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The real Area 51 the rest is just a myth...

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posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Area 51 is nothing more than a top secret AFB for the development, design and testing of reconnaissance(like the SR-71) and tactical aircraft (bombers and fighters). It also recently has been facilitated for biological and chemical weapons training. Its remoteness was selected because it makes it easy to control who sees what and for the flatness of the lakebed which made an excellent runway. It also has perfect terrain for mock chemical attack training. Recently a few select fire departments from California and Nevada were trained there in the event of a chemical attack.

The reason for the high level of security is most likely (and this is my educated guess, a very educated guess) because of the chemicals used and how they dispose of the hazardous waste as well as radioactive waste. Since the powers that run area 51 feel they are above the law and above the Government for that matter, they feel as if they can burn or use hazardous chemicals to their hearts desire. I am guessing if the powers in Washington knew about the use of the agents at area 51 and the potential hazard to the employees It would be shut down in a day. I would guess that is the main reason for such tight security. Another reason for the tight security is the fact that if they release info about a new top secret aircraft, its considered a federal crime, so no one says anything. They just do their job and go home. Employees are not even allowed to mutter one word in fear of being "relieved" of their job and stripped of their pension and face jail time.

Absolutely no one who claims that they at area 51 is posting on a widely popular national site like this. The ramifications for such action would be not be worth it to anyone who is under security restrictions such as the protocol at area 51. I feel that these posters are just making up bogus claims.

......and yes its sounds great the many stories about little green men and reptilians playing golf and running around the baseball field at area 51 but no one has even reproduced even one solitary piece of solid evidence of it.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by luxor311
Area 51 is nothing more than a top secret AFB for the development, design and testing of reconnaissance(like the SR-71) and tactical aircraft (bombers and fighters). It also recently has been facilitated for biological and chemical weapons training. Its remoteness was selected because it makes it easy to control who sees what and for the flatness of the lakebed which made an excellent runway. It also has perfect terrain for mock chemical attack training. Recently a few select fire departments from California and Nevada were trained there in the event of a chemical attack.

The reason for the high level of security is most likely (and this is my educated guess, a very educated guess) because of the chemicals used and how they dispose of the hazardous waste as well as radioactive waste. Since the powers that run area 51 feel they are above the law and above the Government for that matter, they feel as if they can burn or use hazardous chemicals to their hearts desire. I am guessing if the powers in Washington knew about the use of the agents at area 51 and the potential hazard to the employees It would be shut down in a day. I would guess that is the main reason for such tight security. Another reason for the tight security is the fact that if they release info about a new top secret aircraft, its considered a federal crime, so no one says anything. They just do their job and go home. Employees are not even allowed to mutter one word in fear of being "relieved" of their job and stripped of their pension and face jail time.

Absolutely no one who claims that they at area 51 is posting on a widely popular national site like this. The ramifications for such action would be not be worth it to anyone who is under security restrictions such as the protocol at area 51. I feel that these posters are just making up bogus claims.

......and yes its sounds great the many stories about little green men and reptilians playing golf and running around the baseball field at area 51 but no one has even reproduced even one solitary piece of solid evidence of it.

You should add what S4 is. And they goodies are there.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:37 AM
S-4 consists of hangers which house all the fighter jets we have captured since vietnam including russian MIGs...thats all

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 10:47 AM
Reading your post.. I counted three I'Guess', one I am Guessing, one 'I Feel', one 'Most Likely' and what looked like a whole bunch of conjecture.

Your evidence for all this is?

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:19 PM

Originally posted by Dagar
Reading your post.. I counted three I'Guess', one I am Guessing, one 'I Feel', one 'Most Likely' and what looked like a whole bunch of conjecture.

Your evidence for all this is?

Because its simple. If I said I was 100% sure I would be just another fool out there claiming to have been in area 51. I have not but I can tell you that my resources are about 99.99% accurate on my post. Thats why I say I am guessing I am but the guess is very,very, accurate. Do a little studying on the other side of area 51 and you will see what its real purpose is...nothing more than what I explained above...nothing more.

People think it has to do with aliens because thats what they want to believe but that does not make it true.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 12:42 PM
I'm not one to rip on any poster here on ATS, and I won't in this post either. While you may have contacts that work at area 51 or worked there, I would think that not everyone that works there, has full knowledge of what goes on there. There are more than likely just a handful of people whom know the full extent of the goings on there, that's it.

Top secret aircraft being tested is necessary for national security, however, if we possess technology that rids us of the need for petroleum based products, that should be made public, same for superluminal aircraft otherwise, the conjecture will never stop concerning the activities at area 51.

