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wolfman in wisconsin

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:57 AM
im new here and am not sure if any one else hos posted on this but about aweek ago i was watching the history channel this special about a wolf man in wisconsin they even adminstered lie detectors to i believe it was five witnesses all of whom passed they also showed hairs that were unidentifiable in alab if any one knows anthing please post

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by salparadise

What you are looking for is the "Beast of Brey Road". It took place in East Troy WI (1993?) in the area close to Alpine Valley. Being at work, I dont have the articles with me, but if you can wait about a half a day, I can dig them out and scan them for you later.....

I aint sure how true the story is cuz nothing really came of it, but it was fun to go looking for that wolfman in highschool....
...good times... flag for the memories....


[edit on 8-2-2008 by spikedmilk]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by salparadise

If you are really interested in this topic I would recommend Linda Godfrey's two books, The Beast of Bray Road and Hunting the American Werewolf. I found both to be most interesting.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by salparadise

Look up and to the right and you will find the "search" function. There are plenty of threads on this subject to choose from.


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by spikedmilk

now that youmention it i do remember it being called by severeal people the beast of bray road and that would interesting to see that article you were talking about

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:00 PM
This is one strange story coming from many witnesses in an area where people are abundant. this is close to a resort called lake Geneva just south of interstate 43. There is also another mystery just north of this location called lake mills where there is an under water pyramid of sorts made of stone. Also there is aztalan park which has its own mystery just east of lake mills by a few miles.

I read somewhere there were mammoth bones found down in the elkhorn region some years ago. Also there was a sighting of something on the order of wolfman in 2006 around Germantown in the holyhill district just north west of Milwaukee.

A contractor for road kill retrieval claims a beastie type ripped a dead deer from the back of his pickup truck one dark lonely night. The guy loaded the carcass in the box and was filling out paperwork when something shook the truck. The guy looks up in the rearview mirror and sees it. He rockets out of there with gas pedal to the metal as the deer and his utility ramp get pulled out the back by beastie boys.

The fellow lives in neenha just north of the show and has been interviewed but plays down the beastie was a wolfy type. One things for sure, something bounced the truck and yanked the deer and ramp out the back.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 03:09 PM
What more proof do people need???? This picture? is a tell all...

Really though, thanks for bringing this up. I had never heard of the 'beast of bray road". very interesting

[edit on 8-2-2008 by Peace Frog]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by salparadise

now that youmention it i do remember it being called by severeal people the beast of bray road and that would interesting to see that article you were talking about

uggghhh... I sincerely apologize. I'm looking all over, however I'm finding nothing.
I would've never have thrown this away, stuff this cool doesn't happen so close to home. I'm hoping that maybe it might still be at my dad's house. The thing is, I know is exactly where I had kept al this time, and now its not there.
I can still picture the article like I read it yesterday. Not so much verbatim, but the events and mainly the crude sketched up werewolf looking head they used for the illustration. I will keep on looking though.
Again, I am truly sorry to offer up something that which I cannot deliver at this time.


posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:00 PM

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Heres a link to the bray road beastie boy. Bray road link to other links

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 07:44 AM
Didn't they actually say it was called dogman? Good show though I had heard of alledged werewolves in Wisc.. I guess these are basically that.

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by salparadise

I was born in Wisconsin. And everytime we passed through that area either my sister or my dad would tell me that story. It scared the crap out of me especially since I was 4 years old. I figured they were making it up but now I'm hearing about from other people its freaky. I never in a million years thought that my sister or my dad would be telling the truth.

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 05:15 AM
I too was born in Wisconsin. Lakeland Hospital in Elkhorn. To clear up a couple things. Bray Rd. goes from Elkhorn to East Troy, however the area where the Beast was sighted was in Elkhorn. My girlfriends father owns farmland there and she was a classmate of the witness.

The story I was told, unfortunately, as I would like to believe in the werewolf, was that these kids were drinking and lost control of their vehicle. The car had gotten several scratches on it from having brushed against a barbed wire fence.

After having gotten out of the ditch, looking over the car, the driver asked what made the scratches and her friends began telling her of the monster they almost hit. She believed them and had gotten all worked up.

Its too bad, I had hoped for a long time that the werewolf was real.

In regards to the other interesting sites mentioned, the pyramid in Lake Mills, unfortunately is very difficult to see. The lake itself isnt very clear, and ive read that the pyramid is only visible a couple times a year. And barely visible at that.

Aztalan is a very cool site. Unlike anything I had seen around there before. I had taken my family there just before having moved from Wisconsin. I wish I would have known of it sooner to have visited more often.

