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Germany becomes First Country to admit Chemtrails Operation

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posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Numb2itall
Not sure if that was sarcasm laden or not but spraying nanotech wouldn't surprise me in the least...

No, he's not being sarcastic.

HAARP does something to the ionosphere, I think longitudinal radio waves. It has a powerful output.

So the idea is like chaff used in WWII to scatter radar, except this is a grown up version. Smaller particles translates to higher frequencies eventually approaching light. "Blue sky" is the intended result, meaning anything flying in that kind of field is rendered invisible to the point only blue sky is visible. I don't think the optical effect is possible except with the paint, but radar and higher forms of microwave frequencies should be effected by it.

It has been a while since I looked at HAARP's involvement, but it is there. If I recall they were testing radar stealth at A51S4 with a particle beam. The energy drop over a distance in the atmosphere produced a light emission that could be moved about at will by adjusting charges on the output of the particle accelerator, much in the same way a cathode ray tube like your television tube or computer monitor controls the direction of the electron beam. The light emission was used as a dummy for target acquisition.

If the energy output of HAARP could be transferred across the world via longitudinal waves, then transferred to another form at the target source, it could function as a power supply for an active sort of cloaking, but then again I am reaching. Its late, and I need to review the material to get a firmer grip on the subject.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:34 AM
perhaps the pilots really do think they're doing radar exercises.

they don't know what they're spraying, much like B-29 crews did not know much about the parachuted, single bomb they had been ordered to deliver to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

i wonder if HAARP will be uncovered next.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 05:49 AM
I'm afraid we're gonna have to pay a "sun tax" someday. I pray not to be living in California by then

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by ahuman

I can't wait for the day when we get a class action law suit that returns monies to the people like me who have spent literally thousands of dollars on allergy medications and anti histamines to counter this crap in the sky's. Prior to the spraying I could breath fine--at least 75% of the year...! Now I'm on a battery of meds year round.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 06:50 AM
calm down please, i just seen this video month ago and it is already one year old at least!

now please recognize the following:
i do not believe what the persons on TV say, but at least i want to set straight what they on RTL really said:

they didn't say "chemtrails", they said "düppel".
that means, CHAFF, little metal foil that is supposed to disorient the radar and missiles trying to hit the plane.
so: NOT chemtrails they ADMITTED,
about the amount can (not -since we all see the (side)-effects) be speculated
(the military said little, the weather radar showed up MUCH!),

ALSO: NOT weather maniplulating chemicals
BUT weather radar distortion!

thats what the huge amount of CHAFF might do: distort the radar waves.

but also, as a side affect, or on purpose and in great style (like chemtrails are supposed to do) is manipulatijng the weather by the kind of metal that is used.
if you use barium (the russians started researching that long time ago (most of the time russians invent something, find out its dangerous - and years or decades laterthe west discovers it, wipes the dust off, and does with it all that, the russians sdidn't because they were aware of the not so good side effects), so that with a chaff with barium or else) you can force the clouds to rain down.

besides of that, i can imagine that, when blowing out fine particles in the air-region where those tiny chaff things are not falling down as in our lower region of air, they could attract water-molecules which kondensate on those dust(chaff-particels and therefore force the buildup of clouds.

[maybe chemtrails are just happening because they use leaded (or more hydrogen in it) fuel ;-)]
anyway, if the german militair would use chaffs (düppel) on big scale, we would know - because even the sand from the desert sand from africa comes down on us (see it sometimes on the car and in the eaves gutter).
i never saw (ok?! sometimes i saw some tiny metal thing i couldn't ecplain where it came from) some metal chaff.

just my 2 cents

p.s.: as someone already noticed, i could believe these trails are supposed to cloak some testflights/testplanes..

by researching if i set barium as the substance that is capable of changing the weather, i found another nice youtube video. unfortunately again in german, but the message is clear, also the chemicals that are spoken of: barium, sulphur-dioxyde, and so on.
this clip was made by a famous german tv-scientist. in my opinion he is in love with animations but isnt going much into detail. for the beginning (as a teaser) this might be just what we need to start digging. have fun!

