posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:57 PM
In the region that i live the Discovery channel has been playing numerous UFO themed documentries at around 6pm gmt, which i will watch if i am not
doing anything etc although they tend to repeat the ad nauseam.
What strikes me is whenever somebody comes up with a theory like Earthlights, Night Paralasis etc they are jumping around like its the missing link; i
suspose they are trying to get more research grants but they should be saying its a possible explanation or more accuarately one of many.
Another one was a Rosswell themed episode, where elderly witnesses sat around agreeing that the object shown at the press conference was a weather
balloon; which i dont think anyone disputes i.e. why mention it?
Just because something seems outrageous does not make it untrue, as scientists they should not dismiss something because they don't personally
believe in it.