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Holes in your cover story

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:09 PM
817 has stated several times that he can't allow his wife to notice him typing. Fine, but...

On 1-17-08 at 8:36PM he writes a long post, ending it with an apology about his typing because he's trying to finish before his wife gets home.

Yet, at 10:03PM, he posts again, and again posts at 10:13PM.

Then he posts at 12:08am, and again at 2:58am in the morning.

You may be able to evade the government tracking you, but there is no way in hell any mortal man can evade suspicion from his wife.

Hence, you don't have a wife, or you are lying about everything.

This is a major hole in your story that we can verify from your own words and the times logged by ATS available for public display.

Unless of course, your "wife" is just a cover to throw off the Gov't goons. But if that was a cover, it doesn't matter what kind of "programs" you are using to evade tracking by the Gov't if you can't even keep behaving in line with your own cover story.

Regardless of whether you are real of fake, your story and behavior do not match up and you have been exposed. If you are fake, you are exposed as such. If you are "real", then your cover is exposed and you better close up shop and disappear. Here's why:

If we are to believe what ever it is you will eventually tell us, then what ever it is you will tell us MUST match up with what you have revealed so far. For if it doesn't then no one will believe you.

Thus, we can only conclude that what you have revealed so far is the truth:

  1. You are married
  2. You live in Las Vegas
  3. Your job is to prevent leaks on top-secret operations
  4. You aren't on duty right now because of Red Flag

If you are lying about #1 just to cover your tracks, then readers here might let you get a way with that. Regardless, the Gov't would be able to shorten the list of suspects of who you are (single as opposed to married). I can only imagine that the list of people that match #2-#4 is a pretty short list. Knowing that you are single (assuming you are "real") will only make that list shorter.

If #2-#4 are also lies to cover your tracks, then no one here will take you seriously, since your info will conflict with your background story.

Either way, your purpose here is futile: You'll either get caught because of your failings to conceal yourself, OR no one will believe you if everything you've said so far becomes suspect (which we've detected about your "wife")

Of course, the other option is your just another in a long line of ATS hoaxers.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

Do you have the link to this thread by any chance

I think I may have missed it


[edit on 9/2/2008 by OzWeatherman]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Oh my God. I thought I was posting in this thread: Mystery Man no_one817

Oh well...the thread there is apparently locked for I don't see any "Reply To:" options.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by harrytuttle]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by harrytuttle

Yeah, check the last post

The moderater closed the thread, with a pretty awesome reply to the op I might add

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