ok , my first post on this excellent forum so i suppose i had better start with a story that happened to me when i was younger.
when i was 15 , i lived with my parents and my todler twin sisters in a fairly new detached house built ontop of farmers fields.
now one day i came home from school , the phone was ringing and i picked it up and an old woman on the phone told me to "get out of the house" , i
shouted my mother and she said the woman had been phoning all day and to just hang up on her, just as i was about to put the phone down she started to
repeat "who is this" to me.
now that could just be coincidental to the occurances of that night or maybe it had some relevence - i dont know but anyway....
it was 10:30pm , i was sitting watching tv with my mother in the main living room , my baby sisters where fast asleep in bed and my father was out
overnight fishing. i heard a small rattle from the living room door and then the door which was slightly open slammed shut. thinking it was the wind
that had done this , i stood up to see if any of the windows or doors where open , looked into the hallway etc and nothing was open so i went and sat
back down.
a minute later the door handle went down on the door and the door swung open. me and my mother both thought it was odd as we could see from out
sitting position thru the glass door of the living room that there was no one outside opening it.
i stood up again to close the door and before i had sat backdown again , the handle went down and the door swung open. now this time i was facing the
door and could see no one at all was there , as i reached for the door handle to shut it , the door slammed shut and opened again. lets just say that
me and mother excrimented bricks at that moment , we heard heavy footsteps go up and down the stairs and doors opening and closing all over the
my mother started screaming for my sisters as they where in bed - we ran into the kitchen and picked up knives (dont ask ?) and went up the stairs to
check they where ok , and they where fine sleeping.
that was all that happened that night.
now later on in the same year at xmas (actually 2am xmas morning) , i had fell asleep about 11pm and awoke about 2am to noises comming from
downstairs. i got up thinking it was my parents sorting out my sisters toys and went to walk downstairs. as i got to the top of the stairs i could see
that there where no lights on in the living room (glass doors remember) and i could hear the usual house rumbling snores of my parents in their room.
then i heard slow and heavy footsteps climbing the stairs , i ran into my parents room and checked that they where there and yes both of them where
sleeping. so i looked over the banister down the stairs. in the light from outside i could see no one comming up the stairs and yet the footsteps
where getting closer and closer - i waited until they where about 3ft away from the top of the stairs b4 fear took over and i darted off into my
bedroom to spend a night under the sheets
now since those occurances i have often wondered if they where dreams etc and i have quized my mother over the events and she has backed me up that
they did happen.
so , anyone have any ideas or shed some light onto what went on , anyone had anything similar etc ? ?
[Edited on 15-2-2004 by acidhead]