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Free--masons half evil?

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posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:11 AM
I am new to this masonic business and have just started reading about it. I recently went onto a site that described how the masons seemed to control the world we live in. It was quite scary as it made it out that not all masons knew about this.

It showed a diagram of a pyramid with all of us none-Freemasons at the very bottom and how we had no power in the world.

On the first level were all organizations such as the FBI and the CIA.Even Scotland yard was there.

Then the next level consisted of free masons from apprenticeship level to 3rd degree mason. it made out that they knew nothing about the black occult. Now i don't know what the black occult is so if any1 nos i would be grateful to hear?

Then came 4th degree to 33rd degree Freemasons which knew about the black occult but were not involved in satanic rituals.

At the very top were the so called illuminated individuals which were arch masons. It said they were the ones who carried out satanic rituals. eg. child sacrifice

Now i am only 14 so if child sacrifice would affect me i am now staying well away from Free masons and it makes me think of them in an evil way.

Although if the apprenticeship to 3rd degree masons are not involved with the black occult then maybe they are not bad people.

Your thoughts on this please?

Mod edit: adjusted title

[edit on 10-2-2008 by chissler]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:35 AM

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:43 AM
[edit on 10-2-2008 by boroclub4]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:49 AM
[edit on 10-2-2008 by boroclub4]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:49 AM
try typing in that last sentence

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:52 AM
Can any 1 tell me how to post pictures then i can post it

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 10-2-2008 by sanctum]

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by boroclub4
I am new to this masonic business and have just started reading about it. I recently went onto a site that described how the masons seemed to control the world we live in. It was quite scary as it made it out that not all masons knew about this.


Let me start off by saying that I'm a Mason, a Master (or 3rd degree) Mason. I'll go out on a limb here and take a wild guess at what the site was. Freemasonrywatch? If not, could you provide a link to the site? In any case, Masons do not in fact control the world though it does suit the purposes of Masonry's detractors to say otherwise.

Originally posted by boroclub4
It showed a diagram of a pyramid with all of us none-Freemasons at the very bottom and how we had no power in the world.

On the first level were all organizations such as the FBI and the CIA.Even Scotland yard was there.

So where does Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame) fit in as a non-Mason? Truthfully, I don't think for a second that any Mason has anything approaching the influence on the world that Bill Gates does. And that's just one non-Mason.

Originally posted by boroclub4
Then the next level consisted of free masons from apprenticeship level to 3rd degree mason. it made out that they knew nothing about the black occult. Now i don't know what the black occult is so if any1 nos i would be grateful to hear?

That 'you're not a high-enough degree Mason to know different' is a ruse you'll hear often used whenever a Mason says that 'such and such' doesn't happen in Masonry. I might point out that same 'you're not high-enough' excuse is used even when the Mason responding is 33rd degree.

Originally posted by boroclub4
Then came 4th degree to 33rd degree Freemasons which knew about the black occult but were not involved in satanic rituals.

I'll let one of the 4th-33rd degree Masons respond to that since I'm not high enough to know any better.

Originally posted by boroclub4
At the very top were the so called illuminated individuals which were arch masons. It said they were the ones who carried out satanic rituals. eg. child sacrifice

Well, I'll just let that speak for itself (that is to say, it's BS).

Originally posted by boroclub4
Now i am only 14 so if child sacrifice would affect me i am now staying well away from Free masons and it makes me think of them in an evil way.

That's the entire purpose behind these sort of fictions: to make you afraid of people. An old but effective way of controlling people. You should be asking yourself what the person spreading this 'information' stands to gain from your fear. In my Lodge, most of the members are Christians of various stripes but we also have Jewish and Sikh members. Masonry's central purpose is to make good men (of whatever faith or creed) better. Period. Full stop. End of story.

Originally posted by boroclub4
Although if the apprenticeship to 3rd degree masons are not involved with the black occult then maybe they are not bad people.

Your thoughts on this please?

