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Sudden Surge in Public Shootings

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by scooler1

Don't forget the shooting resulting in one death just a few blocks from a speach given by Hillary in Spokane connection to the political scene apparently, but still...a little too close for comfort...and you know there are now more guns out there than there are human beings alive in these United States.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by spec_ops_wannabe
reply to post by scientist

That's the big link between VT and Columbine, the ones who committed the shootings were all on anti-depressants.

I wouldn't call that a big link, a lot of people are on anti-depressants...

I say ban anti-depressants and have the people who "need" them tough out their funk and get back to reality. Part of depression is because of people being so full of themselves and the way that society has become so screwed up.

Um, sorry, but I have to disagree with you there. I suffered from depression from the age of 10 til around 21. I did try to "tough out my funk", I tried natural remedies like st. johns wort, but nothing helped. I finally went to a doctor and was put on zoloft...I felt like my old self again, no more constant cycle of negative thoughts, dread of getting up in the morning, etc.
My only regret is not seeking help sooner.
Maybe this makes me weak, but I'd rather go through life weak and normal feeling rather than tough and miserable.
I do think that anti-depressants are probably over used, but I don't think banning them is the answer. Trying to tough it out or snap out of depression, real clinical depression, is about as effective as wishing cancer away.

To the OP:
You're right about all the shootings, it's getting hard to keep track of them all.
you're also right about them being different. Most murders seem to be based on personal conflict. These are more like conflicts with society as a whole. But is it really stress? I don't remember hearing much about public mass murders around the time of the great depression, surely a time of enormous stress.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:59 AM
This is all about the Supreme Court ruling on handguns soon. We are seeing mad shooting so that when the Supreme Court has to rule then maybe the public will be more open to a ban. Its all carefully crafted theater to sway public opinion.

As usual NWO engineers shootings using mentally disabled or troubled people and if the shooter isn't controlled then they can manipulate public opinion using the media coverage to shape the story. Then they use the crisis to pass gun legislation.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Astrithr
Um, sorry, but I have to disagree with you there. I suffered from depression from the age of 10 til around 21. I did try to "tough out my funk", I tried natural remedies like st. johns wort, but nothing helped. I finally went to a doctor and was put on zoloft...I felt like my old self again, no more constant cycle of negative thoughts, dread of getting up in the morning, etc.
My only regret is not seeking help sooner.
Maybe this makes me weak, but I'd rather go through life weak and normal feeling rather than tough and miserable.
I do think that anti-depressants are probably over used, but I don't think banning them is the answer. Trying to tough it out or snap out of depression, real clinical depression, is about as effective as wishing cancer away.

No natural remedies will work while you're consuming toxic chemicals. I went off my meds once before and switched to St John's Wort and it didn't work so I had to go back on the meds. About a year later I did the research and found out the truth about what really causes depression. So this time I went off the meds, changed my diet to eliminate the chemicals (all organic) and it worked. No more depression. Doctors will not tell you the truth because they make too much money keeping you on prescription drugs.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by starviego
There is evidence in many of the headline-grabbing random-rage mass shootings of the past 15 years that does strongly suggest some kind of mind control is being used. From the mouths of the killers:

I think your post is very important to consider. Until recently, it was thought that people who "hear voices" telling them to do things were crazy and needed to be locked up and medicated. We now know for certain that the technology exists to put voices in people's heads because they're using it in NYC on the public in the form of 'advertising'.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by annestacey

Which prompts me to ask this question...what would motivate people to do that to other people?

It is a serious question, one that I think bears some consideration. If this is going on, then the people who are doing it have a huge amount of leeway where social mores and laws are concerned. I DO NOT want this to turn into a political debate, but what of the people whom we consider to have the 'most power'; i.e. our president and administration, international correlatives, etc....

There are unseen power mongers in our the conclusion I have arrived at....

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:38 PM
I have posted this numerous times but here it is again .

This stuff happens when were at WAR. We are teaching our children its ok to kill to get what we want. Violence begets violence. This trend will Continue as long as theres wars being fought.

Look at the timing for most of these shootings. Kinda ironic wouldn't you say?

[edit on 9-2-2008 by oLDWoRLDDiSoRDeR]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:27 PM

I know what you all mean. It seems that these individuals are seemingly regular people who have crossed some border of sane reasoning, and have turned into merciless killers.

