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On the horizon: Cloaking Research From The World Of Nanotech

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posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 05:05 PM
Here's something that's a bit the opposite of cloaking done by Tesla. The quote is a part of Tesla's last known living assistant's recorded statement.
Another fearful fantastic idea which Tesla developed with Sanford was his dark idea. This would also prevent wars. But would it? I believe that this could also be used to make war because the equipment could be carried in an airplane and it would float over a city and put it to dark. Not a bit of light anywhere would show. This is, to me, a most fearful idea. You turn on a switch and everything goes dark. There would be no electric lights, no lights in your car, your headlights would not show, if you strike a match it would burn but it would not show any light. No form of light whatever, instantly, the moment the switch is closed. So then Tesla said that if war started and the switch was turned on, the war would not be able to continue because nobody would be able to see. I wonder how it would be? I wonder if it would ever be used? Can you imagine what would happen in a big city, say at noontime, suddenly, not a pick of light anywhere; the sun would suddenly die out. Headlights of cars would not turn on and so it would be a terrible mess. And this apparatus, according to Tesla, could be put to work and control whole nations, either a city, or a village, a town, or the whole nation. All of America, all of Canada, of a press of a button. Is it a good idea? I really don't know.

So it seems like Tesla has found a way to absorb all EM waves in a certain area ONE HUNDERED years ago.

Mod Note: Quote Reference-Please Review This Link.

Also please link your sources when possible.

[edit on Thu Jan 22 2009 by Jbird]

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by Gregor100

that is exactly right.

sort of.

Bending light is one solution. There are other solutions put forth here as well, however.

Then there is the "dark idea" premise that the above poster put forth that, frankly, blows my mind. I need to look more into that.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
reply to post by Gregor100

that is exactly right.

sort of.

Bending light is one solution. There are other solutions put forth here as well, however.

Then there is the "dark idea" premise that the above poster put forth that, frankly, blows my mind. I need to look more into that.

It sounds like the "Simpson's did it".
There are a lot of bogus Tesla inventions going around.

Its best to source from his words, even at that can astound but
I'd put in some caution instead of putting caution to the wind and
saying things Tesla didn't say.

There are many bogus 'associates' around.
Tesla fired one from Germany.
This is how new things from Tesla are being invented since
I'm sure Tesla never worked with all the people showing up now.

Find George Schriff and see what he knows.
Too much apparently for the FBI as George seems to be in
some witness protection program.

Part of the July 1937 inventions announcements was a beam
1/2 of one millionth of a centimeter for energy transmission.
Tesla went to beams and not waves for energy transmission.
"A different kind of energy than is commonly employed must
be used,..." You can see why the Illuminati, GE and hordes
of people were left to puzzle over his pronouncements.

Tesla not only had atom smashing voltage, he use it to draw
out ether particles from metals and any number of experiments
the MIT Van Der Graff hasn't done.

posted on Mar, 7 2009 @ 09:59 PM

A paper published in the March 2009 issue of SIAM Review presents an overview of the theoretical developments in cloaking from a mathematical perspective. One method involves light waves bending around a region or object and emerging on the other side as if the waves had passed through empty space, creating an "invisible" region which is cloaked. For this to happen, however, the object or region has to be concealed using a cloaking device, which must be undetectable to electromagnetic waves. Manmade devices called metamaterials use structures having cellular architectures designed to create combinations of material parameters not available in nature.

The article rehashes what is already in this thread. But it is nice to keep it on radar, "just in case".

posted on Mar, 8 2009 @ 12:00 PM
Rice University has now gone public with a visible spectrum metamaterial that renders objects invisible.

"'Invisibility Cloak' Directs Light Away From Eye"

Applications are being developed as we speak.


[edit on 8-3-2009 by jdub297]

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:35 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I find it suspicious that the frequency that can be cloaked is 632.8 angstroms, the exact frequency of the old helium neon red lasers (gas).

I wonder how much farther they have advanced since then.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:58 PM

Originally posted by ArcAngel
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I find it suspicious that the frequency that can be cloaked is 632.8 angstroms, the exact frequency of the old helium neon red lasers (gas).

I wonder how much farther they have advanced since then.

That technology will not end up being used for invisibility. They have a better solution. The nanosphere.

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