It is however fascinating what goes on there, even old videos of alleged non conventional aircraft doing things our known aircraft can't possibly accomplish has been recorded, as for what they are is anyone's guess, but those craft were taped at area 51, so if they have non conventional craft there, perhaps your contact isn't one of the handful that know the full extent of the activities at area 51.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by saturnsrings
I'm not one to rip on any poster here on ATS, and I won't in this post either. While you may have contacts that work at area 51 or worked there, I would think that not everyone that works there, has full knowledge of what goes on there. There are more than likely just a handful of people whom know the full extent of the goings on there, that's it.

Top secret aircraft being tested is necessary for national security, however, if we possess technology that rids us of the need for petroleum based products, that should be made public, same for superluminal aircraft otherwise, the conjecture will never stop concerning the activities at area 51.

It is however fascinating what goes on there, even old videos of alleged non conventional aircraft doing things our known aircraft can't possibly accomplish has been recorded, as for what they are is anyone's guess, but those craft were taped at area 51, so if they have non conventional craft there, perhaps your contact isn't one of the handful that know the full extent of the activities at area 51.

I dont buy into that bs. The burden of proof is on the claims that we do have those supposed "alien artifacts" or "alien Technology". Its the fact that it has never been implemented in our society in any way as we know it. I will not go for the argument that the government is "hiding" technology so that they can control our minds and eventually harm us...there is no evidence. Look at how the secrecy around the B2 bomber was in the eighties absolutely no one outside the base had any clue what was going on and scientists denied that aircraft could maneuver in such a way and that "stealth" technology was possible, but Lockheed was working on stealth coatings since 1958. If this supposed alien technology exists it would be in society making billions and billions for some corporation not being "hidden".

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by luxor311
If this supposed alien technology exists it would be in society making billions and billions for some corporation not being "hidden".

Forgive me for asking, but would you know what an 'alien' piece of technology would look like in our society?

Silicon chip technology is very interesting. Making billions for many corporations both in civilian and military fields.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Interesting, Mr, Lux.

I don't think that it is such a 'big deal' if someone was to say that they have actually been on the Groom Lake facility. Prior to the late 1980's - no one ever heard of an 'Area 51.' S-4 is simply ( if I remember this correctly ) - one square of a map grid. The Groom lake facility 'main base' encompasses approximately 1 through 4. And these are just coordinates. Not like there is some sign post out there; deliniating.

Driving off of Nellis - and out past 'Rachel - literally on what is now known as 'ET highway' - you can drive off the beaten path for several miles - past the 'deadly force' signs. If you are in a vehicle that is recognizable to security out there - ( usually a dark-blue 'Blue-Jay' school bus ) - a couple of fellas in a jeep cherokee or dodge pick-up - with chaparone your group out to an 'outer-perimeter fence' - which is a bit of a drive in itself. It truly isn't 'just off the highway.'

Once the SP's let you through - you've got a good hour's drive - until you get near mainside tarmak. There's a few aircraft hangers - a couple of 'Tad-V's - and some trailers. A small control tower is set off in the back of the runway. Nothing much goes on there during the day. It seems almost deserted. Occasionally, a 727 will bring in some civilian contractors - mostly MacD - GE - maybe some Grumman. Its all on a 'need to know' basis... and you can be right there on 'main base' - and you won't see anything unusual.

The oddest thing that I saw was an old C-130 ( Puff the magic dragon-style ) - flying over part of the bombing range - and testing some kind of a 'lazer-sighting' lens - on what appeared to be an old out-house. Some steam rose up off the ground around it. Big deal.

I never heard of that place being called 'Dream land' - or 'Area 51' - until George Knapp's interview with Lazar - some 10 years later. We just took very common ( yet classified ) aircraft engine components out there - ( installed the occasional oil tank - etc ) - on loan from Nellis TAC side. Really was nothin' big at all. Seemed like a god-forsaken place to me, really. So... they worked on some 'BlackBirds' - so?? They do the same at Palmdale - but Landcaster isn't exactly being featured on 'History channel UFO shows.' But believe me - there is just as much 'special tech' coming out of that area as NAB test range.

I didn't go out there at night. Could be completely different. Not my business. But, back in the early-80's - if you had your security clearance - your mil ID and squadron patch - no one gave us so much as a second look.

Go to any TAC base - and just try to walk your happy behind out on a flightline without authorization - and see what happens. Not much different from what people encounter when they try to drive through military res. outside of Rachel.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by Johnbro
Interesting, Mr, Lux.

