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Got ISS for a day by a very ignorant teacher...

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:20 PM
Today I got 1 day in school suspension by very ignorant American History III
teacher. That I have to serve on Monday or I will get a week suspension,
which is very stupid.

Anyway, today in my American History III class we were discussing about
how bush has less than a year in office. Everything went well till everyone
started to discuss about bush failing approval ratting thats going down the
toilet, Then the teacher disrupted the discussion and said "Its lies told by
democrats to ruin good bush". Everyone in the class kinda ignored the
teacher's comment.

About 10 later the discussion gotten into the Iraq war and how its illegal and
based on lies to get oil. Again the teacher disrupted the discussion and went
off saying how Its all lies from disinformation from the democrats and the
evil internet and how there was WMD in Iraq and how Iraq sent there WMD in
Iran to hide them from the "Good Guys". Then the bush approval rating in
base on a lie and (This made me laugh) how bush is one of the Americas
greatest presidents the like Reagen cause hes manage a nation through 9/11
and chasing after evil bin ladan. After that the teacher shutup, I raised my
hand and asked "Are you joking?" the teacher said "no", I said that you got
to be very ignorant for believing what you just said and got to be joking.
The teacher yelled "GET OUT AND GO TO THE OFFICE", when I walking out
of the class room the teacher said "the kids these days are so misinformed
by lies" and in hallway I started to laugh alittle cause what teacher said
about "misinformation".

I went down the office and talk to the asst. principle and talked and I had to
serve 1 day In School Suspension and I told him that I he had to move me
to other class than the ignorant or I go to another school, after 15 of talk get
agreed and will make it happen if serve I that 1 day ISS. Believe me that on
Monday I will show up for school early for ISS, Cause theres no way in hell I
going to have a ignorant nut case for a teacher.

If you wondering what the ISS was for,
Disrupting class
Verbal insult of a teacher

I think there should be a law to prevent ignorant nut cases from being
teachers. It be even better having a law preventing a evil greedy lieing
bastard like bush from getting into office.

Also I know that my grammer sucks...

[edit on 2/8/08 by Files]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:26 PM
Wow I am lucky I have never had a teacher like that.

Tell your story to as many as you can. Speak to school officials. There is a definite need for activism on your part-for obvious reasons.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:28 PM
Sounds more like a rude teacher who isn't willing to discuss issues and topics intellectually and respectfully.

Definitely ignorant teacher then, she needs to get fired and find a work in McDonalds.

I shake my head in a disbelief.

But again, I wasn't there, hopefully the students were discussing respectfully as well.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:35 PM
It would be better to talk to your fellow students later, and send them to ATS or other websites to find out the truth for themselves. Make flyers or copy DVD's. The teachers are under mind control programing by the TV, as well as the administrations telling them what to teach and what to say. I believe you were given ISS for telling the "teacher" they were ignorant. Of course they are, the lies are so entrenched into there minds by the TV you can see how they could believe it. The best way to deal with this is wait until after class then talk your little heart out. Nice job standing up for free man. Thank God there are some kids out there who do not believe the lies, and stand up against tyranical mind control in the classroom.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:46 PM

Thank you dntwastetime, I almost forgot something to mention.

You know, according to OP's story, it does seem like the teacher is trying to portray Bush as a "hero" - and, in the future, it may be possible that the stories of terrorism and Bush will be printed numerous times in educational history books and social studies books, both for public schools and universities, colleges. (Or are there already?)

For that, a few years later, then people will see Bush as hero? I don't know, I could be wrong.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by TheoOne]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:00 PM
Its funny this teacher does not know they are on the list to be X out as well as all us conspiracy "nuts". The people who teach the lies become swallowed by the lies in the end. The Luciferian system has more respect for those who know the truth,and stand up for free creation, than those who serve, and grovel to evil knowingly. Evil respects bravery. Its mostly out of fear they dilude themselves with the propaganda. This teacher knows your view is true they just are scared to face the evil head on, and would rather go along to get along hoping the monster will eat them last. Evil always attacks those who serve it.

Good job kid you got guts, and brains.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:14 PM
Sounds like you did border on being disrespectful to your teacher.

But I'd expect an American History teacher to be generally politically neutral in the stance she or he presents the class.

It's difficult for me to be sure because you are probably relating in an emotional way right now.

What might have been better for you would be if you could present some evidence for your side rather than raising your hand and just saying 'Are you joking'. That isn't addressing any of the 'facts'.

If she's otherwise a good teacher, you might consider apologizing and just tell her you got excited because you're passionate about politics and history. She might even offer a hand back to you as well and that way you both win.

Good luck!

[edit on 8-2-2008 by Badge01]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:24 PM
Looks like the ISS was a slap on the wrist for being rude - as opposed to the disagreement.

Take it as such. Meditate upon that lesson. And transfer out of that class as quickly as humanly possible.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:42 PM
That's a real bummer kid, sounds like (the way you tell it, anyway) you got the short end of the stick here. There are, however, ALWAYS two sides to the story. I'll take your word for it.

Generally it's been my experience that the majority of public school teachers have been more Democrat in their leanings as well. This one sure seems like an odd duck.

One of the lessons I learned quickly in my outspoken teens was to choose my battles carefully. It sounds like you're learning the same lesson, in much the same way.

If you really want to show some cajones, AND beat the teacher at his/her own game, I suggest the following: Make a pamphlet containing the contents of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Photocopy it enough for a copy for each student in the class. "stamp" it "VOID in Mr./Mrs. [teacher's name]'s classroom". Distribute to the entire class, perhaps post in the hallways. Ben Franklin would be proud.