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 11:35 PM
I have been following these stories closely for the past few months, and I have come to two conclusions for what this "Wolf-Man" might truly be. Based on descriptions, there is usually either a "Wolf-like creature" spotted, or a "Tall upright walking creature".

The two culprits for such explanations are:

1. A Timber Wolf

2. Sasquatch

In regards to the upright walking creature, this is undoubtedly a Sasquatch being seen across the woods of Wisconsin. When most report clearly seeing such a creature they do not report a dog head, but they actually give a typical Sasquatch description. They sometimes refer to it as the "Dog-Man" because of the legends from Wisconsin, but in all reality they draw a flat ape-like face, and not a snouted Dog/Wolf-like face.

Now as for those cases where the creature spotted actually has a Dog/Wolf Head, I believe these to be sightings of Gray/Timber Wolves. Only recently have these Wolves been reintroduced into the Midwest. They have existed for quite some time in extremely isolated populatons in Northern Wisconsin, and Northern Minnesota, but only recently has there been an explosion in the number of Wolves throughout the entire Midwest. We are now even encountering Wolf Packs running through Nebraska! In regards to these Wolves, most people have gone an entire life time without ever laying eyes on one in person. The Majority of people actually fail to realize just how large a North American Gray Wolf actually is. They are not Domesticated Dogs, and they behave differently. Gray Wolves average 90-120 lbs., with 150 pounders not being uncommon, and some Males in Alaska have been recorded around 185 lbs. Their paws average 5-6 Inches in length, as opposed to a dog of the same size which would typically have paws no larger than 3-4 inches. A large Gray Wolf can quite literally fit an enire human head in its mouth (not swallow it, but mouth it).

As for the standing up, I have have seen dogs before that can walk short distances on their hind legs. I have even seen dogs that can stand balanced on their hind legs for a relatively long amount of time, and even walk backwards while in this position. I have been around animals, but especially dogs my entire life. I have seen them capable of things many believe are impossible, and that is why I have reached such a conclusion in regards to the Wisconsin "Dog/Wolf Man".

posted on Feb, 13 2008 @ 03:28 PM
don't know if this helps, but have you ever heard of the wolf people in mexico? A genetic condition causes them to grow hair all over their face, and they look like Lon Chaney's old costume.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 12:12 AM
[edit on 8-5-2008 by hiii_98]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by salparadise

posted on Dec, 20 2008 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by salparadise

Wisconsin Dog Man.
The Night Our Heart Stood Still
My girl friend and I went out to feed deer for the hunting opener on Nov. 22, 2008, we where in the Chequamegon National Forest in northern Wisconsin. It was November 21, 2008 and the time was 12:10 AM, it was totally dark out and light snow was falling with an accumulation of about 1 inch covering the roads. The Temperature was 11*F and the wind was blowing from the north west with a wind chill of 0*F. We made a U turn to the left onto an unfinished ATV trail in our F-150 4X4 Pickup heading towards last years feed pile. I got to the bottom of the hill and backed in and parked. I got out my pistol and loaded it, I then put it in my holster, I grabbed my headlight with 3 LED bulbs and secured it on my head, I handed her a shaker LED flashlight and proceeded to the back of my truck where I had a 5 gallon bucket with 2 gallons of corn and 3 apples in it.