I don't think that it is such a 'big deal' if someone was to say that they have actually been on the Groom Lake facility. Prior to the late 1980's - no one ever heard of an 'Area 51.' S-4 is simply ( if I remember this correctly ) - one square of a map grid. The Groom lake facility 'main base' encompasses approximately 1 through 4. And these are just coordinates. Not like there is some sign post out there; deliniating.

Driving off of Nellis - and out past 'Rachel - literally on what is now known as 'ET highway' - you can drive off the beaten path for several miles - past the 'deadly force' signs. If you are in a vehicle that is recognizable to security out there - ( usually a dark-blue 'Blue-Jay' school bus ) - a couple of fellas in a jeep cherokee or dodge pick-up - with chaparone your group out to an 'outer-perimeter fence' - which is a bit of a drive in itself. It truly isn't 'just off the highway.'

Once the SP's let you through - you've got a good hour's drive - until you get near mainside tarmak. There's a few aircraft hangers - a couple of 'Tad-V's - and some trailers. A small control tower is set off in the back of the runway. Nothing much goes on there during the day. It seems almost deserted. Occasionally, a 727 will bring in some civilian contractors - mostly MacD - GE - maybe some Grumman. Its all on a 'need to know' basis... and you can be right there on 'main base' - and you won't see anything unusual.

The oddest thing that I saw was an old C-130 ( Puff the magic dragon-style ) - flying over part of the bombing range - and testing some kind of a 'lazer-sighting' lens - on what appeared to be an old out-house. Some steam rose up off the ground around it. Big deal.

I never heard of that place being called 'Dream land' - or 'Area 51' - until George Knapp's interview with Lazar - some 10 years later. We just took very common ( yet classified ) aircraft engine components out there - ( installed the occasional oil tank - etc ) - on loan from Nellis TAC side. Really was nothin' big at all. Seemed like a god-forsaken place to me, really. So... they worked on some 'BlackBirds' - so?? They do the same at Palmdale - but Landcaster isn't exactly being featured on 'History channel UFO shows.' But believe me - there is just as much 'special tech' coming out of that area as NAB test range.

I didn't go out there at night. Could be completely different. Not my business. But, back in the early-80's - if you had your security clearance - your mil ID and squadron patch - no one gave us so much as a second look.

Go to any TAC base - and just try to walk your happy behind out on a flightline without authorization - and see what happens. Not much different from what people encounter when they try to drive through military res. outside of Rachel.

I know someone who went there last year with his fire dept for chemicle attack training. He said most of the other firemen said "is this it?" just a bunch of hangers and barrack style buildings and civilian workers that looked liked they didnt want to be there....thats all. He said the only cool thing was a super long runway in the middle.

[edit on 8-2-2008 by luxor311]

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Seems to be alot about A51 lately (or has it always been like that?).

I'm just wondering since you are so sure about your statements, how sure are you about your source?
As what kind of assignment does s/he have pilot, private contractor, scientist?
Full access to the base?
Could s/he be a disinfo agent?

I dont think A51 is the only base where research is being done in the US, but A51 do have some extreme security setup that no other base (?) have.

And, there have been some very strange sightings around A51, and for a long time.

There are alot that is unknown about that base, i wont make any guesses as of what they are doing

I am a sceptic, but i wont let the scepticism blind me from seeing possibilities.

Good thread

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 06:08 PM
I don't know what kind of rock you prefer to hide under...
I served aboard 4 aircraft carriers Kitty Hawk, Ranger, Constellation and my favorite, Coral Sea, and, as is easily verifiable, they carry approx. 5,500 men (I served before the split-tails were allowed, sorry ladies) and usually 90 or so B1RD's. That being said, after all that time on board, I still don't know what went on below decks. It just wasn't any of my business. And, as the song goes, JIMMY CRACK CORN, I didn't care.
So, for you to say that everybody attatched to area 51 should know all is, well you say it. I'm too polite.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by Balez
Seems to be alot about A51 lately (or has it always been like that?).

I'm just wondering since you are so sure about your statements, how sure are you about your source?
As what kind of assignment does s/he have pilot, private contractor, scientist?
Full access to the base?
Could s/he be a disinfo agent?

I dont think A51 is the only base where research is being done in the US, but A51 do have some extreme security setup that no other base (?) have.

And, there have been some very strange sightings around A51, and for a long time.

There are alot that is unknown about that base, i wont make any guesses as of what they are doing

I am a sceptic, but i wont let the scepticism blind me from seeing possibilities.

Good thread

I think that most of the sightings in the past have been the development of the SR-71, B2 and the A117-Nighthawk. If you could see these things in an airshow you would swear they are ufo's. I couldent imagine what they look like at night in the testing phase.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 07:44 PM
I am kind of wondering - who that guy was referring to... when he said 'Disinfo agent.' Weird. I am just here - in support of Luxor's assessment that the S-4 may not be as uncommon as people think that it is. Until Bob Lazaar came along - no one really cared about it.... and it has been there-- probably 30 years prior to him.