here in short what he sais:
they use sulfur-dioxide to cool down the earth (to slower the warming or stop it at all) because it acts like a vulcano explosion and the incoming sunlight is refracted back into space.
along the business flight-lanes, this sulfur should be spreaded in the future..

unfortunately, sulfur-dioxide is TOXIC.
scientists claim, in the upper atmospheres the sulfur needs more time to come down than the sulfur exists in the toxic form.. a guarantee isnt existing by the way. if the atmospheres layers are acting unpredicted (like the weather and air and every atom is doing all the time..) it COULD reach us somehow..

[edit on 9/2/2008 by rxnnxs]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 08:51 AM
Actually they are dumping lots of different stuff on lots of different locations all around the Planet.

They say who controls the weather controls the world.

I have asked until I gave up for people to just look up everyday and look for these chemtrail days and watch. Look at how close they are and precise they fly. Now that the nice weather will be coming you will notice that in the afternoon into the evening they work on covering the Sun. There are many, many people getting samples and having them tested.

Everything is being effected by this, people, animals, air, soil, water, etc.

As I see it the ones that ignore and deny this will one day wake up but it will probably be to late. All you can do is put it out there for them and it's up to them.

For myself I just shake my head and think of what I was told by another life form, ""Humans are a stupid species.""

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:28 AM
Do they still contain Barium and what is that 'foil' they use?
Aluminum is a neurotoxin.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:40 AM
Guys, this is called "a great find" here ??

1. This "news" is from 2005 and there've been dozens of debates about it and while i can't find one on ATS right now, i think i've already seen it around.

2. The title is totally misleading. Germany is NOT admitting the use of chemtrails, "Düppel" is really not the german word for chemtrail, chaff would be a bit closer to the truth.

3. They're not manipulating anything except the meteological MAPS, not the weather, not anything else.

While i don't like the thought of anything being sprayed in the air that i breathe, a little bit less sensationalism would fit very well in here.

Ah...sheesh, but why try to stop the masses when they're on the roll

[edit] just read, that rxnnxs wrote basically the same, so sorry for a somewhat doublepost

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Phil J. Fry]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by rxnnxs

p.s.: as someone already noticed, i could believe these trails are supposed to cloak some testflights/testplanes..

[edit on 9/2/2008 by rxnnxs]

Thanks, that's what i'm thinking it is
I'm sure they would go to such lengths to hide an experimental craft as it test flies through the clouds perhaps even silently
Would make sense if they HAD to test fly something in the day
On a clear day here, which isn't that often with the smog at times, you can see for miles but when there is a layer of haze or cloud...
I wouldn't be able to guess what could be flying over our heads at any given time
I'm sure it would probably be expensive, maybe not, who knows...

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Actually they are dumping lots of different stuff on lots of different locations all around the Planet.

They say who controls the weather controls the world.

I have asked until I gave up for people to just look up everyday and look for these chemtrail days and watch. Look at how close they are and precise they fly. Now that the nice weather will be coming you will notice that in the afternoon into the evening they work on covering the Sun. There are many, many people getting samples and having them tested.

Everything is being effected by this, people, animals, air, soil, water, etc.

As I see it the ones that ignore and deny this will one day wake up but it will probably be to late. All you can do is put it out there for them and it's up to them.

For myself I just shake my head and think of what I was told by another life form, ""Humans are a stupid species.""

Last week out here in SoCal as I was taking pictures of the trails someone had mentioned some kind of plan, like Sunblock for the Planet or something
That it's part of an effort to block harmful solar radiation from hurting us
That theory sounded a little far fetched, not because of the effort to do us good but it just seemed to vast an area to be effective
Anyone ever heard of this? I think they called it was called Project Sun something....
Thoughts, feelings?

