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I think we should start "taking out the trash"

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posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I think we should start "taking out the trash"

By this I mean, murderers, rapists, torturers, paedophiles etc etc.

Why are they still alive?

If someone kills another human being, and shows general remorse, and shows they have changed, then I think they should be given another chance.

But if someone serves their time, then re-offends with the same offense or worse, then why aren't they just killed straight up?

How about turning one of those many islands across the world, into a camp for these people?

Perhaps not killing all of them, but keeping them on these prison islands for life?

I think it would be a good idea, as I bet a high percentage of these criminals would re-offend if released. What does everyone think?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:07 PM
How 'bout if first, we eliminate the cases of, oops, this guy served 20 years and turns out.....didn't do the crime....sorry.

Get rid of that little issue and I'm all for it.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Also the extremely mentally insane.

No offense intended if anyones loved ones are in this situation, but I'm not sure what their perception is on life, but surely they can't understand alot or have the best of lives.

I'm not talking about people with things like downs syndrome or anything along those lines, I'm talking about people who are insane and have no idea what is going on around them, yet we continue to pump money into the care of them for what?

I think they should be allowed to die peacefully and the money be spent on other things.

This goes for the criminally insane, why are they still alive?

I know it may not be their fault, but I cant help it that I find running around the woods on a sunday, with my AEG shooting people fun.

But if it was banned, then I would have to stop, it's the same principal to me.

Share your thoughts and questions.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by MrPenny

Yes, exactly, we should be allowed to use absolutely every bit of evidence in courts. Here in britain we are only just now allowed to use phone tapping as evidence, so why not use anything we can, to make sure 100pc that what happens is right.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:29 PM
I have seen on video tapes where crminals outright shot and killed people and because the state the murder was comitted in did not have a death penalty the murderer got 20 yrs to life in prison..Now there goes your tax dollars, as a inmate costs on average per year $37,000 , A death row inmate cost per Year ranges from $40,000-$70,000.

Now it is well known that most inmates convicted of murder serve 12-15yrs each, now if a prison houses 20 inmates for 1 year that is $740,000 for 1 year at $37,000 yr for 20 inmates.. Save your tax dollars and execute the murdering scum. Bullets are cheap compared to housing murdering scumbags.

Take the $$ saved and feed the homeless and build shelters to help those who are down on their luck.

[edit on 11-2-2008 by Nailer]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by Nailer

That's a really good way to put it!

That could be a massive money saver.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Nailer

So, now you're putting a price on a human life? Sticky subject whether they did something wrong or not.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Chartreusechick

If someone killed someone in the heat of the moment, and could show honest remorse, then they should be given another chance.

I'm sure you have done things in the past that you regret because of the heat of the moment?

I know I have!

But if someone continues to offend, then why should we keep giving them chances?

Locking them up for life could be an answer, but that is alot of money.

What benefit will our society get from a mass murderer or serial rapist from being locked up all his/her life?


We will just have to pay more taxes.

Whereas we could "take out the trash", and not have the problem from that individual, and not have to waste money!

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by TheOmen

You are aware that in the current system, it actually costs more to put someone to death then it does to incarcerate them for life?

A Duke University study found... "The death penalty costs North Carolina $2.16 million per execution over the costs of a non-death penalty murder case with a sentence of imprisonment for life."

"A 1991 study of the Texas criminal justice system estimated the cost of appealing capital murder at $2,316,655. In contrast, the cost of housing a prisoner in a Texas maximum security prison single cell for 40 years is estimated at $750,000."


If all your basing this on is "Dollars", then the money saver is to abolish the Death Penalty...


posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:40 PM
It seems like these knee-jerk reactions come up every few months, but are recurring underlying emotions on a daily basis. With every newscast that portrays a murderer, rapist, etc., we all question whether or not we'd be better off if we just did without them.

As a society, we wouldn't be better off.

Are we really prepared to believe that murder is acceptable, pending on the victim? I would hope not.

Originally posted by TheOmen
No offense intended if anyones loved ones are in this situation, but I'm not sure what their perception is on life, but surely they can't understand alot or have the best of lives.

And where do you propose we draw this line? Downs syndrome is acceptable, but what about Autism? Well there are varying degrees of autism, so how do we determine who lives and dies? As if we didn't live in an elitist society already, we're going to propose the execution of the handicap to save money? You actually believe that will save money?

I oppose the death penalty 100% of the time. The typical response to favor the death penalty is the typical dollar issue. My response is exactly what semper has provided for us above. It is more expensive to put someone to death. The average stay on death row is years and years for a reason. And we're going to put autistic children on the same level as serial killers, and give them the same fate?

How about the money that is pumped into the health care system to care for obese individuals? People that smoke, eat fatty foods, participate in death defying activities, all sponging from a health care system. Speaking from my own country that is. Should I propose the death of all obese individuals, smokers, and dare devils? To save money!

Take the good with the bad and appreciate the luxuries that we have in the western world.