My access came - when I was on a 'Redflag' - with the 59th AMU - out of 33 TFW - Eglin - 'Gulf Spirit' Squadron - for any ex-mils out there. We drove through there twice a-day for more than 3 weeks - sometimes stopped - dropped off some parts and civvies. I think Myrtle Beach has a bigger ACC facility. At night - we were housed in an old barracks - probably built in the mid-50's - way out in the middle of nowhere.

That range is a LOT bigger than just the airstrip and hangers. Anything could go on out there - I will grant you this. But spending 10 hours a day out there - for more than 3 weeks - I can tell you - anything phenomenal going on out there was not obvious - even when on the facilities. But... that was also 7 or 8 years before acknowledgement of that facility hit 'the air waves.'

Just wasn't very exciting out at Groom Lake. That is my point. I think if any of you read my other posts at ATS - you will quickly realize... that I certainly am not a 'disinformation agent.'

Anyway... now that the whole world knows of S-4; you've gotta believe that anything phenomenal has probably been transported elsewhere. Again.. I would look to Palmdale - or even as far as Vandenburg.

I know that I have seen some incredible technology - that to this day; people would not believe. But I wouldn't blame it on Zeti. No, we are quite capable of manufacturing unimaginably horrific payloads - all of our own design.

S-4 is most likely a 'red herring' folks.

posted on Feb, 8 2008 @ 11:58 PM
I have to agree with the original poster. I have been to Area-51, did the whole conspiranoid tourist thing, and while there is a lot of security to be sure, it seems a little exposed to be still be holding the secret of all secrets.

Now that said, there are supposedly railway tunnels beneath the US to transport military in the event of an invasion. If that's the case, I have to imagine Area-51 is part of a network of secretive sites, all connected.

I have to imagine that at this point, the real secrets are in the VERY remote areas, perhaps Siberia or Antartica. There are still place to hide things.


Bill Thuther

posted on Feb, 9 2008 @ 09:38 AM
To think that anyone knows everything that goes on at any military base, much less Area 51 is laughable. You could work in the same building as someone doing crazy, unimaginable top secret things, and you would never know anything about it, unless you needed to. Don't be naive enough to think that they keep anything outside for people to see, that have no need to see it. All those normal looking hangars and office buildings that you walk by could easily house anything ....

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 11:03 AM

Nothing much goes on there during the day. It seems almost deserted. Occasionally, a 727 will bring in some civilian contractors -


They are 737s! You are busted!

Just kidding!

posted on Feb, 10 2008 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Freelancer

Originally posted by luxor311
If this supposed alien technology exists it would be in society making billions and billions for some corporation not being "hidden".

Forgive me for asking, but would you know what an 'alien' piece of technology would look like in our society?

Silicon chip technology is very interesting. Making billions for many corporations both in civilian and military fields.

i'm sorry how much money do all the air craft that get tested at area 51 generate? theres your billions and billions (and billions) of dollars for some corporations right there

and he is right about the chip, fiber optics too, stealth technology is also 35+ years old at least someone said lockheed in 1958, so after they made the first stealth bomber, did they just quit making the next generation, making changes, innovating?

posted on Feb, 11 2008 @ 11:13 PM
Sounds like a disinfo attempt...or your just a bit naive

What makes you so certain there are no underground levels under area 51? Heck even hangars may conceal alien tech. Not saying this the case but its certainly possible. Ever hear of hangar 19 at wright patterson afb in ohio?

Sorry but there are just too many ufo reports in that general area for people to simply dismiss everything as bs. Just because some people worked there does not mean they saw fact they only see what they are allowed to see.

To take it a step further if some people did see "weird stuff" do you honestly think they will join ATS and spill the beans...hey guess what I saw?! LMAO Have you heard of Non Disclosure Agreements or CIA sponsored "accidents" when you don't abide by the rules? In fact I have read that mind control is being used now because its more effective than threating people. Do I believe everything? To be honest I don't know what to believe but I do think something weird is going on there as well as many other places such as DOE labs, AFBs, certain army and navy bases, etc. Most of the weird stuff is allegedly underground!

posted on Feb, 12 2008 @ 01:35 AM
Well put luxor311, It is quite clear what goes on out in that desert to anyone who can open there eyes, anyone thinking that there are E.T's or U.F.O's in the base are in my eye's crazy, it is a dev site and practice range that's all, yes there will be underground sections of the base but that in no way means that Alf the alien has landed and is working with the dev team

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