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 10:29 AM
I've been watching these chemtrails for years. My theory has always been that "they" are simply changing the atmosphere of earth enough for the aliens to be able to survive. No War of the Worlds ending this time folks. They'll finally be able to get out of their ships.

(I know, but I love being crazy. Only way to survive)

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:06 AM
consider this qoute

The essence of electrogravitics thrust is the use of a very strong positive charge on one side of the vehicle and a negative on the other. The core of the motor is a condenser and the ability of the condenser to hold its charge (the K-number) is the yardstick of performance. With air as 1, current dielectrical materials can yield 6 and use of barium aluminate can raise this considerably, barium titanium oxide (a baked ceramic) can offer 6,000 and there is a promise of 30,000, which would be sufficient for supersonic speed.”

now consider the apparent contents of chemtrails,the same metals keep cropping up.

1. Aluminum barium
2. Aluminum Oxide

so my belief is that chemtrails are indeed being used as a radar cloaking method,but underneath that is a much deep,darker secret that they are covering up the dialectic powders being used to create electrostatic charge for electograveticly propelled craft.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:25 AM
I honestly don't like chemtrail or contrail for a matter of fact at all. I already have sensitive lungs as it is, I don't want to be coughing and inhaling whatever is in chemtrail especially if its nanoparticles...

My Engineering Teacher once made the class and me read this article on the dangers of nanotechnology (I can't find it anymore). I believe in the article, it mention that while nanomachine may be be beneficial in the medical fields, engineers have to be careful as to how shouldtechnology is implemented. For instance in the same article there it discussed a European cosmetic product that implemented nanoparticles, and from what I vaguely remember a lot of people's health deteriorated, many developed long-term health problem or diseases.

I was searching around google for find the same article my professor sent me, but I stumbled on journal about nanoparticle and health:

I'm not sure if its peer-reviewed (I'm find some peer-review article later), but here's some passages from the journal above:

Some evidence suggests that inhaled ultrafine or nanoparticles, following deposition in the lung, largely escape alveolar macrophage surveillance and gain access to the pulmonary interstitium, a potentially vulnerable anatomical compartment.

In this regard, chronic inhalation studies in rats with poorly soluble, low-toxicity dusts can ultimately produce lung tumors via an ‘overload’ mechanism. This is evidenced by enhanced and sustained levels of pulmonary inflammation, cell proliferation, and inflammatory-derived mutagenesis in the rats...following high-dose, long-term exposures to a variety of particulate types.

Some evidence suggests that inhaled nanoparticles, following deposition in the alveolar regions of the lung, largely escape lung defense (alveolar macrophage) surveillance and transmigrate from airspace to the interstitial regions of the lung, considered to be a vulnerable anatomical compartment
in the respiratory tract1,4.

Here's a quote from a news article I found cited in wikipedia:

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, "Animal studies have shown that some nanoparticles can penetrate cells and tissues, move through the body and brain and cause biochemical damage. But whether cosmetics and sunscreens containing nanomaterials pose health risks remains largely unknown, pending completion of long-range studies recently begun by the FDA and other agencies."[10] Diesel nanoparticles have been found to damage the cardiovascular system in a mouse model.[11]

[edit on 9-2-2008 by skyblueff0]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 11:37 AM
If the military did not do everything within its power to protect the pilots and crew-members of their aircraft they would be criminally negligent. They also have an obligation to the publics safety. Damned if they do, damned if they don't; if you will forgive the cliché.

I feel a bit dumber after reading this thread. Some of the most unrealistic theories in the conspiracy world are centered around this topic. Believers denying the existence of normal contrails even though they are easy to demonstrate and prove. The government purposefully trying to harm us and our health even though our life expectancy is the highest in modern history and it keeps going up. A mixture of polymers and metals somehow causing a virus (Bird Flue)!!! Holy shades of Kindergarten Medical Science Batman!!!
(Five chuckles for that one)

What needs to happen in my opinion is a transparent study, allowed and endorsed by the military, to make sure these chaff clouds are safe for the public. Tests should be few and extremely rare. Only enough testing to know if the system works and to enable development and no more. Once its effectiveness is established a inert substitute could be used for training purposes. Complete transparency about the when and where since this stuff is not exactly a State Secret.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:04 PM
Oh great! We are not only inhaling these poisonous metals from the air but we are ingesting neurotoxic aluminum from beverage cans. As a matter of fact, there appears to be some cloud trails in our neighborhood and so far those are sticking in our clear blue skies since this morning.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 12:42 PM
The Americans and the Canadians disagree about the meterological effects of condensation trails.