"Take out the trash"?

One man's trash is another man's treasure. How would you respond to that?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Having had a quick look at the link you provided, wouldn't that suggest that the powers that be would be less inclined to go for the death penalty?

Being that the world is in fact run by accountants. Death penalty = very expensive. 50 years locked up = not so expensive and they make number plates or jeans or orange jumpsuits (Do prisoners still do hard labour?)

Basically the death penalty has become near to null and void though cost.

Maybe we should give the Police itchier trigger fingers? Or more realistically, more shoot on site options!


[edit on 12/2/08 by ChiKeyMonKey]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:58 PM
No the Police do not need "Itchier Trigger Fingers"...

Let me just say that the taking of a human life by any sane person is a burden one carries for the rest of their life, no matter what the justification. Counseling helps, but there is a price to pay, and you pay it again and again..

I used to be on the fence as far as the death penalty went... Having looked into it in depth and spent some time reading about and researching it, I have to say, I am on the side of abolishing it altogether... While death is the ultimate journey for us all, how is it punishment? We are all going to die, it's simply a matter of when and how..

At least with incarceration, we have the opportunity to rehabilitate and in the event that is not practical or successful, we are still left with the more cost effective alternative to the DP...
There are documented cases of people doing great things in prisons.. Remember the people in there are PEOPLE too.. I think we tend to forget that. Granted they owe a debt, and they are paying that debt, but do they not deserve some shred of human dignity?

As for executing the insane or mentally challenged... Come out to Myrtle Beach and work the Special Olympics with me one year... It will change your outlook, I guarantee...

"When chasing Monsters, one must be careful to not become a Monster"


posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:31 AM
I think a few of you have missed the point.

I dont mean every killer should be killed.

Put them on an island somewhere, which is guarded, and leave them there until we have determined whether they are 100pc guilty or not.

And if they are, then just shoot them or something, cost of a bullet?


Cost of death penalty


But I don't think anyone should be put to death without being found guilty 100pc, guilty with no doubts what so ever, then we know for sure that they have committed the crime, and can be punished severely.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:34 AM
reply to post by semperfortis

I agree with you, police shouldn't shoot on sight.

Look at what happened in England when we had our terrorist attacks,
some guy was mistaken for a terrorist, and shot about 10 times in the head! I t was later found that he was completely innocent.

But I think if there is a mass murderer or criminally insane guy, they're not gonna change.

Whack a bullet in them, and save alot of hassle. Otherwise what good are they gonna do?

Probably end up killing someone whilst in prison.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by ChiKeyMonKey

Well, cant we have a good old fashioned hanging, or shoot them?

That would be cost effective, and we would get the job done.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 02:39 AM
I don't see how the death penalty does any good. It's been around for a heck of a long time. (Random trivia: St' Valentine was beheaded on Feb 14th 250ishAD for carrying out illegal weddings.) It doesn't seem to deter people from committing the most heinous of crimes.

But if you look at the size of the prison population which is more than 8.75 million (link in a bit) something does ned to be done. Are the laws we have ineffective? Is society so screwed that many just don't care about the laws? Is hard time really that hard?

Briton is planning to build more prisons. The prisons we have now are over crowded. The prisons are full of gangs. The prison staff want a pay rise. Prisoners complain about how they are treated and get compensation. WTF!

The US has the highest number of people incarcerated in the world per 100'000 of the country's population (686 per 100'000) This is the same country that wants to go around the world telling everyone how to run their house! Briton has the highest number in Europe.

World Prison Data

There is something very wrong with the criminal justice system in both of these great countries. Bring back national service. Teach people how to have pride in themselves and respect their peers and community.

Semper. The trigger finger comment was tongue in cheek, no disrespect intended. In the UK gun crime is going through the roof and the British officers go through hell if they fire a weapon, they need better protection.

The Omen. Unfortunately the JC-Mendze (spl) case right after the 7/7 bombings was completely FUBAR.


posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Well we (UK) used to send our to Australia, but i guess we can't do that anymore
We need to find a new island and drop them there. Or we can start making prison something to fear again, instead of sky TV, warm bed nice food, Internet and so on...

Dorian Gray

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by Dorian Gray

Thats another of my points!

Put them where it isn't nice.

A lovely mean island somewhere, and don't give them privileges.

Only punishments.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by TheOmen
reply to post by Dorian Gray

Put them where it isn't nice.

A lovely mean island somewhere, and don't give them privileges.

Only punishments.

In other words, don't wait for God, just create a hell on earth? Who decides who is so irredeemable that is the only solution? When a person has nothing left to lose they'll do anything; it certainly won't improve them in any way. A system of punishments without rewards is what makes children into these "monsters" you're so keen to exterminate.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 10:19 PM
Also remember that there have been several societies throughout history that thought they had the knowledge to rid the world of monsters, monsters they decided should not be allowed to live.

One that comes immediately to mind, Nazi Germany. The monsters? The Jewish People.

Also worth note...

"Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely"


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