After doing the aforementioned activity, enjoy your additional suspension/possible expulsion from the school. There's no such thing as a "permanant record".

Above all, smile, smile, smile!

(The author assumes no responsibility for the suggestion actions mentioned above, but will be happy to share in the spoils of any subsequent lawsuits against the fascist school administration)

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:12 PM
Just because you have a different opinion than your teacher, does not make them "ignorant". You should have just let it go, calling out a teacher who holds all the cards is not a great idea. I'm not saying your teacher was right, but you should have seen it coming.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by cbianchi513

That's pretty funny, I like how you think!

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Call Up Alex Jones he can make such a mess out of the ordeal they will never spout that ignorant garbage again...

1-800-253-3138 I think is the toll free number

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:15 PM
Don't argue with a fool. The spectators can't tell the difference.

Being a high school student you have nothing to gain by arguing with ignorant teachers. Hence you ISS, my advice would be to take your one day and let your teacher say whatever he/she wants to say and leave your opinions on the matter to paper.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:22 PM
If you really want to get into trouble, here is what you should do. Tell the VP that your sorry and you want back into the class. Have someone else in the classroom ready with a cell phone video cam and then when the subject comes up start to debate the teacher using informed arguments without being disrespectful. If the teacher gets upset and throws you out of the class again, you'll have it on tape and it would look good on Youtube.

You may get suspended, but somethings are worth it.

Oh, and pay a little more attention in English class to brush up on your grammar.

edit: BTW, I thought the ISS was for the International Space Station. Is this a common acronym for a one day suspension?

[edit on 2/9/2008 by Hal9000]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:38 PM
Oh to be a teenager again and know it all. The way to have a meaningful discussion is to present a well reasoned argument for your case, with citations to back your claims up. Telling the teacher they're an idiot in front of the class(which is basically what the gist of your remark) is not the preferred method of debate.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by BlueRaja
Oh to be a teenager again and know it all. The way to have a meaningful discussion is to present a well reasoned argument for your case, with citations to back your claims up. Telling the teacher they're an idiot in front of the class(which is basically what the gist of your remark) is not the preferred method of debate.

Couldn't agree more, but we all know that there is no way to reason with a fool OR a zealot... Consider this story of my "all knowing" youth if you will.

I went to parochial school, and was in the religion class when the Pontiff was visiting a nearby city. Focus of the class was shifted firmly in the direction of his visit. (This was JP II, by the way.)

For some reason, the sister teaching the class brought up the "Popemobile". You know- the "tank" of a car that the Pontiff rides around in with all the armor and the bullet-proof "bubble" on the top. (Yes, I SO want one of my own!!!)

My smarmy little teen hand went up at some point, and I was promptly called upon... here was my opportunity to point out fallacy!

"Sister?" I asked, "Isn't the Pope God's representative here among us? Isn't he Holy and infallable?"

"That's right" the unsuspecting penguin retorted.

"Then why all the armor and bulletproof glass? Is he scared to die, or WHERE he may end up in the afterlife?" I followed, smiling.

I spent 5 days in ISS (In School Suspension) for that one, and was a "marked man" in that school thereafter.

It's a funny story, but I don't feel I accomplished anything but planting a seed of doubt into other impressionable youths. I certainly did not shake the faith of the instructor, but I did manage to raise her blood pressure.

Like I said- choose your battles.

[edit on 10/2/08 by cbianchi513]

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 12:25 PM
Brace yourself.....that's not the first ignorant one you'll encounter. I work in a K12 school me, they're everywhere.

Learn to present your side of the case with a calm, level, attitude.....everywhere, and by that I mean later, with your buds, when you're recounting the experience, keep it calm, even, and fair....your credibility and respect will improve. With everybody; adults, parents, teachers, and peers.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:26 PM
You may find ISS to be fun. When I was in High School I got it often, but I found it fun to get all my work done in 30 mins and sit there and read for hours. Ironically I made a movie about it my Junior year for a films class. The premise was on how much time was wasted in public schools. We showed it in the library and about 800 people in the school saw it, and about 80 or so actually understood the point of the movie.

ISS is fun. You'll find out how creative you really are.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:37 PM
From my perspective, this is merely an interaction of very similar sides. The only difference is that the teacher had the ability to 'punish' you (the OP) for your actions.

Like someone else mentioned here, teachers should (in theory) keep their opinions out of their curriculum. While this teacher may have been violating that, he/she was still expressing an opinion -- something that every human has the right to do. And while you (the OP) may have disagreed with that opinion, there was/is no reason to have addressed the teacher as "ignorant" because of it. Ignorance is a relative term, and I can think of at least one reason why it does not apply to your Teacher.

With that said, perhaps this will guide you to more diplomatic relations in the future. This isn't a situation where one side is 'at fault,' and it shouldn't be treated that way.

As before, this has been my perspective.

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 02:56 PM
i preferred ISS when I was in school. The only time I could actually get some reading and studying in, without being interrupted by busy work and handouts with crosswords. Public school is such a joke, they make you dumber by design.

I had plenty of teachers just like you describe - guess what... they will ALWAYS win. You just cannot win against a teacher, ever, ever ever.

and i guess showing my own maturity... if I were you, I would TOTALLY egg that teachers house / car / kids / pets / etc. on multiple occasions.

[edit on 13-2-2008 by scientist]

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