Whether these condensation trails are laced with chemicals or not, I think in principle deliberate weather modification techniques are something that should be openly discussed at climatological conferences.

Perhaps it's more convenient for Al Gore to pick and choose his inconvenient truths while zipping around the globe in airplanes, but the fact that China has announced it will be modifying the weather for the Bejing Olymic Games implies that extensive testing has been carried out to ensure these techniques are effective.

Such tests, if they've demonstrated the effectiveness of certain weather modification techniques, have therefore produced demonstrable climatological effects.

Insofar as the chemical composition of chemtrails is concerned, two possibilities come first to mind:

1) contaminants from insufficiently-treated sewage find their way into clouds. There's Prozac in the drinking water, for example, because so many people pee it out.

2) chemtrails are used as temporary antennas for transmitting secure communications, somewhat like what is done with "meteor burst communications." It's more difficult to intercept a secure communication if you don't know where the signal is.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by America Jones]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:16 PM
There is a difference between the so called 'Chemtrails' and what's commonly known as 'Cloud Seeding'

'Cloud Seeding' is when goverments (or whoever) release silver iodide (maybe other substances) into the atmosphere to make the water droplets heavier. Thus causing the formation of clouds.

Whilst studying Geography in college I did a case study on the American government using 'Cloud Seeding' to try and reduce the destructive power of hurricanes. I don't understand why everyone sees a huge conspiracy with regrads to 'Cloud Seeding'. There's plenty of easily accessable info out there if you take the time to look.

As far as I understand it, a 'Chemtrail' is when drugs are released over the popultaion the subdue them and make them not question the government.

*I'm now getting to the point I'm trying to make*

Therefore the thread title is misleading, and I wish that conspiracy theorists would learn the difference between the two.

Your thoughts would be appreciated, but go easy it's my first ever post on here lol

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by welivefortheson

so my belief is that chemtrails are indeed being used as a radar cloaking method,but underneath that is a much deep,darker secret that they are covering up the dialectic powders being used to create electrostatic charge for electograveticly propelled craft.

Which just guides me further to the conclusion that perhaps it IS designed for experimental craft test flights and the clouds could just be used for cover as well
Nice job welivefortheson!!!

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:09 PM
sorry for the double post

[edit on 9-2-2008 by Numb2itall]

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by America Jones
The Americans and the Canadians disagree about the meterological effects of condensation trails.

Whether these condensation trails are laced with chemicals or not, I think in principle deliberate weather modification techniques are something that should be openly discussed at climatological conferences.

Perhaps it's more convenient for Al Gore to pick and choose his inconvenient truths while zipping around the globe in airplanes, but the fact that China has announced it will be modifying the weather for the Bejing Olymic Games implies that extensive testing has been carried out to ensure these techniques are effective.

Such tests, if they've demonstrated the effectiveness of certain weather modification techniques, have therefore produced demonstrable climatological effects.

Insofar as the chemical composition of chemtrails is concerned, two possibilities come first to mind:

1) contaminants from insufficiently-treated sewage find their way into clouds. There's Prozac in the drinking water, for example, because so many people pee it out.

2) chemtrails are used as temporary antennas for transmitting secure communications, somewhat like what is done with "meteor burst communications." It's more difficult to intercept a secure communication if you don't know where the signal is.

[edit on 9-2-2008 by America Jones]

Wow there seem to be quite a bit of different uses...
All are equally scary if misused
Yet we still have drought and famine, go figure

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