This problem has increased, and it appears that merciless killers invade the life of normal human beings. Are there two victims? When your love of humanity is being beat out of you by suppression, denial of rights, and denial of human dignity. Those without the mark of the beast are “fed up” and pushed to the brink of insanity. It is a fight to remain stable in an unstable world. My mom used to say “you don’t push people, especially people on the edge; you have to give them room to hope”.

Psychotics hear voices and people from outer space and talking dogs. These are shooters like Russell Weston Jr., who ran into the Capitol building and killed two police officers. He believed he was being told to do so by alien radio transmissions.

As I said in another thread simalar to this one; watch the movie The Manchurian Candidate and then look at all these killings and ask yourself why would many of these people who have no criminal background or history of mental illness do these things.

I agree. It also appears that the evil which has been carried out for centuries has taken another form. It is as if the good guys learned the bad guys’ tricks; bio-tech, mind control and manipulation by craft.

In addition, some of the statements made by the perpetrators appear to come from some other realm as if they are being instructed, as in the case when the man instructed himself to “shoot the mayor”. Truly bizarre!!! It reminded me of a case in NY, 1994, where a gunman, Colin Ferguson, opened fire on the LIRR. At his trial, he stated that he thought someone other than himself had done it.

Also, there was a pilot that suddenly drove a plane into the ground. Mind control, could be, but, who is pulling the strings?

I think something strange started in the US with the Atlanta Child Murders in the 1980’s and escalated in the 1990’s and from 2000 on it seems to be occurring every year. Could it be that all of us are a “Manchurian Candidate” in waiting with an implant and programming by the media, TV, video and video games, books or another external source, etc., which would provide all the mechanisms necessary to harbor a serial killer awaiting the trigger to be pulled. It is a scary thought.

I think the coroner should check behind their ears, and the body for strange marks it may be a different type of invasion than the one some people have envisioned.

You might want to wonder about why these gangs have been allowed to exist.

I have thought about that often these past several years and I have concluded, but open to any other valid ideas, that they are to control the average hard working person and to make sure they keep their head buried in the sand.

How many people here can say they would actually stand up for what they believed in if it meant they would lose their job?

Been there, done that on more than one occasion and friends and family said I was the one who was nuts.

I get depressed and don't take as good of care of myself and my family as I should.

You are doing exactly what they want you to do. So what happens when you get tired of beating yourself for the ills of the world?

They want more gun control so when people find out what is really going on they can’t start shooting. They know they can not keep the lid on it much longer.

There are unseen power mongers in our the conclusion I have arrived at....

Precisely and they have made themselves kings and queens and they may be living next door.

It is a sad time we are living in.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 02:16 PM
I can't state any evidence here. Only what I have heard from close friends AND enemies... but I don't think people are too aware of just how pervasive "MK ULTRA" really is.

I know two people (and I am very concerned for them) who have or have had drug problems to deal with... and I've stated this in several threads where relevant, but I'll add more to it because there IS more to it.... and these friends of mine have admitted to me that they have been a part of MK ULTRAS experiments, and they volunteered because they are given a consistent dose of morphine every day for 2 months straight while being held basically in captivity, while experiments are being done on them. They never told me what the experiments were. Seems like they didn't wanna go into too much detail.

I also know this girl who was badly sexually molested when she was little by a group of middle aged to older men, and these men were apparently prominent members in our area. One of them was a popular school teacher at our high school. To get to the point, this girl has been obsessed with some very esoteric symbolism ever since I've known her, and until I was pushed in the direction of fringe research, I never understood the significance... but I do know that every night bvefore bed, she has to watch the disney version of Alice in Wonderland, or else she's all screwed up the next day.... and she's obsessed with the number 3... and she's on all sorts of anti depressants and such. She's been hospitalized a few times, and to add to that, I remember her telling me that she has always had "imaginary friends" that tell her to do bad things. Just research any person claiming to have been involved in brainwashing or eliteist rituals, and you'll see some similarities.

I know3 to anyone else, it would seem like she's just nuts... but I've known her for a few years, and I can tell now that she seems completely mind controlled and she acts like a robot a lot of the time... and for what purpose, I do not know, but several of her family members have met unfortunate ends... and I don't believe for one second that her parents could afford the house they live in on the shoestring budget which she says they have. They're always buying things, and she always has all this nice crap.... and she doesn't have a job, but somehow they pay for her to go to college full time.... and something just doesn't add up with it.

I'm also living near two major national labs, Fermilab and Argonne Natl Labs (not to mention Tinley Park).... and there has been a lot of weird stuff happening around here in the past few years...