The Masons I know (up to 32nd degree) are good men all. Perfect? Nope. Fallible just like every other man in the world. And just to set you straight on the degree thing, no Mason is higher than a Master Mason (or 3rd degree). Maybe the best way to picture it is as feet and inches (or metres and centimetres as you prefer). The Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason degrees are like feet (or metres) and the Scottish Rite (4-33rd degree) or York Rite (4th-14th degree) are like the inches or centimetres (although I'm sure the York and Scottish Rite guys'll call me down on this


posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by boroclub4
Can any 1 tell me how to post pictures then i can post it

You'd have to upload the image to somewhere like imageshack or some other image hosting site. They'll provide you with a URL link which you can then can link to. The one you originally posted is obviously in your "My Documents" folder which (as soon as you turn off your computer or log-off from ATS) makes it inaccessible.

Also, I'd suggest you (or a mod) go back and delete that link because one thing it's doing is giving away your first name.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:32 AM
I am a Master Mason and lodge member for a couple of years now.

I think most people would find that freemasonry is a lot more mundane than they think, and they would be sorely disappointed if they joined and discovered that there is no conspiracy or world domination.

Our lodge recently celebrated its 150th anniversary. You would think in that time the lodge would have all the local real estate magnates, lawmakers and oil tycoons in its ranks, but you would be wrong.

Our membership consists of a locksmith, a bus driver, a smattering of computer nerds, several university students and a Tae Kwon Do instructor.

More than half the lodge consists of retirees and after business meetings we literally eat sandwiches, drink milk or soda, and the old-timers play Euchre for a couple of hours.

Our 'evil' works primarily include administering an endowment that provides services for the elderly in the community, providing ID kits for parents so they can have all their children's information in one place, and riding around in the July 4th parade in the bed of a pickup towing our little Masonic trailer.

The degree ceremonies are interesting and inspiring, but outside that most of the business of freemasonry consists of monthly business meetings and the occasional family picnic.

All of the degree work and 'secrets' can be found online with some googling. There are a lot of anti-masonry and pro-masonry sites online that will try to convince you of their positions, but there are a lot of educational sites that just present the facts.

So, in short, the real 'secret' of freemasonry is that there really aren't any secrets. When you work your way through the degrees, handshakes and passwords you will find that the point of freemasonry is not to groom you for world domination but to teach you that it feels good to help others.

Sorry to disappoint. :-)

Now, if you REALLY want to know who controls the world you should check out those Rotary guys. I think they are pulling all the strings! (sorry Rotarians, I couldn't resist!)

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:15 PM
I recently saw this pyramid on a site about the International Educator Conspiracy. At the bottom were all the uneducated people who have no power. Then there were the people in k through 12th grades, who don't know about the Dark Arts (e.g. child sacrifice) practiced by those above.

Then there are the college graduates who are the foot soldiers of the conspirarcy. Above them, the "Masters" (no coincidence, that name, hmmm?) and then the Ph.D.s (in gematria, this turns out to have the same value as Evil Sneeze).

Of course, many of the people who are getting an education have no idea of the evil to which they are being bound.

Ignorance, total and absolute, is the only defense!! Stay out of school and don't ever sacrifice a child -- no matter how reasonable the request sounds when it is made.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by boroclub4

If you believe in and exhault the almighty then no one or secret org can control you but only the almighty.

posted on Feb, 16 2008 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by spirit7
If you believe in and exhault the almighty then no one or secret org can control you but only the almighty.

Absolutely correct. I would endorse this statement 100% and so would a large number of other freemasons. The great thing about freemasonry is that it gives the individual the choice, and as the nature of the org is all about positive self-improvement I would say there is very little, if any, evil in it.

posted on Feb, 18 2008 @ 12:30 AM
I would say if a Mason takes the Masonic obligations to heart, there will be no baby burning.
Its all in there to be a better man, some may just not follow the beautiful lessons.

posted on Feb, 25 2008 @ 01:32 AM
Na, I think baby burning is probably OK, so long as the baby being burned isn't the daughter of a brother mason. I swore not to burn daughters, wives, grandmas, and great-aunts of fellow master masons. The rest are fair game, IMHO.

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