Hey folks ....... I'm in my 2nd year of college at the "School of Visual Arts" and I'm havin' a hard time keeping up with all these art
assignments. Every darn week I've gotta do around 7-8 comic pages on top of the other homeworks from Art History and Western Civilization . It's
like I've got no social life anymore ....... and I always try to put some time aside to chat with a fellow member . Ummmm....... each comic
page takes around 8 hours to fully complete ... just to let ya know how much of zombie I am .......:shk: .
( Can anyone give me some tips on how to balance my work load/schedule out ?? )
Your work is excellent, had no idea you were so talented; does that mean all those cool pictures you left on my profile comments are ones that you
have completed yourself? If so i am blown away...
Keep your head down, stay keen, get on with it and i am sure that you will pull through!
Awwwww.... thanks for stopin' by ...... me sooooo happy now ...... I really miss all you guys .... thanks for beinng there for me ......
Luv ya all !!!!!!!
( Mojo ..... if ya want a sketch ...... I'll do ya a few for free bro ... )