeth and let them know if they push us to far we will fight, they have forgotten this, they need to be reminded once again that we preserve the spirit of resistance, let them know the Militia still stands and is embodied in every citizen, NOW is the time we show what we are capable of, because things will get worse unless we stand firm and strong without fear, No American should fear walking down the street with a loaded rifle over his shoulder. nor should it be considered tabu to do so...
The Militia is just, and we have every right to do so, the Constitution provides us the legal means to do so regardless of unlawful laws, the reason these unlawful laws stand is because no one will stand together and go against them.

..and if some innocent child gets injured or killed because you want to play cowboy, who's gonna get the blame? The gov't, that's who. Or is that what you want? Hmmm..?

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by C0le

yeah, screw democracy, let's let 10,000 loonies with guns send a message to the government...

seriously, take a step back and realize that you live in a democracy
realize that in a democracy, the power comes from the people
realize that the majority of people do not support ron paul
now realize that your idea is just stupid in the face of all this

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
seriously, take a step back and realize that you live in a democracy
realize that in a democracy, the power comes from the people
realize that the majority of people do not support ron paul
now realize that your idea is just stupid in the face of all this

You do not live in a democracy, you live in a republic. The power comes from the aristocrats that are funded by corporate (profit seeking) interest.

The majority of people do not support anyone that they have not been indoctrinated and propagandised to support through the corporately controlled media.

"ron paul can't win... so I have to move forward and choose the lesser of the evils."

I am,

Sri Oracle

[edit on 14-3-2008 by Sri Oracle]

posted on Mar, 14 2008 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
You do not live in a democracy, you live in a republic. The power comes from the aristocrats that are funded by corporate (profit seeking) interest.

...republic and democracy aren't two mutually exclusive terms. the representatives are elected by the people.
and it's odd that ron paul is a part of that aristocracy...
...and that he so loves corporate interests...

The majority of people do not support anyone that they have not been indoctrinated and propagandised to support through the corporately controlled media.

ah, the old excuse.
how about this, try to legitimately spread support for your beloved ron paul before you shove it down their throats.
educate the people yourselves.

i know his policies, i find many of them abhorrent.
i'm quite sure i'm not the only one that would do so.

"ron paul can't win... so I have to move forward and choose the lesser of the evils."

...ron paul isn't even a good choice, but this isn't the thread for that.

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 04:45 PM
are you certain of that date? according to it is July 12th.

July 12th, 2008 - Washington, D.C. - NOW IS THE TIME! - Ron Paul March!

Where Washington, D.C.
When July 12th, 2008
Why To let the voice of freedom be heard!
March Start Location North East Lawn, Washington Monument.
March Route Constitution Avenue.
Rally Location West Side of Capitol Hill.
Keynote Speaker Ron Paul! - Confirmed!
Performers Subject to change
Marc Scibilia

[edit on 7-6-2008 by musselwhite]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by Chicagofreedomfighter
Thought this was fairly interesting, i guess it could work if millions of people show up for this march. Kinda like V for Vendetta

That's exactly what this particular protest was like! And it was even covered by the Washington Post, too.

Feel free to look up any other info you find at the website...Don't be surprised to find Ron Paul's name there either.

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
seriously, take a step back and realize that you live in a democracy...

One of the points that Ron Paul makes is that the USA shouldn't be a Democracy...Anyone in Government Office who acts to support a Democracy is in violation of their Constitutional Oath of Office. Check out Article 4, Section 4 if you don't believe me. Ron Paul has steadfastly stuck to his Oath of Office & supported the Constitutional Republic that created this nation, even when no one else in the government did. That's why Ron Paul has been largely ignored by MSM...Because they know he's dangerous to their agenda of lies & power-grabbing.

Originally posted by madnessinmysoul
...republic and democracy aren't two mutually exclusive terms...

In fact, even though the Constitution guarantees a republic form of government, it also contains some elements of democratic processes. But since it was "We the People" who established the government, it's still We the People" who must keep our sovereignty over the government.

The problem with a Democracy is something that the Founding Forefathers knew from their knowledge of history: Democracy is mob rule where anyone with a good PR expert can sway 51% of the population to vote away the Rights of the other 49%...And that was anathema to them. The Constitution was written with specific limitations on the government so that neither they nor the People could vote away any of their Rights. That's the whole purpose behind the 1st Amendment phrase, "Congress shall make no law...abridging..." our Civil Rights. That's what the term "unalienable" means.

The whole of the 1st Amendment represents the unalienable Right to peacefully get an off-the-track government back on course...If a peaceful protest like this is met by violence, then We The People have every Right to fall back on our 2nd Amendment. Remember the Magna Carta! Remember the Declaration of Independence! And remember that our Founding Forefathers knew that it's the People who have & always had the true power over government!
"The People...are the only sure reliance we have for the preservation of our liberties."--Thomas Jefferson.

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