posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:16 PM
So this is my story.
I just moved in with my sister and brother-in-law to go to school. When I got there and was unpacking my stuff, my brother-in-law told me he saw
a little boy in the room I would be staying in. I laughed and shrugged it off because Ive seen my share of weird things.
We got taking about it, and the previous owners (of the house) had 3 children, and marked on the wall as each child grew. One of the children
stops and isnt recorded again.
Ive been talking in my sleep more then usual and literally YELLING about nothing. My brother-in-law heard me in the basement when he was checking
on his work remotely from the computer at 3:00 am, and Im on the 2nd floor. Ive woken up twice and wondered who keeps turning my light on, thinking
it was my sister.
Not lastnight, but the night before, Feb. 7/08, I had a crazy dream about the end of the world. I woke up and noticed hand prints on the back of
my door (there is a full sized mirror there). I can gaurantee these were not there the day before. There is 3 people in the house and a cat, these
hand prints are atleast half the size of my sisters (she has the smallest hands in the house).
I have some pictures, yes the room is messy - get over it. I laid out some black/dark shirts on the floor to bounce the light off to get a
better picture. All of these hand prints are at about crotch level and I had to get on my knees to take them.
The first 2 pictures are of 2 handprints side by side, left and right hands. the other 2 are of the handprint of only the right hand.