I don't mean to hijack this thread, but I wanted to make a point that, maybe not everywhere, but in certain areas of the country, there is a strong presence under the radar that is causing certain people to act in certain unbecoming ways.

Haven't you ever heard anybody say "Man, I'm telling you, it's this town, man. There's something not right about it."?

If you haven't heard that before, all the more reason that I am highly suspicious of what is going on around my area, because EVERYONE around here says this to me.

My personal opinion is that many of these lone shooters are manchurian candidates. You have to ask yourself... How easy is it to reduce someone to a state where they can commit mindless violence like this? Why is it that, time after time, these people show almost precision shooting skills, along with having shadowy unknowns shooting as well, only to end up killing themselves when it is all over? It's like these people are repeating some sort of played out program.... and I find it hyard to believe that people don't get suspicious when they notice this pattern of similarity. If this was just naturally occuring, the motus operandi and the execution of the actual event should be just as varied as human personality is.... but quite often, it is NOT varied at all. The same reasoning given by the killers, the same spin given by the media, always in a very public forumb so as to be seen and heard by the entire country....

It has all the markings, to me anyway, of something fabricated. It's the perfect crime, because the real criminals very rarely have any connection with the perpetrator. Until the pervasiveness of mind control and manchurian candidates is exposed on a wide scale, people will just continue assuming that the person who commited these crimes was just a frustrated loner, an annention seeker, or a psychotic.

It is up to us as people to be more aware, and notice these repetative patterns in these types of crimes, and to ask hard questions as to why the settings, the motives, and the personality types are always so similar.

I don't think people understand just how easy it is to play with somebody's mind and make them do thy bidding.

Just look at America as a whole. People ceaselessly toiling away, being raped by the govt of their profit, destroying the environment around them, working themselves to almost the end of their physical and mental ropes... all without question. If you make someone think their survival is at stake, you can make them do anything without question within a matter of a day, it seems.

So why is a massive outbreak of manchurian candidates such a big stretch of the imagination? I know the government has succeeded in being able to make these types of things happen... So the next question you have to ask is "How willing is the government to use such methods on it's own people?"

We know they're quite willing to kill millions of people in other countries just for oil and other profits. So how valuable, really, is a few human lives a day to our government? How sacred does the government hold the living standards of its own citizens to be?

Does the government really differentiate one human life here from another thousands of miles away?

Give them an inch, and they'll take it miles and miles and miles. This has been proven time and time again. So why is the possibility that all these killings and horrible twisted murderers that you see on TV being mentally manipulated patsies such a farfetched thing?

In the state we're in as a whole, seeing through the eyes of an eliteist, I would see that now is the ripest time in American History to use these patsies that we've created to instill fear into my precious conumers, my lifeblood, to keep them isolated, to keep them consuming, to keep them from venturing too far from the status quo.

To quote Family Guy:

Michael Eisner says : "Wow, all those people look like ants from up here."

Bill gates resonds: "They are ants, Michael. They ARE ants."

How would you view the populous if you were way at the top? Especially with the way we act towards each other anyway.... wouldn't you almost think that we deserve it? All these disgusting freeloaders crowding everywhere. If you had the money to get away with it, and you looked upon the hordes of people with disgust, how bad would you feel stepping on a few thousand here and there?

It's not a question of SHOULD they.... it's a question of COULD they....

[edit on 9-2-2008 by indierockalien]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 02:28 PM
Also... to give my argument creedence..... just think of how "we" treat dogs sometimes. It doesn't take a lot of bad abuse for a naturally kind spirited dog to wildly lash out against almost anyone. If we're animals, too...which we are, despite our delusions of grandieour... then we have the exact same capacity to lash out in an instinctual rage as any other animal. Has our population not been treated like animals before by the government?

So, needless to say, either directly or indirectly, our government, along with the mainstream's willingness to stay ignorant and complaicent, has caused all of these violent events that have been unfolding.

I'm not saying they are all manchurian candidates, but some definitely are.

...but the government knows what they are doing. I'm sure that, along with some purposely placed incidents, they knew that through mass conditioning as a whole, that some people would snap under the pressure. I use the term "the government" loosely. It's obviously not the entire government, just certain compartmentalized pockets deep within the outer framework of the government.

Just look around you, man. I feel like snapping sometimes, the idiocy is so frustrating, ya know? It was made this way, whether you believe it or not, on purpose. Somebody somewhere wanted it this way, or else it would be different.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:57 PM
I think I may have killed this thread for some reason.

