posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 06:17 PM
Good show as usual and a thank you for considering and pearing my question down so others could be included. I do tend to ramble on.
Pronounced correctly, in case you were wondering and yeah there is a story behind the handle the origins of which date back well over 20 years. AHAB
stems from adding the initals of an old stage name of Herbert Amos Brown to my given middle name of Allen. STAR came about when forums began requiring
eight character usernames and was an acronym of Standard Transport from an Alternate Resource when I toyed with an electomagnetic engine design that
had, after an exhaustive patent search had been described and patented in 1972.
Over the years the acronym devolved to a first and last name to just a single name in order to achieve a consistant net presence. Of course lack of
creation of MOO code for a something like the multi room object like a childhood friend of mine (wilson) has had pretty much kept me off the radar in
that sense.
Two paragraphs to say "yes that was the correct pronouncation"...(cue Led Zep's Ramble On)