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Past lives and questions about them

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:37 PM
1. Can our past lives be animals, or are they always humans.
2. How do you go about learning your past lives
3. Is it harder to contact or see your past lives that farther back in time you go.
4. Can you also see future lives?

Any answers would be appreciated.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:53 PM
I am not sure about animals, most people who believe in reincarnation would say yes but fundamentally animals are without consciousness, they are purely driven by instinct not intuition. Our consciousness is our soul, the way we think and live is our soul that is why we associate ourselves as 'individual' souls when in reality we are just collections of memories and emotions connected by grey matter.

If we have had past lives it is impossible to have memories of them due to the fact that we are reborn into new bodies with new brains void of memories.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:58 PM
You have a very good point, but weren't we once driven by instincts ourselves, and have, over time, trade those instincts for the ability to think and reason? if so, then we still have those instincts buried within us.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 03:31 PM
Although I am not sure about how valid this site is, but it is intersting.

past life analysis thing. kinda cool.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 07:18 PM
i think that in my past life i was like atiger wolve mix because i can like hear real well but like i jump high too im probably highest jumper i know so i think thats what i was. plus i probably ate like a bnch of people or was goverment exparament?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:03 AM
...Tigers are good at hearing too...

I was probably a badger, or something like that.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by kagutuchi
1. Can our past lives be animals, or are they always humans.
2. How do you go about learning your past lives
3. Is it harder to contact or see your past lives that farther back in time you go.
4. Can you also see future lives?

Any answers would be appreciated.

1. yes you could have been an animal.
2. what do you like the most? what is your hobby? there are clues there. also do you draw or paint? this could give you a clue.

3. you can only see your past life. not the ones before.
4. No. you can't see the future life. only after you die and are told about your future life so you can be ready to enter the next body.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:07 AM
Interesting. I like you icon by the way.
According to what you said, I was probably a fox (sorry little badger that appeared in my dreams last night and the night before.)

[edit on 11-2-2008 by kagutuchi]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by kagutuchi
Interesting. I like you icon by the way.
According to what you said, I was probably a fox (sorry little badger that appeared in my dreams last night and the night before.)

[edit on 11-2-2008 by kagutuchi]


well there you have it. you were a fox. it's really that simple. just work with it, being an animal helps on your way to the next life. in this life you are a human. so use that fox experience to move on and practice the fox life. draw them, watch them and love them. but also embrace your past and understand that you are no longer a fox.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:45 AM
I have a question for any true believer of reincarnation, a sincere question, not one motivated out of sarcasm. How do you perceive reincarnation when the individual is born severly retarded and incapable of functioning in society?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by jdposey
I have a question for any true believer of reincarnation, a sincere question, not one motivated out of sarcasm. How do you perceive reincarnation when the individual is born severly retarded and incapable of functioning in society?

when this happens it means that the creation energy wasn't enough. the person has to live to gain some creation energy so in their next life they can have a high enough level to get into another body in full capacity. people who are retarded still have to grow and collect creation energy while they are here to take to their next life. hope that helps.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 08:12 AM

when this happens it means that the creation energy wasn't enough.

What do you mean by Creation Energy? Are you implying that the severly retarded are on their first go around as far as reincarnation goes and then when they are reincarnated in the next life they will have aquired the needed energy?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 08:23 AM
the brain is the interface between the soul and the body... life isn't always fair

not every single body is perfect; that's life.
karma is really just a way to get people to behave... much like heaven and hell.

all living things have instincts... i'm unsure of the animal having a soul but that doesn't make us better than them.

the body is like a computer, the soul the operator and the brain like the interface or operating system ... if the brain is damaged the interface is distorted out of phase.

that is my theory....

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by xion329alpha
I am not sure about animals, most people who believe in reincarnation would say yes but fundamentally animals are without consciousness, they are purely driven by instinct not intuition. Our consciousness is our soul, the way we think and live is our soul that is why we associate ourselves as 'individual' souls when in reality we are just collections of memories and emotions connected by grey matter.

If we have had past lives it is impossible to have memories of them due to the fact that we are reborn into new bodies with new brains void of memories.

Yes but all information is locked away in our soul. So essentially if one was Spiritually Advanced they might just be able to tap into their soul Memory and find out about their past lives, if they have had past lives.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:57 AM
I've seen 3 past lives, I'm not sure which one was the last.

I've also seen the future, and I knew it to be the future. I've seen the future in this life come true multiple times,..years in advance, and I've seen a portion of what I believe to be my next life, based on my appearance and my surroundings.

I was a solder..babylonian or egyptian or something - I think I could fight really well... yet I also really hate violence... past life experience?

I was a blond haired female.. all I remember was it was night time and I was with some guy who I guess I loved.. that sounds wierd eh? haha, whatever man spirit doesn't have a gender, it does what it wants

As well, I won't even get into this one, but i'll say it was 10 000 years ago approximately, and I wasn't human

I believe time is an illusion, it is a perception we create to help analyse life. I think energy is also something that helps us analyse life.. we create things and experience them, to help understand them.

I think the only way I was able to see the future multiple times, and why people are able to predict the future, is because it is all happening at once.. it is timeless. We experience time in our life linearly, but I believe this to also be a narrow minded perception we've grown accustomed to. I think we can jump to any point in time. I think individuality is an illusion and everything is interconnected, thus power of attraction and similar things. I believe we can say progress... gain skills and wisdom.. and if we wanted to.. relive a past life and watch it play out differently in our different state.

