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anyone talked to Majestic 12 on AIM

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posted on Dec, 16 2002 @ 06:12 PM
anyone have a saved convo? or extract ne useful info?

posted on Dec, 16 2002 @ 06:48 PM
Probably just some kid screwing around....

posted on Dec, 16 2002 @ 08:15 PM
Hmm. I remember a game featured in PC Gamer a while back called Majestic 12. Apparantly you gave it your email, AIM, phone number and the like and it involved you in a fake conspiracy kind of thing. Where they called you and messed with your mind. You had to figure out the mystery or something. Looked really cool. Is this what you're talking about?

posted on Dec, 17 2002 @ 04:12 PM
on the majestic 12 here and go to Directory or" target="_blank" class="postlink">click here instead to go to the directory and in MJ1, it says that MJ-1 is occasionally available to vhat on AIM

posted on Dec, 17 2002 @ 04:12 PM
not vhat..

posted on Dec, 18 2002 @ 04:57 PM
Omg! How funny!

The Majestic 12 person you are talking to on AIM is an automated BOT!

It was a feature of the game. There were actually several bots incorporated into the game as well as people so that it was difficult to tell who was who. The bot runs from a program similar to the Hal 9000 program you can download that gets smarter the more you talk to it.

Pretty neat stuff really...

posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 05:35 PM
hmmm i gues u may be right but i dont think computers make spelling errors.

posted on Dec, 22 2002 @ 11:30 AM
I actually signed up and played that with a buddy and it was quite entertaining. I signed up back in June of 2001 with a friend and a month went by without any word as to what was going on with the game. After you signed up and paid the $9.95 fee, the only thing it told you was that you would be contacted soon. So, my friend and I thought we got scammed until I get a call on my cell phone (you give them pratically all the info for them to get a hold of you - email addy, phone #, AIM SN, etc) at around 3:00 am on I believe it was a Thursday. It was an automated computer voice, but it still sounded fairly decent, giving me instrustions to contact this name that can't remember and give him a secret code. They never said how to find this person, whether on AIM or on the MJ brower, or anything. Anyways, thats how it all started and it was basically a scavenger hunt online. You had to put clues together, talk to certain people (real and fake, other players and NPC) who gave you good info and disinfo, and figure out the puzzle. It lasted about 2 1/2 weeks and was fairly easy, but a ton of fun. Has anyone else did this? If so, what was your experience like? I thought it was a great idea, but a little pricey (even though I didn't do the second or third levels). The interaction with the fake players, real players and the NPC was an awesome experience. Sure it had its problems, but overall, it could have become something revolutionary in the online gaming experience.

If anyone did do this, what was your AIM name for the game? Mine was majesticmulder (how orignal!).

posted on Dec, 22 2002 @ 01:44 PM
i never even heard of that game, i was just looking for UFOs on YAhoo and stumbled upon and i looked around the site..
thats where i found MJ1s screenname

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 03:44 AM
TextI also got hooked on "Majestic - The Game" and if nothing else, it educated me about a lot about little known government research and new technology.

What I'd like to know is the real reason why EA pulled the plug. I recall reading something shortly after 9/11 that said 'the game' was no longer appropriate. I find it hard to believe that they would shut the whole thing down for that reason alone.

Does anyone have any information about this?

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