reply to post by thisguyrighthere
True dat, true dat.
Oh yeah, the damage is done, is being done, and either way I think the only thing to do is to just bring the human race together somehow. It doesn't
really matter how we got here. Arguing about that will get us nowhere. It's where do we go from here? How do we make people see that violence is not
the answer, gangs and street crime is not the answer, that working together and agreeing to disagree is what we need in order to save our species, all
the other species, and the planet?
That's the big question. How do we evolve away from settling our disputes with blood and guts?
Either way, the government and the media are not helping. Most people nowadays just blindly think we're a savage and hateful race. What are you
supposed to think when you're staring at a box for hours a day and all it's preaching is "War, famine, death AIDS, murder, rape, suicide, genocide,
fear, hate." I don't think we truly are hateful, if we'd just turn off our televisions and question our rulers more.
I haven't met one person who wasn't a complete baffoon who thought killing and fighting were a good thing. I was in juvenile hall when I was 17, and
I had many friends in there who were of different ethnicities, from the inner cities, from violent gangs... and these were the nicest dudes I'd ever
met. They don't want to be violent. They just get forced into it, and they regret it for the rest of their lives.
The less we, as a collective, think that we are violent, the less violent we will become, because we won't always be so afraid of it. I mean, just
the repetition alone of death and fear in the media is enough to control our minds and program violence and fear into us.
That alone is enough to make you wonder long and hard about who is really influencing our behavior.
My personal opinion, though, is that I am sensing a pattern in these types of events. I'm sensing overwhelming similarities in the d8ifferent cases,
and I'm seeing how much these types of events relate to the events in the Middle East, but just Americanized.
Can we all agree on the fact that suicide bombers are a result of intense mental conditioning? If it was one or two, it would be maybe just a
coincidence, but we hear about suicide bombers every other day blowing themselves up in Iraq and the likes. It's obvious that there's so many, that
some method is being used to churn out these so called "fanatics".
With the rise in shootings as of recently in America, it brings into serious question whether or not similar methods are being used to churn out these
cold blooded people that just go on rampages for seemingly petty little reasons.
In the Mid-East, you have one blanket reason: religious fanaticism. Since it's a far away third world land, that's relatively easy for most
Americans to stomach, because we've been painted a picture of Muslims i the Middle East as just being crazy and desperate to force their religion
upon the world. Like everyone in the Mid East is some wild eyed brown devil or something.
In America, people are so varied in ethnicity and ideologies, people would have a harder time buying into one blanket reason.... so they make up a few
varying reasons as to why someone would commit such seemingly random acts of mass murder in public places. The background stories vary a little with
each person, but mainly the reasons for such crimes that have taken place are one of like just a handful of reasons. They've gotten lazy with their
imaginations, and that's only because the public have gotten lazy with their imaginations. So it works. People buy into it.
Just like they buy into the story that the MidEast is full of crazy Muslim walking time bombs. It's just very eerie, and if you don't question what
is going on and how this all relates just a little bit, you have some sort of blinders on your mental processes.
Thisguy, I can see that you do question what is going on and the story presented to you by the media at least slightly, so kudos to you... even if you
don't really think it's as heavy as I paint it out to be, at least you aren't buying the media spin hook line and sinker like most people out
I need to learn how to type faster. Chicken pecking just isn't cuttin' it.