This always seems to happen. It makes me wonder whether the truth even matters. I mean, you get a 300some page about a guy who claims to have an alien friend named milton, yet when people can look and see with their own eyes, given they stare long enough, the real problems in society, they just get passed over.

Sorry if I seem a little frustrated, but I'm not putting time and effort into telling fairytales here.

I think the truth scares people, so they jump right over it, thinking "whoa boy, look at the insanity spewing from that guy.", even with subjects that would seem like a logical thing to address, be it you take the time to properly wrap your mind around the possibility of such a problem existing.

I see the same problems on this site as I see in normal society, probably because this is naturally a microcosm of the whole... and that problem is fear, ignorance, and intolerance.

I'm surprised ATS hasn't thrown me out of their house yet, but it's understandable... since individual perspectives are a little more tolerated here... but it's rediculous when society gets to a point where when one person speaks his mind and say "Listen, things aren't what you think. Here's what I've experienced.", people get flat out angry and scared of you. I've been thrown out of a couple houses before, just because I've spoken against the government, and because I've talked about the reality of these shady operations, this particular subject being seemingly random shootings, and the obvious lead into possible mind control/manchurian candidate type projects that are going on. (well, maybe it's not obvious to the sleeping masses... who think that just because a movie is made about the subject, that there's no basis in reality.)

This thread shall not die. It is an important topic.

Thank you, and thank the OP for giving us yet another shot at discussing the causes and effects of the very odd escalation in public shooting as of late.


PS - Ya wanna know what frustrates me sometimes, and maybe others to the point of lashing out violently? Apathy.

Apathy is the key issue here. When are people gunna start caring again? It's so sickening and heartbreaking that people automatically shut off whenever they hear about human suffering or major flaws in the system they've fully established their identity in.

Why is any of this happening in one word?


[edit on 9-2-2008 by indierockalien]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:06 PM
In Starviego's post, doesn't that sound like demonic possessions?

I think stress and a fast pace society have something to do with it.

The only thing to do in to carry a firearm and know very well how to use it.

Don't leave home without it.


posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:20 PM
reply to post by indierockalien

I am actually blown away by your posts. It's very interesting stuff and I agree with you.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:26 PM
I think demonic posession is something altogether. Some technology or some method of mind manipulation which society isn't being informed about. That's more plausible than actual negative spirit entites taking over our bodies. If anything, it's something like esoteric remote control, possibly?

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:09 PM
Details of LA shooting

I really think it's worth noting that the shooter in this case is black female. Can anyone else name another such instance? In Missouri it was a black male. Crazy-postal is usually reserved for white males. No offense.

In ATL we have had female banker robbers. Something very strange is afoot.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 08:19 PM
Just to add more observations to the topic:

The govt is not going to use one chemical to control people. It's a combination of chemicals that will do the most damage and make it harder to prove what they're doing.

There is already proof that consuming a combination of MSG, aspartame and two food colorings create a synergy that kills nerve cells. It causes neurological damage. This is accomplished simply by eating doritos and diet soda.

Who's to know what medical or mental problems are being caused simply by unleashing some new set of chemicals on a population who has already been exposed to x number of toxic chemicals for decades?

Who knows what happens when you combine decades of fluoride consumption with whatever toxic chemical is being sprayed in the atmosphere?

There have been tests done to prove that everyone carries a chemical burden in their bodies. There are no exceptions. And these chemical burdens are passed from mother to child.

If they force-feed the public with fluoride for decades, they know that pretty much everyone is 'medicated' enough to receive whatever the hell else they're unleasing on the public (in the form of water additives, food supply additives, preservatives, etc.) that will cause additional side effects.

This is why I try to stay away from ALL chemicals. Organic foods only. Organic products only. Everything in my household is organic. That includes soap, lotions, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, laundry detergent, dishwashing detergent... etc. Everything you bring into your home is a potential toxin designed to break you down into whatever THEY want you to be.

People need to wake up and realize that the products that you buy in the stores are NOT meant to make your life easier. They are there to poison you.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by indierockalien
... but I don't think people are too aware of just how pervasive "MK ULTRA" really is.

Most people aren't aware of MK ULTRA and it's ties to the Residential Death Camps in KKKanada as well.

My research has led to Montauk; google 'NWO Montauk Boys' for reality shattering TRUTH.

The use of Directed Energy for the use of in-fetro traumatization was commonly accepted in the form of Ultra-sound (MK ULTRA + ULTRA-sound for fetuses = ugly 'coincidence').

