posted on Feb, 28 2008 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by Drakiir
If you were waving your hands in front of you This is Amazing it really is,
Right I was just emiting and went into like a trance where I was asleep but I wasn't if you know what I mean. It was Almost like OBE, I opened my
eyes and was waving my hands in front of my chest, Thinking are these mine
I tell you I am getting stronger by the day, I can feel Energy all around me. What have we done
We must have triggered something I wasnt expecting
Sorry for spelling I am kind of rushing this message with excitement. I think because you contacted me first I am feeling a lot of what you are. Its
hard to explain
Edit: Spelling I must have missed half the keys
[edit on 28-2-2008 by psycho81]
[edit on 28-2-2008 by psycho81]