I walked around to her side of the truck as she was putting mittens on. We both started to walk together, her just behind and to my right side when we both noticed a fresh set of tracks in the snow heading down wind of us in the same direction we where walking. At first it was not the size that caught my attention, it was "WHAT ON GOD"S EARTH MADE THESE TRACKS" immediately my skinned crawled as I looked around with my head to see if what we just had come up on was still in sight. I was staring in disbelief at what I was witnessing. I was in a slight stage of shock as I looked at her she looked at me and we both looked down at 4 well formed foot prints of some kind of scary tracks that either of us had ever seen before. What ever I witnessed the foot prints of has 3 pointed talons on the end of it's foot that are isometrically the same with a rectangle shaped heel. The talons joined on the outside and at the same length in between the talons on each foot. They are 15.5 inches long and 5.5 inches wide with 64 inch strides. I have a 36 inch stride at 5'10" tall to give an idea of the size of this creature. I believe we just missed seeing what caused these tracks and what ever made the tracks was still in the area and possibly watching us. My girl told me to load my pistol and keep it out, I did not argue. At first she wanted to leave right away but the sheer adrenaline and interest of what caused the tracks kept us there. I said "ok let's get out of here" but again interest kept us there looking at the tracks. My fear slightly subsided enough to think about the upcoming deer opener and decided I have the pistol and we will be ok. I started to walk the same way the tracks went up a hill on the trail when I stopped and looked back at her and she was still staring down at the prints. I said come on lets get this over with. She caught up to me as we walked together she said to me, "if this thing get's a hold of me put a bullet in my head" I thought about that as we kept walking. We went deep into the woods down a steep hill where I new the feed pile was from last year. We got to where I wanted the pile to be and dumped the corn and apples out and stepped on the apples and said "let's go" We started to climb the hill when I realized we where off track and had to walk left to reach the trail to get back to the truck. I started to think that this was the scariest thing I have ever encountered and felt panic over coming me. I new where I was and finally we got back on the trail and walked down to where we could see the tracks of the creature again. We both stared at them for 5 minutes. When we got back to the truck just 20 yards from the prints she got in and closed her door. I went behind the truck and re strapped the bucket down and closed the tail gate. I got to my side of the truck and took the clip out of my gun and got in as we drove away thinking and saying "I am not coming back here" and she agreed. We where both scared and could not believe what just happened. It was a month earlier and 1.1 miles walking through the woods from where we witnessed the tracks that a different friend and I where camping. I went to bed early and fell into a deep sleep. I woke up to the sound of my friend walking behind the tent and my first reply was "what are you doing back there?" I woke up a little more and realized my friend was sleeping breathing kind of loud next to me. I sat up against my gear and grabbed my pistol and flash light and sat there cold and scared in the dark. I woke my friend up and told him what I could hear and he said "ah it was probably a deer or something" The temperature was around 20 degrees. I looked out the flaps of the tent and could see the fire had died down and it was dark out there. I stood up and told my friend that I was going to the truck to warm up and get some sleep. I asked him if he wanted me to leave the pistol and he said "no I will be alright". I left the tent and walked to my truck about 80 yards away and started it up to get warm. I turned my lights on a few different times to see if what had walked by the tent was in sight. I did not see anything, I turned my truck off and fell asleep. What ever walked by the tent was bi pedal and made 2 steps into my sound range and out again. I did not hear any other noise from what ever walked by. I looked around the next morning for foot prints but leaves covered the ground and I did not detect anything. A little more than 2 years earlier it was summer and I was at this same location riding my ATV alone, I stopped and got off walking down to a near by lake and was looking at the water and how clear it is when I could hear up on the hill above the camp ground we had stayed at a huge tree snap and hit the ground with a big thug as branches snapped off it and other trees as it fell, I got back to my ATV quickly at the time thinking a bear was up there and I was not sticking around to find out. 2 months later that summer I returned to this spot again riding my ATV, I shut off the wheeler and stood around close by thinking about the last time I was there I was scared off by something. I was there about 5 minutes when all of a sudden I could hear branches snapping off of trees as what ever was making the sound was coming down the hill closer to where I was. I got on my wheeler never to return until my friend and I camped there a little over 2 years later in October. My first 2 experiences with this creature while I was alone made me think it was possibly a bear or a buck deer, trouble with this theory is that I have come up on bear a dozen or so times and every time the bear is running as fast as it can in another direction and what ever was making the tree sounds was not running any where, A deer also runs away at the first presence of a human. Now that we witnessed these creatures foot prints I put the puzzle pieces together and realize that this creature is living in this area and it has probably been there for a long, long, long time. I have learned it means us no harm. It only makes a sound when I am alone (tree breaking). It is always down wind of me. It is out in the day and or night. It can see in the dark. It uses the wind to it's advantage every chance it get's. It can hear good. It can smell good. It waits until we are vulnerable to approach us when 2 of us are together. I possibly have smelled it and did not know that is what I was smelling. I (we) have put 4,000 miles in this forest on my Grizzly ATV through deep desolate wooded, swamp, lake areas and have now proved to ourselves that this undocumented at this time creature is in fact out there. I believe this to be what the Monsterquest TV show on the History Channel has shown to be the half Man-half Wolf "DOGMAN" that others have actually witnessed. I know where this creature is living and plan on an expedition to prove it's existence. I want to document this creature because I feel everyone that enters the forest has a right to know it is there. I am open to any and all that would like to comment or ask questions in discussing my encounters with this creature(s).
Signed, yours truly, Sure And Scared.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 01:30 PM
Ok, this thread literally hits me close to HOME! I was born and raised in East Troy, WI. My childhood house was a mile or so from Brey Rd. I have heard so many stories from people I know there and have read allot online and have seen some specials on TV. I will say in my own opinion, there is something out there. I now live in Florida, but really wanna look more into this when I visit family. WI has some crazy mysteries, this one of the best! Keep the info coming. Love it.

posted on Jun, 16 2010 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Didn't they actually say it was called dogman? Good show though I had heard of alledged werewolves in Wisc.. I guess these are basically that.

no, you're thinking of the michigan dogman. it and the beast of bray road are two different entities.

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