Perhaps its like the budhists and taoists talk about...going back in time to erase karma? perhaps its like budha said about suffering stems from desire, and the elimination of desire ends the suffering, and perhaps this is the step we must take? Who knows? I try not to dwell on the past but what if my perception should change at one point, and I see the past, present and the future as the same, and I look back and see that blemish and decide to rid it from my collective soul? For the betterment of the universe?

I think existance is the universe testing a seemingly infinte amount of variables in infinite combinations.

Its a complicatedly fascinating thing.

Well theres my oppinion. But I do believe I've seen numerous past lives and the future of this life at least 4 times...watched it come true, and seen my next life.

Yes I think you could be an animal.. I think you could be a tree, or even a star. Its like they say about stars being gods.. perhaps an advanced spiritual being would do something like that.

The way I look at it.. everything is a thought, its a dream, its a beautiful illusion we change. If you can imagine it.. I think it can happen.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:58 AM

you might want to check out the above thread about past lives. The person who started it is a past-life regressionist.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by sheyrshad
the brain is the interface between the soul and the body... life isn't always fair

not every single body is perfect; that's life.
karma is really just a way to get people to behave... much like heaven and hell.

all living things have instincts... i'm unsure of the animal having a soul but that doesn't make us better than them.

the body is like a computer, the soul the operator and the brain like the interface or operating system ... if the brain is damaged the interface is distorted out of phase.

that is my theory....

Yeah I think the brain is like a computer than runs our body.. It basically is the controls, it gives us the means to operate the thing. And it gets fed its information wireless.. conciousness creates a field of energy and draws in thought. I believe everyone and everything shares the same though, and that its like a rope with multiple strands and we each have our own strand of the rope but we are capable of interacting with the rest of it. Kind of like how you finish someones sentences or almost bump into each other because you keep making the same movements.. In taoism they say the shape of your body defines the signal it recieves, like an antenna, and if you wanted to read someones thoughts, you could do so by mimicing their body language. I think this is also why most people meditate in the same position.

I think we all operate on the same signal but our unique configuration gives us our personal set of codes and equations to decipher it. Its just a matter of obtaining more codes.

And you're right, we are no better then animals or anything, we are all equal. I wish people would treat animals better. Animals love me because I send them the right vibes, whereas people scratch their heads about this but I tell em its because animals can pick up on their negativity just like how we can pick up on each others. We're all the same crap different pile man. Thats what I think. Could I be wrong.. Of course!

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:16 PM
So your saying that there is something like an invisable thread connecting us all to aone other person. When one person makes a movement, it's like there's a signal sent down the thread to the other person at an amazing speed, and it causes them to make the same movement, or if you tug on the thread, that other person will come closer to you. Perhaps that is where they got the term "soul mate."

If that's completely wrong, I'm sorry, and this is how I interpreted it.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:36 PM
yeah thats essentially what I think. But considering the abundancy of energy and life in general, if it was something of a thread, i don't know how we would percieve it. Perhaps more like a web but it would just like like a blur, I guess its how you percieve it. Because we would be connected to EVERYTHING.. and everything would be connected to everything.. or perhaps we're all connected to a central hub, or point.

It's all how you percieve things really, I'm just giving you my oppinion so you can form your own oppinions. I think the universe in itself is just a point, and thats that. It is timeless, and formless, it just is. Its everything and nothing all the same but it has a duality in order to understand its nature. It must know what it is like to know something, in order to know what its like to be without it. I like to think of it like a computer.. I mean look at the games we got now, they look life-like.. and essentially its just the computer going 00101001 10010101 101001, and afterall isn't that what the universe is? Just a series of yes or no, up or down, love or hate, stars vs black holes.

Its like they say man and I'm inclined to agree.. its all energy and vibration.. that energy has a frequency, i guess it would be its series of 0's and 1s.. and it interacts with other frequencies, and others and others and so on and so on. We look at matter like its this...concrete..physical thing.. when really we know its molecules, which are atoms, which have particles which are made of even smaller components. Perhaps size is also a perception.. Maybe we are gigantic in the perception of another life-form, which is 100s of times smaller then our "atom".

Astrology, I don't know how much faith people put in it, but I give it quite a bit. I'm not talking about the general signs of the zodiac. Find an online birth chart generator and put in your data.. it will calculate pretty much what you were like when you were born.. we've changed since then of course.. but for me I feel it was at LEAST 95% accurate, and of course it's going to be a little obscure.

Its like... if the position of venus...mars.. the moon.. and a whole bunch of other planetary bodies can determine what I'm like... well then it seems these planets affect me... or I affect them.. or both.. It is a cosmic syncronization... the same thought.. and one life form represents a concept.. an imeasurable micro-thought fragment which represents one impulse of thought, one spark of thought.. one posibility of inumerable possibilites, one small point of focus. Its mind boggling.

Well, thats what I think. Look at the beauty and the symmetry in nature, the way it flows together... grass on the wind.. a school of fish, ants.. trees..the flow of water.

You get my drift? again.. its just my perception, it is deffinately not yours, your perception, your truth is individual and unique.. or is it? Maybe its just a matter of time before we realise otherwise? I deffinately do feel that we are all connected...everything. I don't try to glorify the soul or individual conciousness as some godly thing..although you could look at that way.. i see simply as nature.. just nature.

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:39 PM
Hey caveman man did you ever try Heart Chakra Radiance Or als known as God Yoga. It is awesome you should try it, Here is the link if you want to read it

It has really changed me.
Sorry for thee hijack OP

[edit on 11-2-2008 by darcon]

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