Thought manipulation/behaviour modification is a sickening reality made possible by the GWEN 'Network'.

Many shootings are the result of INTENSIFIED TARGETING of technology like V2K, on victims likely ALREADY under some form of lengthy coercion; SUICIDE BY COP is an example of programming - often so that the proverbial '2 birds with one stone' achieves maximum success.

Mind-controlled victims ARE BEING PUMPED OUT BY THE MILLIONS IN THE U-SS-A ALONE, EVERY YEAR, not to mention whatever's going on in South America, Africa, Europe or Asia.

The military is AT LEAST 100 years ahead of technology within the public sector, and AI BEAST COMPUTERS are running a great deal, which is OK in a way, cuz there's nothing like over-confidence under-estimating the human spirit.

It's going to get a LOT UGLIER prying TRUTH & FREEDOM from the scaly clutches of the Luciferian Elite - the shootings are an infinitesimal example of what Moriah's ...LOL!... 'Illumined' have in store for the non-bluebloods.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 03:50 PM
another school shooting going on right now in Illinois.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by annestacey

prozac and the like have helped some people apparently

But they also have some very serious and sometimes deadly side effects that are too often discounted, first and foremost being seratonin syndrome, and they also can cause agitation, mania, sleeplessness, sleepiness, mood swings, irritibility and they lower inhibition. Not to mention loss of appetite and weight gain or loss.

There is also evidence that they cause suicidal tendencies, especially in kids and teenagers.
The problem is that once someone is prescribed these pills complaints of the side effects are all too often attributed to the persons psycholological condition rather and medication is increased or coupled with other pills.
I have seen first hand that they can cause dissacociative behavior, extreme lethargy, irritibility, temper, and finally full blown seizures.

posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by Siren
Could it be that all of us are a “Manchurian Candidate” in waiting with an implant and programming by the media, TV, video and video games, books or another external source, etc., which would provide all the mechanisms necessary to harbor a serial killer awaiting the trigger to be pulled.

No. Very easily NO.

And here is why.

The many propagations of our media and indirect social circles are of a social nature. We watched Seinfeld to talk about it at the watercooler the next morniing...we are enthalled with celebrities and their social lives. We laugh at slapstick comedy because we know that it is not real. We mourn and come together, even if just through the internet when tragedies occur, such as 9/11 and today.

We do care. That is why we talk. What is why we question. That is why we will never be a randem candidate for such overt manipulation. I'm not discarding the negative implications of a controlled and manipulated media, I'm saying that's not why it's there...

I suspect that if the mind control aspect is true, then these are subjects whom were not only denied social interaction, but denied the potential for social identification and cultivation...btw...look at the root word of cultivation....

If a given human was denied social interaction/realization/etc. then that implies that someone(s) was acting as their social interaction. If Mk-ULTRA was a stepping stone rapid induction techniques, then the surrepitous sociality of the subject is of such a nature that only the physiological interpretation of the social interaction(hypnotic/subliminal/subconscious interaction) is what manifests in the subjects thoughts.

Consider for a moment that dreams are our bodies way of putting our recent experience into our long term memory. That would mean that a consistent subconscious interaction would not be remembered as an encounter, but as a point of view that likely manifests as the subjects own perception. The lack of education and multiple social opinions would only work to reinforce the perspective...along with the natural physical frustrations of being unable to integrate on a positive social level.....

I think that medication has some relevance in this context, but its' not the end all be all.....we are social beings. If that is withheld, then problems arise. A common cliche is that all drunks are violent. I know from personal experience that the cliche is not 100% true...I know a guy who can drink almost a pint and a half in less than two hours and does this on a daily basis(help has been tried) know what? He is one of the most prescient and cordial personalities that I have ever come across....even when he is distressed.

The answer lies in the social reality of these individuals. They are being impacted and they are without option to change...potentially as intended.

I think that Fritz Springwheeler might have actually presented the recipe for a mind controlled subject....however, I do contend that there is plenty of filler.

The rabbit hole is deep. There are many of us trying to get along and live in a societal construct that is meant to be more comfortable than sticks and stones....but what if it is a playground for some?

The idea chills my soul, because I can no longer assume positive attributes to those who have had an early awareness of the power of hypnosis and NLP.....We/I must find out more, learn how to substantiate, or these thoughts will be relegated to the realm of social gossip.

Knowledge is power and I think that the playing field is grossly uneven....

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